Melania Trump’s ‘I Really Don’t Care, Do U?’ jacket on a border immigrant visit is mystifying if seen as a reflection of contempt for immigrant children. Her track record suggests she dresses deliberately, on occasion pointedly aimed at Trump. Remember the pink Gucci pussy bow shirt after Trump’s ‘grab them by the ..’ comments surfaced in 2016. And her Hillary Clinton/#metoo white trouser suit for the State of Union address after the Stormy Daniels’ furore erupted, and she refused to travel with her husband to the event. She started an anti-bullying campaign, refused to move to DC for her son’s sake. She may have signed the contract to put up with Trump for the duration but she’s not above getting subtle and not so subtle digs in.
Her Taurus Sun opposition Jupiter in Scorpio is getting rattled by tr Uranus from mid May this year till early 2020 which could be seen as a bid for freedom and independence. Though it kicked off with her kidney hospital procedure when tr Uranus was also square her Mars/Pluto midpoint which suggests it was more serious than was claimed. And that fairly catastrophic influence runs on and off into early 2019.
This year is mixed for her with jolting and discouraging tr Saturn opposition her Uranus and square her Moon, plus confused and sticky transits to midpoints; with some light relief in September/October; but a truly difficult 2019/2020 with major setbacks, frustrations and aggravation.
Her relationship with Trump hit a major collision over his election and in 2017; is having to accommodate a major adjustment from this July as tr Uranus trines the composite Pluto, and that runs into 2019. With a definite hint of power struggles between them in 2019/2020 as well as high anxiety and uncertainty.
Her relationship with Ivanka, never good at the best of times, is at daggers drawn at the moment, with escalating tensions through this year.
She must have known what she was doing when she lashed herself to Trump’s mast in 2005 – with a vulgarly over-ostentatious wedding. The wedding chart unsurprisingly has a bitterly angry, power-struggling, submit/dominate Mars Pluto conjunction and a grandiose Jupiter camouflaging a good deal of unhappiness. The wedding chart is sailing through especially troubled waters in 2019, worse in 2020.
My money would be on her trolling her errant spouse.