David Cameron – can’t get over his withdrawal symptoms *Add on


David Cameron, former PM who pressed the button on the Brexit referendum then resigned in the aftermath of a result he hadn’t expected, has let it be known that he’s bored witless and would like to return to front line politics – to loud guffaws from the media and cartoonists.

I would have to confess I never quite ‘got’ Cameron either in the political flesh or astrologically. The charm and smarm is obvious from a Sun Venus in Libra and a Moon Jupiter in Leo in an over-promising square to Mercury in Scorpio. What runs across that grain is a leading-edge, revolutionary Uranus Pluto in Virgo is a persevering and depressive opposition to Saturn, sextile/trine Neptune – and if his birth time of 5.30am is accurate, square a Gemini midheaven. With Neptune opposition an 8th house Node in Taurus widely square a 12th house Mars in Leo.  It’s almost as if he has three completely different strands to his character which have never quite integrated – all that showed was the outer shell with no real inner substance.

What certainly didn’t help him, birth time being sound, is he was elected PM when tr Saturn was on his Ascendant moving downwards through his First Quadrant which is usually a time of mis-steps on the ambition front and ego-dents.  He’s out of that from late last year so will want to be more visible in the outside world in the years ahead.

But feeding his ego isn’t where it’s at until tr Neptune heads out of Pisces in the mid 2020s since it’s moving through his 6th and opposing his Pluto, Uranus, conjunct his Saturn and square his midheaven from 2020 till 2024. He be better advised to go down the David Milliband route onto an international humanitarian track.

Cameron looks discouraged and nervy this year and next; seriously jangled in 2020. He’ll get some lift from tr Uranus square his Jupiter in early 2019 but that’s about it.

He isn’t quite as disliked by the UK as Tony Blair – Blair’s relationship chart with the UK makes you wonder how he ever got elected with a composite Uranus opposition Mercury square Mars Pluto. Cameron’s relationship with the UK show some positives and a resentful stuck-with-him-for-now but there’s no indication of a shit there. His relationship charts with the Conservative Party 1912 and 1867 are definitely in the never-again category.

It’s not that he doesn’t have talent with a strong 5th and 17th Harmonic; though he’s also got an equally strong self-defeating 10H.

Add on: Two things of astrological note:-

His 2nd Term chart 8 May 2015 12.30pm had bulldozer Mars in Taurus in the 10th conjunct Algol, the destructive Fixed Star, which makes sense of Brexit. Plus a Yod of Neptune sextile Pluto inconjunct Jupiter in Leo, of which Tierney says: ‘Allows a strong impact on mass consciousness but ultimately with fateful consequences often brought by the individual’s self-aggrandizement.’ Plus the uncertain Saturn square Neptune; and disruptive Uranus square Pluto Moon. And a very accentuated 7th house Neptune hinting at lack of commitment to agreements.

His personal chart was odd at the time of Brexit with his Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his 12th house Uranus exactly and tr Jupiter in the aftermath conjunct his Pluto Uranus. That usually suggests a release of tension – ‘thank heavens that’s over.’ Which I rather took at the time for being a sign he’d got the result he wanted. But looking at it now, it’s arguable he actually wanted to give up. Tr Pluto had been squaring his Sun in the previous 18 months putting him under immense pressure to change. And at Brexit in June 2016 tr Pluto was also exactly trine his 8th house North Node in Taurus, which is obscure but there were undoubtedly tectonic shifts going on deep in his unconscious.

I go back to my earlier point of him not having integrated his Uranus Pluto Saturn into his life. And that’s his challenge now. He’s like an addict having a relapse wanting to go back to what was familiar rather than striking out in a direction that would release his full potential. He’s got talent, but he became PM too young with not enough experience of life.



Liev Schreiber – talent shaped by an offbeat childhood



Liev Schreiber, star of Ray Donovan, is set to make his debut as host of Saturday Night Live next week. Ray Donovan is now into its sixth season, having broken viewership records for its pilot in 2013 and garnering Schreiber continuing acclaim for his role as a fixer who arranges bribes, payoffs, threats, and other shady activities for his clients. He’s had an extraordinary career, juggling roles in horror movies, blockbusters and indie films alongside highly praised performances on stage in classical drama; as well as directing and producing.

He was born on 4 October 1967 10.30am San Francisco, with a far-left hippie mother, a friend of William Burroughs, who after a bad acid trip was hospitalized and when threatened with being institutionalised, fled with him. His father kidnapped him but his mother got full custody and he grew up in poverty, having to adapt to her eccentricities. Her mother (his maternal grandmother) had been lobotomized. He lived in an ashram in his teens.

He has a friendly 11th house Libra Sun and Libra Moon on the cusp of the 12th. His Sun opposes Saturn in forced-to-be-self-reliant Aries in the 5th. He has Jupiter Venus on his Midheaven, which will give him great charm and also can be an indication of a drama-queen mother. The rebellious, chaotic Pluto Uranus in Virgo is in his 10th, again a hint of an unpredictable mother and suiting him for a constantly changing career. Uranus Pluto square Mars in Sagittarius in his 2nd, which has channelled his angst into making money.

A New Yorker profile of him said: ‘To a large extent, Schreiber’s professional shape-shifting and his uncanny instinct for isolating the frightened, frail, goofy parts of his characters are a result of being forced to adapt to his mother’s eccentricities. It’s both his grief and his gift.’

His long-term-relationship with Naomi Watts, mother of his two children, broke up two years back as the tr Uranus square tr Pluto was battering on his Sun/Moon midpoint. And he’s gradually easing out of a lower-profile phase which often brings up personal issues with tr Saturn now heading for his 3rd house – and a good deal ahead for him. He looks upbeat and confident at the moment; with a few rocky moments as well as success in 2019/2020. With Saturn in the 5th the likelihood is he will more and more veer to the organizational side of the entertainment business.

His artistic and ‘seeking soul’ 7th harmonic is strong; and his actor’s 15H very confident.

John McDonnell – at odds with his chief



The rift between UK Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn and his Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, which has been growing in recent months, widened post the Budget. McDonnell, despite being even further left, didn’t oppose Hammond’s tax cuts with his eye on the road to power; while Corbyn stuck to his ideological guns. Corbyn avoids what his aides contemptuously call “the MSM” (mainstream media) and bristles about criticism of anti-Semitism. McDonnell on the other hand has gone on a media blitz recently and has been frank about his doubts about how the anti-Semitism allegations were handled.

They stuck together through the wilderness years with a common enemy but nearly winning the last election has sent them off on different trajectories.

McDonnell’s ultra-determined Mars Pluto in flamboyant Leo is conjunct Corbyn’s Pluto and square Corbyn’s equally do-or-die Mars in Taurus. Those are powerful energies and useful when focussed outwards; but once they start to creep into a relationship it ends in a bitter power struggle.

Their relationship chart is volatile at best with a composite Mars Uranus conjunction and that is getting knocked sideways this year with tr Saturn in opposition. Plus tr Neptune is undermining the composite Saturn till late 2019 for suspicion and doubts between them; and the pressures will increase probably to breaking point in 2020/2021 with tr Pluto opposition the composite Sun Mercury. It’s almost more conflicted than the Tony Blair/Gordon Brown relationship which did so much damage to the Labour Party.

McDonnell, 8 September 1951, looks seriously jangled this December and January 2019, and undermined till late 2019.

So close yet tantalisingly so far.

See Jeremy Corbyn post: August 15 2018

Rio Ferdinand – through loss and grief to hope



Former footballer Rio Ferdinand, now a TV pundit, is to marry again after his first wife died tragically of cancer in 2015 leaving behind three children. His subsequent book and documentary Being a Mum and Dad were widely praised for his honesty about his emotional turmoil at the loss. His new fiancé, proposed to on a Dubai rooftop and headlined in the Daily Mail, is Kate Wright, a former reality soap star with a bikini-filled Instagram.

He was born 7 November 1978 in London and took classes while growing up in gymnastics, theatre and ballet as well as football. During his long career on the field he came to be regarded by many to be one of England’s greatest ever players. Though he did have a few tabloid controversies along the way (see wiki).

He’s got a strong chart with Sun, Venus, Uranus in Scorpio – an intensely charming maverick; that squares onto a confident Jupiter in flamboyant Leo perhaps opposition an Aquarius Moon.

His wife-to-be, born 3 June 1991, is a Sun Gemini with an Aquarius Moon, Jupiter also in Leo and Venus in late Cancer.

Gemini and Scorpio aren’t an intuitively easy match though he’s betwixt and between having an Aquarius Moon as she has which will help, as will her Venus in home-loving Cancer. They have strong Saturn crossovers – her Saturn maybe conjunct his Moon and certainly opposition his Jupiter; and his Saturn square her Sun – duty and career will come first. The relationship chart has a close-knit composite Sun sextile Pluto and square Saturn; with an exciting but needs-space Venus square Uranus; and an only-one-can-win Neptune square Mars. She’s already given up her career to look after his children. Won’t all be a walk in the park.

Arron Banks – a spot of legal bother



Arron Banks, a principal donor to the campaign to leave the EU, is facing a criminal inquiry after the Electoral Commission referred him and others to The National Crime Agency over suspected offences in the referendum campaign. The watchdog said it suspected Mr Banks was not the “true source” of loans to the campaign and the money had come “from impermissible sources”. Under UK law, loans and donations to registered campaigners can only come from permissible sources, which essentially excludes overseas or foreign funding. There are hot and supercilious denials from the Banks’ camp; and a twitter storm from Remainers who say Brexit should be delayed until the matter is fully investigated.

Banks born 22 March 1966 in Norwich, England, with his father a sugar-plantation manager in Africa largely absent, was expelled as a teenager from two schools, once for “an accumulation of offences”, including the sale of lead stolen from the roofs of school buildings and “high-spirited bad behaviour.” He’s been married twice, the second time to a Russian. His financial and commercial career has accrued him around £100 million, though it’s been littered with litigation and allegations of tax avoidance (see Wiki). In the run up to the Brexit referendum and Trump’s election he had several meetings with high-level Russians.

He has a go-ahead, combative and impulsive Aries Sun conjunct Mars and probably Moon also in Aries; with Saturn in Pisces opposition Uranus Pluto square Jupiter in Gemini – innovative, chaotic, determined, lucky, scattered. His Neptune is opposition the North Node in Taurus which often gets embroiled in financial tangles and is trine Saturn. His Sun and Mercury are both conjunct his hard-edged Mars/Saturn midpoint.

For all his bravado in the face of a criminal inquiry he does have tr Pluto picking up the exact square to his Uranus/Neptune now till mid-December which is calamitous, loss-making and suggests he’ll have to give way. And a setback tr Saturn square his Sun/Mars exactly now, moving on to square his Mars in mid this December, so generally bad-tempered and confused. Tr Pluto is ploughing through heavy seas in 2019/20 as it hits two of his Saturn and one Uranus midpoint. With moments of high insecurity in May 2019 and then great relief a month later. Tr Neptune is also opposing his Uranus Pluto on and off till late 2019, before moving on to square two of his heavier Saturn midpoints in 2020/21 which doesn’t look reassuring.

He’s wriggled out of a fair few tight corners in his life and is no doubt gambling that this time round won’t be any different. On the other hand his 10th Harmonic – the rise and fall fickle-finger-of-fate-one is strongly aspected.

His relationship charts with both Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage look v strained at the moment.

Brad Parscale – here we go again (sigh)



Trump who clearly prefers campaigning to actually running the USA has already indicated he is gearing up for another go in 2020. If America spent a hundredth of the money that is thrown in obscene quantities at elections on sensible domestic projects, it’d be a better country. And we’d all get less bored lurching from one political frenzy to the next before you can draw breath.

He’s named Brad Parscale as his campaign manager (for now) who was the Digital Director running into 2016 and has worked for the Trump Organization since 2011.

Born 3 January 1976 in Topeka, KS, he’s got a Capricorn Sun on the focal point of a T Square to a pushily-confident Pluto opposition Jupiter in Capricorn; plus a publicity-seeking Mars in Gemini opposition Neptune; and a wannabe-important Saturn in Leo opposition Mercury (Moon) in Aquarius square Uranus in Scorpio – well-suited to high tech and all matters innovative.

Tr Saturn will dent his enthusiasm as it hits his Sun, Jupiter, Pluto through 2019 though that could just be excessively hard work. But tr Neptune square his Mars till late 2019 doesn’t look successful. Plus major upheavals from tr Uranus hitting on his Saturn, Mercury and Uranus in early and later 2019. Plus he has a ‘shocking setback’ Solar Arc Mars conjunct Saturn in 2019; and a rerun of the same from Solar Arc Saturn square his Mars in 2020.

It’s not the greatest of matches with Trump with Parscale’s Mars conjunct Trump’s Uranus; and Parscale’s Uranus square Trump’s Pluto – though that latter could be his IT-input.

The relationship chart has a wildly over-enthusiastic and risk-taking composite Mars opposition Jupiter square Mercury, which will be under considerable pressure in 2019. The composite Mars is also in a ratchety conjunction with Saturn, which will be stretched to breaking point in terms of temper in 2020/2021.

Trump went through several campaign managers as I recollect last time so he may not stay the course.

Whitey Bulger – mob boss meets his maker



Whitey Bulger, the infamous Irish-American mob boss has been found dead in prison with some reports talking of another prisoner heing questioned over his death.

His reign in the Boston underworld was aided by crooked FBI agents in the 1980s for whom he was an informant, and he later went on the run for 16 years, living incognito by the California. Once captured he was charged with 32 counts of racketeering and firearms possession including allegations that he was complicit in 19 murders and was given two life sentences.

Born 3 September 1929, he grew up in poverty and took to street crime early, though two of his brothers excelled at school and one became President of the Massachusetts Senate.

He was a New Moon and Neptune in Virgo. With an explosive Mars opposition Uranus, widely square Pluto in Cancer, and also sextile/trine Venus in flamboyant Leo.  His Uranus was on the apex of a Yod inconjunct his Sun sextile the South Node in Scorpio – not a natural fitter-in to society. Plus an unaspected Saturn in self-righteous Sagittarius which would make it difficult for him to integrate rules and social order into his life.

His 18th Harmonic is heavily aspected – a risk-taker, rebellious, and emotionally bleak. Latterly he thought of his life as wasted.

Niels Hogel – world’s worst serial killer



Niels Hogel, an ex-nurse in Germany has admitted he murdered 100 patients, making him one of the world’s most prolific serial killers. He administered fatal doses of medication to the people in his care – causing cardiac arrest – to impress colleagues by trying to revive them. He is already serving a life term for six deaths while in his care.

Born 30 December 1976 in Wilhelmshaven, Germany, he has a Capricorn Sun square Pluto and sextile Uranus. With a wide opposition between a wannabe-important Saturn in Leo opposition Venus in Aquarius in an over-confident square to Jupiter which would tend to make him intolerant, dogmatic and opinionated. His Mars in late Sagittarius aspects his delusional Neptune/Pluto midpoint and his autocratic Saturn/Uranus. And his Jupiter opposes his brutal Mars/Pluto, so he’d glorify in what he’d done.

His 5th harmonic, often associated with a dominating personality who wants to recreate the world as it suits him, is strong and cruel. His 9th harmonic – what gives him pleasure – has hints of megalomania. And his 18H, often found amongst serial killers; has a violently aggressive Sun, Mars, Pluto T Square.

Civil Wars and splits – England, Syria, Russia, India



The English Civil War of 1642,  between Parliamentarians and Royalists vying for the power to govern, ended in a short-lived republic under Oliver Cromwell until King Charles 11 was restored to the throne. Casualty estimates for military and disease deaths indicate England suffered a 3.7% loss of population, Scotland a loss of 6%, while Ireland suffered a loss of 41% of its population.

The devastation is clearest on the England 11 May 973 AD chart with the natal Sun Mars square Pluto having moved by Solar Arc to collide with the England Saturn; and both the Solar Arc Neptune and transiting Neptune were hitting on the England Pluto which also pulled in hard aspects to the England Sun Mars – a perfect storm of military brutality, extreme hardship and mass devastation and confusion.

The England 25 December 1066 chart had Solar Arc Mars opposition Pluto; with tr Uranus exactly square the 1066 Mars.

The traditional civil war signature is tr Pluto conjunct the Sun which was in place for the break up of the USSR, though it wasn’t exactly a war. Tr Pluto was also square the Russia Saturn then.

Syria in 2015 when the civil war erupted had a tr Pluto square tr Saturn which often accompanies a war; with tr Pluto heading to conjunct the Syria Capricorn Sun as it got fully underway; and Solar Arc Neptune hovering around the opposition to the midpoint between the Syria Saturn and the Syria Mars Uranus conjunction.  Uranus had just moved into Aries preparing for the rebellious square to Pluto in the next few years.

British India 1 January 1877 12am Delhi, at the bloody partition with Pakistan in 1947 which led to 14 million being displaced and well over one million dead did have a tr Mars Uranus in place in August 47 though it’s a minor enough aspect. Tr Uranus was square the India Solar Arc midheaven for a sharp change of direction. The Solar Arc Pluto had been in the devastating/confused square to the India Neptune in the run up; and the Solar Arc North Node was exactly conjunct Pluto pulling on the Fixed Pluto opposition Mars square Uranus T Square.

Usually it takes more than one influence to catapult a country into civil breakdown. The USSR break up happened at the time of the triple conjunction in Capricorn. The 1848/1850s upheavals all over Europe and elsewhere also occurred on a triple conjunction of Uranus Pluto Saturn in Aries, then moving together into Taurus, so quite a whammy.  Indian partition happened around the bleak Saturn Pluto in Leo; the Syrian Civil War on Uranus square Pluto.

The USA had tr Pluto conjunct its Cancer Sun in the early 1920s and showed no sign of fragmenting. The UK had tr Pluto conjunct the Capricorn Sun in the run up to the Scotland Independence Referendum so it was a possibility.  The USA won’t get tr Uranus conjunct its Mars until 2030 – and those Uranian hard aspects occur roughly every twelve years, so it’s been through a few since 1776. The UK gets tr Uranus conjunct its Mars around 2021.

No real conclusions except that its much like individuals, you can never quite gauge from the swirling cycles of differing influences what will prove a tipping point or indeed how the reactions will manifest. Some stand steady in the eye of the hurricane; some don’t.