US comedian Bill Cosby, formerly ‘America’s Dad’ has been sentenced to three to 10 years for sexual assault and categorised as a sexually violent predator, meaning he must undergo counselling for life and be listed on the sex offender registry. A former university basketball administrator described how Cosby, whom she had viewed as a “mentor”, had given her pills that left her “frozen” and unable to stop his assault. “After the assault, the shame was overwhelming. Self-doubt and confusion kept me from turning to my family or friends as I normally did.’ She wrote that she had stopped eating, sleeping and socialising. Tormented by nightmares, she finally told her mother the truth about what had happened. She said “Bill Cosby took my beautiful, healthy young spirit and crushed it. He robbed me of my health and vitality, my open nature, and my trust in myself and others.”
Born 12 July 1937 12.30am Philadelphia, he has a controlling 4th house Sun, Mercury, Pluto in Cancer in a pushily confident opposition to a successful 10th house Jupiter. With Sun, Mercury, Pluto is in a determined trine to Mars in ultra-determined and vengeful Scorpio which in turn is in a high-octane opposition to Uranus, which would make him erupt if anyone defied him. He’s also got an Earth Grand Trine of Uranus trine Neptune Moon in Scorpio trine a Capricorn MC and Jupiter – with Mars in Scorpio the driving planet of a Kite from that Grand Trine. It’s a heavyweight chart and then some.
He’s also got a sparsely aspected 12th house Saturn in self-reliant Aries which can be hard and unsympathetic. In the 12th it also suggests the lack of a strong male role model and lack of brakes. His father was away in Navy service during his early childhood. Interesting his Moon Neptune given his MO of drugging before assaulting. An almost unaspected Venus, apart from a sextile to Saturn, hints at a lack of perspective, and an inability to consider others’ needs, tending to act compulsively without restraint or moderation.
His reputation came crashing down as tr Pluto crossed his midheaven a few years back, though allegations had been circulating for years. Tr Saturn is now joining Pluto from later this year to put the final nail in the coffin of his career. Saturn moving through the 10th can consolidate success but it can also have the opposite effect of bringing chickens home to roost. Tr Saturn was crossing Nixon’s 10th as Watergate raged.
The trickster in his chart is his Jupiter which gives him confidence despite all and it is picking up the tr Pluto conjunction from early 2019 for two years, so he’s likely to be bullish in the face of his disgrace and incarceration. He’s not looking too happy at the moment and considerably edgy and accident-prone in this December and January 2019; with more serious setbacks next year.
He’s now 81 and legally blind and will probably go to his grave swearing he’s been badly done by.
Add on: His 5th Harmonic is exceptionally heavily aspected – it’s the get-it-together one, but can be dominating as the individual tries to remake the world according to their wishes. He’s also got an emotionally intense and manipulative Venus Pluto Sun T Square in his Wheel of Fortune, rise-and-fall 10th Harmonic. And interestingly a marked 18H which is often found with serial killers, so maybe it points to psychopathic traits.