David Cameron, former PM who pressed the button on the Brexit referendum then resigned in the aftermath of a result he hadn’t expected, has let it be known that he’s bored witless and would like to return to front line politics – to loud guffaws from the media and cartoonists.
I would have to confess I never quite ‘got’ Cameron either in the political flesh or astrologically. The charm and smarm is obvious from a Sun Venus in Libra and a Moon Jupiter in Leo in an over-promising square to Mercury in Scorpio. What runs across that grain is a leading-edge, revolutionary Uranus Pluto in Virgo is a persevering and depressive opposition to Saturn, sextile/trine Neptune – and if his birth time of 5.30am is accurate, square a Gemini midheaven. With Neptune opposition an 8th house Node in Taurus widely square a 12th house Mars in Leo. It’s almost as if he has three completely different strands to his character which have never quite integrated – all that showed was the outer shell with no real inner substance.
What certainly didn’t help him, birth time being sound, is he was elected PM when tr Saturn was on his Ascendant moving downwards through his First Quadrant which is usually a time of mis-steps on the ambition front and ego-dents. He’s out of that from late last year so will want to be more visible in the outside world in the years ahead.
But feeding his ego isn’t where it’s at until tr Neptune heads out of Pisces in the mid 2020s since it’s moving through his 6th and opposing his Pluto, Uranus, conjunct his Saturn and square his midheaven from 2020 till 2024. He be better advised to go down the David Milliband route onto an international humanitarian track.
Cameron looks discouraged and nervy this year and next; seriously jangled in 2020. He’ll get some lift from tr Uranus square his Jupiter in early 2019 but that’s about it.
He isn’t quite as disliked by the UK as Tony Blair – Blair’s relationship chart with the UK makes you wonder how he ever got elected with a composite Uranus opposition Mercury square Mars Pluto. Cameron’s relationship with the UK show some positives and a resentful stuck-with-him-for-now but there’s no indication of a shit there. His relationship charts with the Conservative Party 1912 and 1867 are definitely in the never-again category.
It’s not that he doesn’t have talent with a strong 5th and 17th Harmonic; though he’s also got an equally strong self-defeating 10H.
Add on: Two things of astrological note:-
His 2nd Term chart 8 May 2015 12.30pm had bulldozer Mars in Taurus in the 10th conjunct Algol, the destructive Fixed Star, which makes sense of Brexit. Plus a Yod of Neptune sextile Pluto inconjunct Jupiter in Leo, of which Tierney says: ‘Allows a strong impact on mass consciousness but ultimately with fateful consequences often brought by the individual’s self-aggrandizement.’ Plus the uncertain Saturn square Neptune; and disruptive Uranus square Pluto Moon. And a very accentuated 7th house Neptune hinting at lack of commitment to agreements.
His personal chart was odd at the time of Brexit with his Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his 12th house Uranus exactly and tr Jupiter in the aftermath conjunct his Pluto Uranus. That usually suggests a release of tension – ‘thank heavens that’s over.’ Which I rather took at the time for being a sign he’d got the result he wanted. But looking at it now, it’s arguable he actually wanted to give up. Tr Pluto had been squaring his Sun in the previous 18 months putting him under immense pressure to change. And at Brexit in June 2016 tr Pluto was also exactly trine his 8th house North Node in Taurus, which is obscure but there were undoubtedly tectonic shifts going on deep in his unconscious.
I go back to my earlier point of him not having integrated his Uranus Pluto Saturn into his life. And that’s his challenge now. He’s like an addict having a relapse wanting to go back to what was familiar rather than striking out in a direction that would release his full potential. He’s got talent, but he became PM too young with not enough experience of life.