The Spanish king’s brother-in-law, Iñaki Urdangarin, today starts a six-year sentence for fraud, tax evasion and embezzlement and siphoning off 6 million euros in public money. His wife Princess Cristina was cleared of helping her husband to evade taxes but will be fined €136,950 for civil liability damages. The royal scandal played an important role in prompting the shock abdication of the former king, Juan Carlos, in 2014 and rocked the popularity of the monarchy. Cristina now lives in Switzerland with their children and was refused permission by her brother to move to Portugal to be near her husband in a jail near Madrid.
Urdangarin born 15 January 1968, two weeks before King Felipe, is a Sun Capricorn opposition a Cancer Moon, sextile Neptune. With his Neptune sextile Pluto Uranus in Virgo inconjunct an Aries North Node – ambitious, money-minded, slippery and at odds with the public mood. Even more pointedly he has another Yod of Saturn in Aries sextile Mercury in Aquarius inconjunct Jupiter with Jupiter opposition Mars in Pisces – a Yod apex Jupiter can be undone by over confidence and self-aggrandisement. Mars Jupiter is also opportunistic, having a tendency sometimes to play fast and loose with others’ money.
King Felipe, 30 January 1968 12.45pm Madrid, is a New Moon in Aquarius with the same Neptune sextile Uranus Pluto inconjunct an Aries Node pulling him in to the public eye; and a tough and frustrating Mars in Pisces opposition Pluto (Uranus).
The Infanta Cristina, 13 June 1965 12.30pm Madrid, has a 10th house Sun, Mercury in Gemini with North Node and Jupiter also in Gemini in the 10th and Venus in Cancer. Her Gemini planets square onto a tricky Saturn in Pisces in the 7th opposition Uranus Pluto Mars in Virgo and oppose a Sagittarius Moon. So an incredibly pumped-up, high-wire, explosively scattered Mutable Grand Cross. Saturn in the 7th hints at a more than usually difficult marriage especially with Saturn also opposing her Sun/Moon midpoint.
Her relationship chart with her husband has a self-protective, high-finance Water Grand Trine of Jupiter trine Neptune trine Saturn with Saturn opposition Venus Uranus and Pluto square Mars, so it was never going to be stable or sensible.
She has a long trail ahead for many years of Neptune hard aspects undermining her as they work round her Mutable planets. He won’t enjoy his prison time despite being in a low-security, high-comfort set up with tr Pluto conjunct his Sun in 2020/21.