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China – life in the ancient dragon despite dire forecasts
Predictions of a financial crash in China are, according to Forbes, a fantasy, at least for the time being. Economic commentators do appear to be worse gloom-merchants than astrologers. Catastrophe lurks round every corner.
On the China chart there will be wobbles of financial uncertainty until tr Neptune clears the opposition to the 8th house Saturn this New Year; with more blips from tr Saturn square the 8th house Neptune through 2019 as well. But neither of those is earth-shattering. The imponderable is tr Pluto Saturn conjunct the 12th house Jupiter in 2019/2020. Tr Pluto should provide a boost, while Saturn does the opposite. So it may be stop-start or more likely a global Saturn Pluto recession will bite to some degree but it will be short lived. Especially with a Jupiter Return in 2020 and then tr Jupiter moving across the Ascendant a year later, along with Saturn.
The Bank of China chart, 1 December 1948 is showing a few belt-tightening moments this autumn and a few hiccups in 2019 but again nothing off the Richter-scale.
Xi Jinping’s Term chart 24 October 2017 12.30pm is having a bumpy ride ahead but is generally a lucky chart with an inspirational Fire Grand Trine of North Node trine Saturn Moon trine Uranus, formed into a Kite by Uranus opposition Sun and Jupiter, the latter two planets conjunct the midheaven from the 9th. 2020 does look troubled with tr Neptune square the Moon for an unhappy populace; and 2021/22 has an unstable tr Pluto square the Term Uranus.
In many ways China looks in better shape ahead than the USA or the EU.
Italy moves to the hot seat – EU cash disaster in 2019
The economic panic button has moved off Turkey onto Italy with Claudio Borghi, the chairman of Italy’s budget committee, sounding doom over the European Central Bank’s intention to cease to be the lender-of-last resort by the end of this year. He said, “The whole situation is unsustainable without an ECB guarantee, and the eurozone will collapse.”
Any rescue thereafter would require the backing of the EU bail-out fund (ESM), under draconian terms, subject to a vote in the Bundestag, which would not be acceptable to the new coalition in Rome. At which point they could activate their idea of a parallel currency to subvert monetary union from within. Any move by the ECB to extend bond purchases into next year would cause a political ruckus in Germany. Rock and a hard place which will push Brexit down the worry-list this autumn.
Italy isn’t like Greece or Portugal. It still has the EU’s second biggest manufacturing industry and a current account surplus and is a net contributor to Brussels. But it has had two lost decades since EU currencies were fixed. Prior to that it had a trade surplus with Germany. Ejecting Italy from the monetary union would be a disaster so won’t happen, with a chain-reaction of defaults, bringing down the European banking system with Germany losing around €2 trillion.
Matteo Salvini, strongman and Deputy PM of the government, is vehemently against what he describes as the ECB cage within which he says self-government is impossible – “the euro is a crime against humanity”.
It (or similar) certainly fits an astro-scenario on the EU chart with the Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the 2nd house Neptune, exact in around 9 months’ time. This could accompany widespread devastation. Followed in 14 months’ time, late in 2019, with the Solar Arc MC conjunct the 12th house EU Pluto which could suggest a variety of outcomes – from dirty tricks behind the scenes, to a dead-halt, to a bitter power struggle over future direction. By 2020 tr Neptune will square the EU Saturn for two years of panicky confusion and uncertainty.
The ECB 1 January 1999 12am chart is deeply aggravated this September and October; and looking flummoxed, directionless and sinking in a mire of confusion and disappointment with the Solar Arc Sun conjunct its Neptune in a year’s time.
The EU, ECB, Germany and UK have the tr Saturn opposition their respective Capricorn Suns this December for a sobering reality-check.
Both the Italy 17 March 1861 and the Republic 10 June 1946 in relationship to both the EU and Germany appear poles apart, tense, irritated through 2018/19. And the Italy 1861/Germany chart is especially at loggerheads in 2020/21 with tr Pluto opposition the composite Mars. No quick ‘n easy answers.
Pope Francis – a losing battle against sin in the Vatican
The child abuse horrors just keep rolling in for Pope Francis and the Vatican, despite his resolute words at the start of his papacy. There’s a damning report from Pennsylvania about sexual abuse by priests, collusion, cover up and intimidation to silence victims; a police raid on episcopal offices in Chile; a conviction in Australia and a major court case against a Cardinal archbishop due in France next year again on cover-up charges.
The post below was December 19 2017 and pretty much covers it. The Solar Arc Pluto square his Papacy Moon is almost exactly now.
December 19 2017 post:
Pope Francis, now 81, is approaching a fraught time in his papacy. On his election chart, 13 March 2013 7.05pm Rome, tr Saturn is about to square the Mars in early January for one setback and then square the 7th house divisive Uranus on and off throughout 2018. With the Solar Arc Pluto squaring the 7th house Moon, exact in 8 months’ time, which might suggest high emotional tensions.
Many of his much-vaunted reforms within the Vatican – financial, bureaucratic and the child abuse inquiry – have stalled, because of the resistance of conservatives who appear to be waging a bitter war against him. He is much loved outside amongst his 1 billion followers for his humility and vilified within, some believing he is veering towards heresy with his views on marriage for the divorced etc.
His personal chart, 17 December 1936 9pm Buenos Aires, shows him up against huge obstacles and hostility in 2017/18 with tr Pluto square his Mars; tr Uranus has also been rocking him on his axis in square to his Pluto in 2017 continuing through 2018. With an even sharper change of direction come mid May 2018 onwards into 2019 as tr Uranus is conjunct his midheaven, moving on to make a Uranus Return in 2019. I wouldn’t be remotely surprised if he followed Benedict’s path and resigned at some point. He looks disheartened by all the arguments and lack of support.
He was always going to be a difficult fit with the Vatican, 7 June 1920 11am, since his hope-for-a-better-society Saturn opposition Neptune squares onto the Vatican New Moon in Gemini; and the Vatican’s rigid and self-righteous Saturn in Sagittarius is conjunct his Sun. The Vatican chart itself looks demoralised at the moment and more so in 2018/2019 as tr Neptune squares the Moon and then Sun.
Add on: The Vatican chart has Moon, Sun, Mercury in Gemini catching the tr Neptune squares right through till early 2021 which will be debilitating and lower morale as well as probably leading to weasel words of apology that don’t mean much. It’ll regain confidence in 2024/25 presumably under the next Pope.
Omarosa and Trump – not much to choose between them
The slagging match between Trump and Omarosa Manigault has reached a new low with him referring to her as a ‘dog’ and a ‘crazed low life’ on a tweet. She claims there is a tape of him using the N-word; and her book Trump Unhinged has evoked a robust defence from the White House describing it as ‘riddled with lies.’
Born 5 February 1974 10.54pm Youngstown, Ohio, she’s had a gothic life with her father murdered when she was 7; her brother murdered seven years ago and her boyfriend dying of a heart attack when he was 55. She worked with the Clinton Administration and Al Gore and was described by staff as ‘disruptive’ and ‘the worst hire we ever made.’ She then became ‘the woman America loved to hate’ on The Apprentice for ‘her controversial, blindsiding, alienating, dog-eat-dog, in-your-face and acrimonious tactics’ (wiki). She continued on various reality shows and eventually threw her lot in with Trump’s campaign.
She has an attention-grabbing 5th house Sun Jupiter in Aquarius in an Air Grand Trine to Uranus trine Saturn, so quick witted, emotionally detached. Where her awkward-squad attitude stems from is probably her 8th house Mars in formidably determined Taurus square Jupiter and Sun. Not a lady who does things by halves and certainly a volcanic temper when it gets triggered. With slippery Neptune in her communication 3rd.
Her Saturn is conjunct Trump’s Sun and opposition his Moon, so there would be barriers, with him feeling belittled. Her Sun opposes his Pluto and her Jupiter opposes his Mars, which is a mix of negative and positive as he controlled her and both would egg each other on into impetuous actions – OK for reality TV, less so for the White House.
Their relationship chart has a confident, adventurous composite Sun Venus trine Jupiter trine Uranus. Where it comes apart at the seams is a hard-edged, cruel Saturn Mars square Moon which is aggravated, angry, resentful – and all the rest followed. Plus an evasive, distrustful Mercury opposition Neptune which also picks up the unfair Mars Saturn. Clearly under pressure this year with tr Saturn in hard aspect to the Moon and Mars Saturn into early 2019, their relationship won’t improve in 2019/2020 with tr Uranus conjunct the composite Mercury for more outbursts and opposition the Neptune.
She doesn’t look in good spirits ahead with setbacks and swamps till early 2019 and a really tough, discouraging slog thereafter for a couple of years.
Princess Anne – a dedicated trouper
Princess Anne, the hardest working of the Royals although only 13th in the line of succession, is 68 today. She’s managed to keep her head down and keep herself and her children largely away from the spotlight. On her second marriage to Vice-Admiral Tim Laurence, she has four granddaughters.
Born 15 August 1950 at 11.50 am London, she has a determined and ambitious 10th house Sun Pluto in Leo, so will be controlling, influential, designed for a life of public service being 10th house. She also has a hard-working, overly-conscientious, rather gloomy Moon, Mercury, Saturn in Virgo. Happily she has Jupiter in her 5th house which rules children and sport, both of which give her great pleasure, having moved from her earlier equestrian activities at Olympic level to sailing.
Her Jupiter is in an emotionally self-protective and healing-for-others Water Grand Trine to Uranus in the far-travelled 9th trine Mars in doubly-determined Scorpio. She’s been President of Save the Children since 1970.
She’s looking a touch undermined and discouraged over the next three years with tr Neptune opposition her Moon, Mercury and Saturn – which may be connected to both her parents being in their 90s.
She is moving into a time of change with tr Uranus opposition her 1st house Mars this year and next, then moving to square her midheaven in 2019. She has a cool, slightly fractious relationship with Prince Charles, which may make the final handover a considerable challenge for her. She’s always been close to her father and is her mother’s rock when needed, as at the time of the palace break in. Although her Solar Arc Pluto conjunct her Ascendant within eight months may see her digging in her heels for more say over her role.
Pic: Chatham House.
Jeremy Corbyn – hates backing down
Jeremy Corbyn has been on the receiving end of a string of media attacks for anti-Semitism in the Labour Party, his support over the years for terrorist leaders, and outraged headlines over his supposed commemoration of a Palestinian Black September leader (hotly denied).
Whatever the absolute truth or otherwise of the accusations, he’s making a hotch of defending himself. He’s always been an odd figure as a contrarian MP since 1983, disregarding the party whip and going his own way for three decades plus before getting catapulted into the leadership almost by mistake.
Born 26 May 1949 in Chippenham to peace-campaigning parents, he didn’t flourish at school and worked in trade unions before getting elected to Westminster. He’s a Sun Gemini with Venus Mercury and Uranus also in Gemini and an Air Grand Trine to Neptune trine Jupiter in Aquarius. A predominantly Mutable chart will make him scattered; and an Air Grand Trine is emotionally detached, a thinker and talker rather than a do-er, and can often be found in the charts of ideologues.
What gives him grit, never-say-die determination and probably attracts him to violent personalities is his Mars (Moon) in Taurus square Pluto and widely square Saturn in wannabe-important Leo. That will also be why he refuses to back down when faced with criticism.
He’s also got a Yod of Saturn sextile Uranus (both last anaretic degree) inconjunct Jupiter. Individuals with anaretic degree planets (Theresa May is another) have issues with decision-making. They dither around endlessly and then jump blindly into action without thinking which tends to end up in poor choices or overcompensation. An apex Yod Jupiter can have an impact on society, but tends to be disorganized and can bring an over developed sense of self-importance which can be a real weakness. Yods also bring a fated change of direction which allows the energy to flourish.
At the moment he’s got his Solar Arc Uranus square his Sun for a mighty upset; plus tr Neptune square his Mercury and Venus leading to poor communications and unpopularity through 2018/19. Exactly now and all this month tr Pluto is trine his Mars for frustrating confrontations that leave him aggravated and trapped. That influence repeats later in the year.
His leadership chart, 24 September 2016 12.51 pm London, passed its peak earlier this year with Solar Arc Sun conjunct Jupiter, which is now waning. Where it runs into real trouble is from the end of March 2019 when tr Pluto starts to square the Term Uranus, on and off till late 2020, which is often a topple-off-the-perch time. Before then tr Neptune opposes the Mercury, now and on and off into 2019 which is mis-communication and muddled messages. There’s also a collision-shock of Solar Arc Mars square Sun, exact in 2020. Plus tr Uranus opposition the Venus in September and again early 2019, which suggests a popularity upset.
The leadership chart does have an emphasised Saturn in Sagittarius square Neptune opposition a Virgo North Node which suggests a prickliness about criticism and a strongly self-righteous streak.
Aretha Franklin – Young, Gifted and Black
Aretha Franklin, the “Queen of Soul”, one of the best selling artists of all time, appears to be getting hospice care at home having been ill for a number of years, though she was still performing late last year.
She was born 25 March 1942 10.30pm Memphis Tennessee to a well-known itinerant preacher father who was known for his “ million-dollar voice” and a musical mother. Her parents separated and her mother died when she was 10 at which point she started singing gospel and accompanied her father on his gospel-caravan tours, having many musical performers either caring for her, like Mahalia Jackson, or visiting their home. She had her first child at 12 by a school friend, her second at fourteen and had two more in her 20s, and has been married twice.
She has a go-ahead Aries Sun in her performing 5th house trine Pluto; with her Venus in Aquarius square Uranus Saturn in Taurus in her 7th – so not an easy emotional life, with an abusive first marriage. Her Cancer Moon in the religious 9th is trine Mercury in musical Pisces. And she has a T Square of Mercury opposition North Node square an 8th house Jupiter Mars in Gemini – she wouldn’t ever be short of enthusiasm and good luck. Her Uranus is in a creative trine to Neptune.
Tr Neptune has been moving round her T square over the past two years which would lower her energy; and her Solar Arc Mars was square her Saturn last year and now moving towards the square to her Uranus, which would bring considerable stress.
Her musical, artistic 7th Harmonic is particularly strongly aspected with a New Moon in Taurus, a lucky Earth Grand Trine and a life-of-pain-and-anger Mars Pluto.
A lovely lady who has lived a full life and then some.
Italy Bridge Collapse – a Neptune Pluto horror
Over 20 have been killed and dozens more are feared dead when a motorway bridge collapsed at 11.30am this morning in Genoa, Italy during a fierce thunderstorm, with cars and trucks falling 300 feet onto rail tracks below.
It happened when Pluto and Mars in Capricorn were straddling the IC which is brutal enough. And the weekend’s Solar Eclipse at 18 Leo was opposition the Eclipse Neptune/Pluto midpoint, aspected also by Venus and Saturn, which is often around during major disasters.
This recent Eclipse also had Pluto and Mars straddling the IC set for Genoa; the late July Lunar eclipse had Neptune on the Ascendant and Venus on the Descendant; the mid July Solar Eclipse had Neptune on the MC and Saturn on the Descendant. So it was a significant location with planets on the angles.
The Italy 17 March 1861 chart does look shaken at the moment with tr Neptune square the Sun/Saturn midpoint, which Ebertin connects to unexpected events to do with flying and water; and disintegration. Which isn’t, tragically, too far off the mark.
Apart from that all that’s showing on the Italy chart is an overdose of Jupiter which oddly enough often does accompany disasters. The weekend Leo Solar Eclipse was conjunct the Italy Jupiter; and tr Pluto is conjunct the Solar Arc Jupiter and both conjunct the Italy North Node. The Italy Neptune/Pluto midpoint is also being sparked up this year by tr Pluto square, back to the exact aspect in September and October. There must have been sub-standard building materials used which is a scary thought.
What with bridge collapses, burning-car rioters in Sweden and another terrorist car attack in London, the Mars opposition North Node square Uranus is making its explosive and disruptive presence felt.
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