Two Eclipses down, one to go, a partial Solar Eclipse on 11th August at 18 degrees Leo. In a Saros Series Bernadette Brady ascribes to transformation and rebuilding, though it can start with a collapse of old plans.
What’s most notable is that the New Moon is on the apex of a Yod to Pluto sextile Neptune and exactly in opposition to the Neptune/Pluto midpoint. This will give a supernatural tinge to events and feelings, with clairvoyant or mystical visions; and/or bring confusion, fantasies, falsehoods and strange obsessions. Neptune Pluto can be scandal-prone, induces megalomania in some, especially with an apex Sun. Venus square Saturn is also in minor aspect to Neptune/Pluto. Be interesting to see what all of this throws up.
The Eclipsed New Moon is also square Jupiter – expansive, promises more than can deliver, over-confident.
The explosive and disruptive Mars, North Node, Uranus T square is still in place though not in aspect to the Eclipse itself.
Uranus in on the MC located to DC and USA East Coast; and the New Moon is exactly conjunct the MC in Israel.