Zimbabwe has lurched from one disaster into another, losing Mugabe in a coup in 2017 and gaining ‘The Crocodile’ Emmerson Mnangagwa as a replacement, his position consolidated by a disputed election in 2018. Violence has erupted recently over rising fuel prices, chronic daily shortages of banknotes, fuel, food and medicine and rampant unemployment and soaring inflation. The resulting savage crackdown by security forces against opposition politicians won’t help President Mnangagwa’s efforts to attract international investment.
Zimbabwe became independent at midnight on 18 April 1980 and should by the astrology be a successful enterprise with an entrepreneurial Fire Grand Trine of an Aries Sun trine Neptune trine Mars, North Node and Jupiter as well as Regulus; with the Sun opposition Pluto and the midheaven. Though if it became independent at midnight London time, it would put Mars in the hidden 8th, Neptune in the 12th and a dictatorial Pluto in the 10th which might make more sense.
But whichever, Solar Arc Saturn has been in a discouraging opposition to the Zimbabwe Sun over the past year; plus there is a pressured tr Pluto square Pluto, running at the moment, and on and off till late 2019. And the final aspect of the disruptive tr Uranus conjunct the Zimbabwe Sun and opposition the Solar Arc Saturn till next month – so it was always going to be a time of turmoil. And there’s nothing that looks too settled ahead with tr Pluto in a rebellious/revolutionary sextile to Uranus in 2020/21 running into a very challenging tr Pluto square the Sun in 2022/23.
Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Swearing In on 26 August 2018 at 1pm in Harare, again has a hopeful chart with an innovative, business-minded, practical Earth Grand Trine of a Virgo Sun trine Saturn trine Uranus, with the Sun opposition a Pisces Moon. Though there’s also an overly hopeful Jupiter square Neptune. Tr Uranus is in a volatile, insecure square to the Mars till mid February; and will come under greater pressure in 2022/23 when tr Pluto is in a deeply frustrating and blocked conjunction the Mars, in line with the indications of problems piling up on Zimbabwe’s chart.