The talented and beautiful Idris Elba – The Wire, Luther, Mandela – has married his Canadian model girlfriend Sabrina Dhowre in a lavish three day Moroccan feste. This is his third marriage.
Born 6 September 1972 in London he’s a dynamic Sun Mars in Virgo in a hard-edged square to Saturn in Gemini with Jupiter and Neptune in Sagittarius so very Mutable, and changeable, suited to a varied and fast-changing career.
His Venus in Cancer is conjunct Sabrina’s Sun Mercury in Cancer for an affectionate bond – 16 July 1989; and her Moon may be conjunct his Jupiter; with her Venus in Leo perhaps conjunct his Moon. So lots of pluses. Though her Uranus, Saturn, Neptune in Capricorn is square his Pluto and trine his Sun Mars, so there will be fiery moments and a few compromises to work out. Both are fairly unpredictable personalities.
The wedding chart has a Sun Uranus conjunction probably square an Aquarius Moon so it won’t be a conventional marriage. Both are independent-minded people and need space.
This is mirrored in the relationship chart which has a wide affectionate Sun Venus with the composite Sun in a close sextile to Pluto but also a needs-elbow-room square to Uranus.