Kamala Harris was the front-runner from last night’s Democratic debate with the second batch of hopefuls.
Born 20 October 1964 9.28 pm Oakland, California, she’s a lively and entertaining 5th house Sun Libra opposition an Aries Moon; with an outspoken 3rd house Mars in Leo in a tough-minded opposition to Saturn; and a complicated sense of her roots with Uranus Pluto Venus in her 4th – her mother is Indian and her father Jamaican.
She does have tr Pluto trine her Jupiter from early 2020 onwards for two years which is usually successful and good for confidence, and is exact on Inauguration Day. Though there’s nothing showing on her midheaven or Solar Arc midheaven; and she’ll have Saturn Pluto (and Jupiter) all in the 8th then which feels more backroom than front of house. She does have her Solar Arc Full Moon sitting exactly on her North Node at the election which is fairly obscure but could land her in the middle of the zeitgeist. She’s certainly in with a shout.
Elizabeth Warren, 22 June 1949 1.51pm seems to have moderately impressed viewers but she’s sagging badly in 2020 with Neptunian sinkers plus a couple of collision Solar Arcs.
Joe Biden isn’t looking good this year or next with tr Neptune opposition his Mars/Jupiter midpoint which will erode his confidence.; plus a dashed-hopes tr Pluto square his Mars/Neptune midpoint in 2019/20 and across the election.
Peter Buttigieg see post March 19 2019.
Agree with Solaia – it’s hopeless with this number. The field needs to drastically slim down.