Doreen Virtue – gave up her angel wings



Doreen Virtue, a hugely lucrative brand name in the angel and tarot cards publishing market had an epiphany at a church service in 2017, saw Jesus and gave up the New Age in favour of religious teachings.

She was born 29 April 1958 1am? Burbank, California, into a Christian Scientist family, had clairvoyant experiences from childhood, speaking to spirits; and has been married and divorced four times.

She has a Taurus Sun opposition Neptune conjunct her Scorpio MC square Uranus in her 7th.  Uranus Neptune can be fairly fanatical in beliefs which are not always conventional. Uranus in the 7th is a pointer to multiple relationships. Her 8th house Pluto and Virgo Moon would put her in touch with the realms beyond surface reality.

Neptune in the 9th conjunct Midheaven makes sense of a psychic/spiritual career. She’s also got an entrepreneurial Fire Grand Trine of Pluto in the hidden 8th trine Saturn in can-be-religious Sagittarius trine Mercury in Aries, with Mercury opposition Jupiter in the 9th, forming  into a talented Kite.  So all that heavyweight Saturn Pluto fiery energy is being pushed into publishing (9th) and communication (3rd). She’s also got an ambitious-for-money Mars in her 2nd house of personal finances opposition Pluto in the business chart area. Her chart is a curious mix of deeply hidden and materialistic.

When she had her revelation on 7 January 2017, there was a strong Jupiter opposition Uranus square an exact Sun Pluto conjunction which would be both uplifting and heavily pressured. She was coming up to her Second Saturn Return which is a challenging time. More significantly her Solar Arc Pluto was just over the conjunction to her 9th house Jupiter which could have prompted an outpouring of belief; with tr Jupiter moving through her religious 9th about to conjunct both. And tr Saturn was conjunct her Solar Arc Jupiter pointing her in a more serious and/or conventional direction. Though she is continuing to market – with religious tracts and cards.

She’ll have more major changes to negotiate in 2020 with tr Uranus conjunct her Sun and square her Uranus.

Her birth time is questionable or at least not accurate to the minute so there may have been transits to the axis as well at the time.

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