Michael Jackson – Sundance dropped a bombshell



Michael Jackson’s legacy will never be the same again say film critics who sat through Leaving Neverland, a gruelling four-hour documentary about sexual abuse allegations against the late King of Pop at the Sundance Festival. It features interviews from two men and their families, who detail “a portrait of sustained exploitation and deception, documenting the power of celebrity that allowed a revered figure to infiltrate the lives of starstruck children and their parents”. They talk of being made to watch hardcore porn and given alcohol aged seven, were persuaded women were evil; and as they grew older were replaced as the ‘special ones’ by younger boys. The Michael Jackson estate is shrieking blue murder and denying everything, calling it character assassination and pointing to the not-proven trials that were held.

It would have to be said I thought this argument had been categorically proven beyond all reasonable doubt years ago. Clearly not.

Jackson was born 29 August 1958 in Gary, Indiana with various birth times though 11.43pm is feasible with a scary-father 4th house Sun Pluto in Virgo – given the stories of his childhood with an abusive father. He had a 10th house musical Moon in Pisces in an emotionally chilly square to Saturn in defensive Sagittarius. With a sensual and determined Mars in Taurus in a none-too-sensitive square to Venus Mercury in Leo And an entertaining Jupiter in the 5th which is also the house ruling of children.

A 4th house Pluto would give him an obsessive need for control in his adult home life.

His superstar 22nd harmonic is strong and creative; but his what-brings-him-pleasure 9H is stark and ruthless.

For some posthumous predictions given the chart reflects his image – tr Uranus is opposing his 5th house Jupiter exactly now, shining a light in hidden places; and tr Pluto is about to trine his Mars from mid February on and off till late 2020 which can be a crushing, humiliating experience. And last but not least tr Neptune is about to conjunct his 10th house Moon within a few weeks, hanging around into 2020 which is undermining where status is concerned.

He certainly had a horrendous childhood, not only being beaten, but also being made to perform as a singing act in strip clubs. And clearly his emotional development got stunted. Which is no excuse for the celebrity mad parents who put their children in harm’s way, nor the general public’s inability to see what’s staring them in the face.

10 thoughts on “Michael Jackson – Sundance dropped a bombshell

  1. Absolutely Jay and Sparky. Celebs should not be above the law and should be treated the same as non-celebs.

    Marjorie has ‘commented’ on this astrologically but I think this is why I think the #metoo and other campaigns have emerged. To give ordinary folks like us justice. Or at least try too.

    I think it was because of Saturn conjunction Pluto? The old power structures are unravelling.

    Great site Marjorie.

  2. MJ’s career went into freefall after his 2005 trial, and it never recovered despite the not-guilty
    verdict. When he died four years later, the overall response was muted unlike the death of
    Bowie which was greeted with universal sorrow. Although steps have been taken to restore
    his image, this revelation will destroy it utterly, especially if more men step forward with
    more allegations.

    The warning signs were all there, but people chose to look the other way.

    Michael Jackson – a great talent, but a truly evil man.

    The sins of the father indeed.

    • Evil is in the eye of the beholder. Jacko became detached from reality and escaped to where he should not have gone. I recall an interview by Eddie Murphy; he firmly maintained that MJ needed to “find some friends his own age and to stop escaping to Neverland”. Jacko and his brothers were tormented, even tortured by the father.

  3. I’m no MJ fan, but I have my doubts about this documentary. One of the accusers has been extremely inconsistent regarding his allegations. I’m far more concerned about people like director Bryan Singer who, despite continued serious allegations made against him by many, is still being employed by Hollywood studios.

    • “One of the accusers has been extremely inconsistent regarding his allegations.”

      This would, in fact, be consistant with the profile of childhood sexual abuse survivors. I would challenge you to remember any emotionally intebse situation you were in at 10-11 years old. Now, if you can remember another people present in that situation, ask their memories on it. And now, imagine you both were intensely manipulated. You probably would not get a consistant stort out if it. More over, childhood abuse can trigger PTSD, as well as a host of other disorders that make survivor less credible in the eyes of general public. This was also one of the reasons it took literally decades to get into bottom of Catholic abuse cases. People who spoke to the press and authorities weren’t always the most well adjusted adults. And there’s also a gender bias. I think that Histrionic and Boarderline Personality Disorders especially tend to kill male witness credibility, while in women, they are specifically seen as a sign of abuse (not necessarily sexual) in childhood.

      Therefore, if anything, I would find a story that did not change in 20 years suspicious.

      • Yes, I realise I worded that clumsily. I apologise – I absolutely agree with what you say regarding abuse victims facing such obstacles in society. I really have been wrestling with this particular story in an attempt to arrive at the truth.

  4. Courts need to start jailing celebs (and non-celebs) who commit these kinds of deeds. That’s what courts are for. He was acquitted by a jury. People can’t be blamed for still believing he’s innocent. If he was so blantently predatorial as the movie suggests, any evidence would quickly show it. If courts are not going to convict any offending celebs, then they leave it to the media, social media and the public to decide. It’s a trend that’s messy and unfair.

    • The sheriff of LA once said that Michael Jackson had a new boy every year for decades, which everyone knew about, and the second that boy turned 12 or hit puberty, a new boy would appear and replace the old one. But they could never get anyone to testify because MJ’s lawyers would scare off the family and ruin their lives. Hence something called a Michael Jackson law, which means something like this, if you have evidence in a case like this you are compelled to testify whether defense
      lawyers threaten you or not.

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