Trump odds and sods.
The dominoes are falling one by one with Michael Cohen now sentenced and the tabloid rag, The Enquirer, formerly pro-Trump, now co-operating with the feds to stave off criminal charges. During the 2016 campaign and before The Enquirer savaged his enemies and paid to catch-and-kill negative stories about him, such as Playboy centerspread Karen McDougal’s allegation of an affair. Trump was close friends with The Enquirer (AMI) chief David Pecker but no more and it could bring more trouble depending on which beans get spilt, not just for Trump but also for Jared Kushner who was the middle man.
David Pecker, 24 September 1951, is a Sun Saturn in Libra with an ultra-determined and ruthless Mars Pluto in Leo. His relationship chart with Trump although superficially friendly with a composite Sun Venus, also has a very gritty composite Mars Saturn and Pluto which can easily turn into hostility. January and February 2019 will dent enthusiasm and trust between them – another bubble burst.
Jared’s relationship with Pecker is getting a cold frisson of concern later this month with confusion reigning and more than a fair few upheavals through 2019.
Mick Mulvaney, 21 July 1967, has been announced as the Acting Chief of Staff, tho’ he appears to be continuing in his old job as well. He describes himself as very right wing. He’s a late degree Cancer with probably a Capricorn Full Moon and a not very interesting chart. His relationship chart with Trump looks less than ecstatic over the festivities, edgy and nerve-stretched, with disappointment through January and more disruptions in February.
The word is the Chief of Staff has to get on with Ivanka and Jared, which given that Ivanka’s pushily confident Jupiter Pluto squares his Sun; and their relationship chart has a composite Mars Pluto for a bitter power struggle, doesn’t sound too likely. And with Jared it isn’t much better.
Amongst the many oddities of the Trump White House is the situation of Kellyanne Conway, Counselor to POTUS, wheeled out on the media frequently to be his cheer leader, married to attorney George Conway, who loathes Trump and says so publicly and often. They have four children.
Kellyanne, 20 January 1967, is a last degree Sun Capricorn or zero Aquarius opposition Jupiter in Cancer square Mars in Libra and possibly trine a Taurus Moon. Definitely a go-getter and an aggressive arguer. She’s also got a secretive, creative Water Grand Trine of Jupiter trine Saturn trine Neptune, formed into a Kite by Jupiter opposition Sun – ego-centric.
Her husband George, 2 September 1963, is a Sun, Venus, Uranus, Pluto in Virgo – leading edge, changeable, unpredictable; with Jupiter in pro-active Aries opposition Mars which is sextile/trine Saturn in knowledgeable Aquarius.
His earthy Virgo planets will suit her Taurus Moon and maybe Capricorn Sun or even an Aquarius Sun since all three can be workaholic signs and quite detached. And his Moon may be conjunct her Venus in Aquarius which is good; but so is his Saturn, which isn’t too warm. That apart there’s not much in the way of crossovers.
Their relationship chart has a composite Sun conjunct a vague, evasive Neptune on one side and widely conjunct an affectionate Venus on the other. With a high-tension, ups-and- downs T Square of Saturn opposition Uranus square Jupiter. Will depend a good deal on house placings which aren’t known without a birth time. But it doesn’t look that close.
Both of them have Mars in last decan Libra and individually as well as together they’re facing an aggravated and frustrated 2019/2020 as tr Pluto squares their Mars. So it won’t get easier.
Trump’s relationship with both is getting a serious shake up from July 2019 onwards, with trouble brewing before then.