The coronation ceremony of King Vajiralongkorn of Thailand began, at a time set by astrologers evidently as propitious, at 10.09 am this morning. Monarchs in Thailand, although constitutional, are God-Kings with semi-divine status and there are severe penalties for derogatory comments domestically which is tricky given the wild and way out past of the present incumbent. He’s been married four times with acrimonious divorces following each, has at least seven children and recently married his former bodyguard. He’s been described as ‘unpredictable to the point of eccentricity.’ The death of his pet poodle some years ago was followed by four days of Buddhist funeral rites. His father, the longest serving monarch of over sixty years, was much respected and revered.
The new king, 28 July 1952 5.45 pm Bangkok, has a charming, playboy’s Sun Venus in Leo in his 7th with a fearsomely determined, controlling and indulgent Mars in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus square a manipulative Pluto in his 8th and Venus. His Libra Moon is conjunct both Saturn and Neptune and square Uranus contributing to a chaotic emotional and family life.
He’s had nearly three years since the death of his father to acclimatise to his new role and looks suitably serious with his Solar Arc Sun conjunct his Saturn now though he’s also got a confused Solar Arc Venus conjunct Neptune. Tr Saturn is on his Ascendant moving downwards through a lower profile, less ambitious few years ahead so he may start with an understated, more reclusive phase.
His father King Bhumibol, 5 December 1977, was a better fit for Thailand with his Jupiter Uranus falling in Thailand’s 10th and he was anyway a more serious-minded Sun Saturn in Sagittarius.
His latest wife, now Queen Suthida, 3 June 1978, is a Sun Gemini opposition Neptune and trine Pluto, so not short of ambition; with a hard-edged military-style Mars Saturn in Leo but it’s an odd mix with her Venus conjunct his Uranus and square his Saturn Neptune; and her Uranus conjunct his Mars, which all look fairly explosive. Though worst of all her Mars Saturn is conjunct his Pluto which is unpleasant and cruel. No doubt she’ll go the way of his previous spouses at some point.
I’m never sure which system the Buddhist astrologers use to set auspicious times – start of Burma etc – but they certainly don’t coincide with western interpretations. This Coronation chart has a Mars inconjunct the Saturn Pluto conjunction which looks disaster-prone; with an exact unpredictable and disruptive Moon Uranus conjunction, widely conjunct the Sun. Plus an afflicted Neptune. Weird.