Democrat Paulette Jordan is deemed to have a reasonable outside chance of becoming Governor of Idaho, which if she wins would make her the first Native American and first woman governor of what has always been a right-wing, conservative state. She is pro-Medicaid expansion, clean energy, pro decriminalizing of marijuana possession and the legalization of medical marijuana; and is personally pro-life, but supports abortion politically. She also holds a conservative view on gun control. There appears to have been some rumpus in her campaign recently with sudden staffer resignations and sharp comments made, which may tell against her.
Born 7 December 1970 Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, she’s a Sun Neptune in Sagittarius sextile Pluto with Neptune square Saturn in hard-working Virgo – idealistic, adventurous, a worrier. She’s also got a passionately enthusiastic Mars Jupiter in Virgo trine Venus in Capricorn; as well as an outspoken Mercury Uranus in Scorpio, which may on occasion cause her problems.
Over the election she’s got upbeat influences with tr Pluto square her Solar Arc Jupiter and tr Jupiter conjunct her Solar Arc Pluto, so she won’t be displeased with the outcome. Though she’ll slip and slide from late November and through 2019. She’ll be on a real high by 2020 when her Solar Arc Jupiter is conjunct her Pluto and tr Uranus trines her Jupiter – which look remarkably successful.