Jeremy Corbyn – tugged this way and that


Open warfare has broken out at the top in Labour, according to media reports. A BBC Panorama this week will look at the inept or malign mishandling of anti-semitism and bullying claims within the party. Jeremy Corbyn, it is said, is trapped by his two aides, Milne and Murphy (shades of Theresa May) and they need to go with ultimatums being delivered by Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell and ally Diane Abbott, who insist Corbyn needs to back a new referendum on Brexit.

Both McDonnell and Abbott have relatively similar relationship charts with Corbyn, both having the composite Uranus conjunct the Cancer Solar Eclipse this week giving a sharp jolt; and the upcoming Lunar Eclipse is in close opposition to the composite Sun, Mercury, Venus in McDonnell’s case and the composite Venus in Abbot’s – so a month for relationship crises.

Diana Abbott, 27 September 1953, also has tr Uranus square the composite Sunwith Corbyn this year into next which will put strain on the connection plus tr Saturn dampening enthusiasm and good feelings as it moves in hard aspect to Neptune, Jupiter and Mars till the end of the year; with more angst in 2020 with tr Saturn Pluto opposing the composite Venus.

John McDonnell, 8 September 1951, has a panicky, uncertain tr Neptune opposition the composite Saturn with Corbyn till later this year; tr Saturn square Neptune; and again worse in 2020 with tr Pluto opposition the composite Mercury, Sun and then Venus.

Not happy campers.

See previous post June 29 2019.

Jeffrey Epstein – facing justice, finally

Wealthy paedophile Jeffrey Epstein has been arrested for allegedly sex trafficking dozens of minors in New York and Florida between 2002 and 2005, and will appear in court in New York on Monday, according to law enforcement sources. The arrest by the FBI-NYPD Crimes Against Children Task Force comes 12 years after he got a slap on the wrist for allegedly molesting dozens of underage girls in Florida – a plea deal agreed by Alexander Acosta, Trump’s secretary of labor. For more than a decade, Epstein’s alleged abuse of minors has been the subject of lawsuits brought by victims, investigations by local and federal authorities, and exposés in the press. See previous posts for full details: March 7 2019 and November 30 2018.

Epstein, 20 January 1953 does have the catastrophic and scary/trapped Solar Arc Mars square his Pluto exactly now. Plus he has a panicky, undermining tr Neptune conjunct his Venus Mars in Pisces, running since last year as pressure built with a Miami Herald expose and repeating later this year. The Cancer Eclipse this week was conjunct his Uranus for a jolt and he also has the mentally pressured and confused tr Pluto conjunct his Mercury and square his Neptune, which latter trails through next year and then moves on to the even more worrisome (for him) and depressing square to the Saturn/Neptune midpoint and then Saturn running ahead for several years.

Finally, he gets his comeuppance.

Be interesting to see who of those mentioned as associated will be dragged in as well – Ghislaine Maxwell, Alan Dershowitz, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Donald Trump have all been mentioned and all hotly deny any allegations. See previous post.

MAD – end of an era


Mad, the satirical magazine, is winding down after 67 years having been losing circulation from its 1970s high of nearly 3 million readers. It started a tradition that spawned “Saturday Night Live,” “The Simpsons,” “South Park” and The Onion and influenced many comedians. One cartoonist said “For baby boomers, it was like the Bible. To my mind, it was where you found reality.”

The publisher who oversaw Mad for 40 years was William Gaines, 1 March 1922, who inherited a comic business from his father. He was a creative and quirky Sun Pisces conjunct Venus and Uranus in a defiant square to Mars in fiery Sagittarius. He may have had an entrepreneurial, inspirational Fire Grand Trine from Mars in a showbizzy trine to Neptune trine an Aries Moon. His communicative Mercury was in Aquarius which next to Sagittarius is a favourite comedian’s sign. His Mercury was in a confident trine to Jupiter and an artistic opposition to Neptune.

The first issue of MAD came out in August 1952 with no date but it was a momentous month with Jupiter in Taurus opposition Mars in Scorpio square Pluto (maybe Sun) in Leo opposition a North Node in Aquarius – definitely designed for the long haul and for sharp satire.

The first editor was Harry Kurtzman, 3 October 1924. He was a Sun Libra with Mercury in communicative Virgo in a rebellious and outspoken opposition to Uranus. He had creative Venus Neptune in flamboyant Leo in a showbizzy and enthusiastic opposition to Mars in contrary Aquarius.

It was a good partnership for four years with a composite creative and successful Water Grand Trine of Jupiter trine Pluto trine Uranus, formed into a Kite with Pluto in a ruthlessly determined opposition to Mars and square Saturn – it wouldn’t all be sweetness and light and Kurtzman did leave but it kicked it off in good style.

Al Feldstein who went on to edit MAD for twenty years, 24 Oct 1925, was a Sun Scorpio with a creative Water Grand Trine Pluto trine Uranus trine Saturn formed into a Kite by Pluto opposition Jupiter which squared onto Mars – talented, confident and didn’t pull his punches.

California earthquakes – waiting for more


A second larger 7.1 earthquake has struck southern California causing damage and injuries but no fatalities so far. The fear is that other quakes will follow which if they occur in heavily built up areas will do more damage. The 1994 6.7 Los Angeles quake killed 57 and cost many billions of dollars.

Earthquake prediction is an inexact science but notably the two largest 20th Century ones – the 1906 San Francisco quake and the 1994 LA one – happened with strong almost exact Uranus Neptune aspects, the first in opposition, the second in conjunction. There’s nothing like that astrologically around for many years to come.

On the California chart, 9 September 1850, both the 1906 and 1994 quakes had Solar Arc Neptune in hard aspect to the Uranus Pluto on the CA chart – the first conjunct and the second square. In both cases also the California Neptune in early Pisces was also badly rattled, in 1906 by tr Saturn in  Pisces and the Solar Eclipse conjunct; and in 1994 by Solar Arc Mars conjunct the CA Neptune. Neptune often crops up with natural disasters because of the confusion they cause; and in aspect to Pluto especially for devastation. Again there is nothing similar. And it may also ‘require’ more than one aspect to show up at the same time when the quake is activated.

On the Los Angeles chart, 4 September 1781, at the 1994 earthquake the Solar Eclipse three months previously was in Scorpio with the Eclipsed New Moon close to Pluto and all three conjunct the LA Jupiter. Again Jupiter often shows up at disasters – the amplification effect. There was also a Solar Arc Uranus just over the conjunction to the LA Pluto by a few months. The Solar Arc Saturn was moving towards the opposition to Mars which is accident prone.

The 1906 San Francisco 7.9 quake which killed 3000 people and destroyed 80% of the city, happened on the tr Neptune opposition Uranus in Capricorn which was sitting exactly on the San Fran Cancer Sun, 29 June 1776. Solar Arc Uranus was conjunct the SF Saturn for a massive jolt; and the Solar Arc Neptune was a year past the conjunction to the SF Pluto. The previous Solar Eclipse in early Pisces conjunct Saturn was square the SF Uranus and Solar Arc Pluto.

The California chart has Solar Arc Pluto Uranus opposition Saturn now; and Solar Arc Sun conjunct its Neptune in 15 months’ time. But its most tumultuous patch looks around 2023 when the late Aries Solar Eclipse will conjunct its Uranus Pluto with tr Pluto square and tr Neptune trine; and tr Saturn conjunct the Neptune; with Solar Arc Saturn moving from a hard aspect to Mars to Mercury. It may, of course, not be an earthquake, but it will be an exceptionally turbulent time.

The Los Angeles chart has a rebellious and unsettled tr Uranus square its Pluto this year and early in 2020; with Solar Arc Pluto in a confusing and devastating conjunction its Neptune in two years’ time. But nothing like as tricky as the early 1994 influences ahead.

The San Francisco chart has its Cancer Sun very close to the week’s Solar Eclipse with angular planets on the eclipse chart located there for a crisis or two. With tr Pluto trine Neptune this year and next; and an accident prone Solar Arc Saturn conjunct the SF Mars in 2021. But again not as strong as the 1906 influences.

Ann Widdecombe – causing another rumpus

The rotund and rather bizarre MEP for the Brexit Party Ann Widdecombe has bewed up a fuss remarking that leaving the EU is akin to slaves rising up against owners. She was a Tory MP for many years with trenchant right-wing views – against the legality of abortion, against various issues of LGBT rights such as an equal age of consent, supported the re-introduction of the death penalty and the retention of blasphemy laws. When she stepped down from Westminster she became more famous for various television appearances including Strictly Dancing. She is unmarried with no children, likes cats and lived with her mother until she died 12 years ago.

Born 4 October 1947 8am (from memory) Bath, England, she is a Sun Neptune and Venus in Libra with the unyielding Saturn Pluto in Leo in her 10th house of career along with an ambitious and entertaining Mars in Leo. Her Mars is in an outspoken and argumentative square to an intense Mercury in Scorpio. She has a deeply buried 8th house Taurus Moon in an indulgent opposition to Jupiter in Scorpio. Uranus in the 9th hints at views which run against the mainstream.

She looks as if she is in for a major setback over the next few months with her Solar Arc Saturn square her Mars and tr Pluto opposing her Saturn/Uranus and Uranus/Pluto midpoints as well as being in opposition to her midheaven (birth time being accurate). She’ll get a shot of enthusiasm in November but will generally feel unloved with tr Saturn square her Venus until December.

Surprisingly enough she has some reasonable crossovers with Nigel Farage with his Venus in Taurus conjunct her Moon and opposition her Jupiter; and his Jupiter falling in her 7th – though they make an unlikely pair.

If and when the UK exits the EU she’ll be back into retirement again. But is unlikely to go quietly into the night.

Harry & Meghan – misjudging the public mood


Meghan and Harry have blundered into a right Royal PR disaster with large KEEP OUT signs erected round the christening of baby Archie just as news of the £3 million taxpayer-funded revamp of their country cottage emerged. You can’t have one without the other. Take public funds and you have to play the publicity game.

Although Meghan is getting much of the flak for not understanding the rules, it’s just as likely that Harry with his visceral dislike of the media is behind it. He does have tr Saturn now moving through his first house and staying in his lower-profile first quadrant till almost the end of this decade, so he will feel the urge to retreat into relative anonymity.   Meghan won’t feel the same. She has tr Saturn moving soon into her 7th which will push her more out into the world, with higher visibility and more ambition.

He’s been through an exceptionally bumpy patch within the last few weeks with his Solar Arc Saturn conjunct his Mars, with both being undermined by tr Neptune in square till late this year. Plus he’s got tr Pluto opposition his Sun/Moon midpoint this year and next as he struggles to adjust to married life, not always easily; and that aspect can also indicate strains on his popularity.

2020 to 2023 do look stressful years for them as a couple with tr Pluto square the composite Saturn Pluto and then opposition Moon on their relationship chart. That was always the oddity of that chart suggesting significant family problems which have clearly cropped up on both sides.

They are due to go to Africa in the autumn and relocating Meghan’s chart there puts Venus on her midheaven on the eastern side and Sun and Mercury/Midheaven on the western – so it is a region that allows her to use her public relations skills and will bring her to prominence; as indeed will the UK. For Harry, Africa puts his Sun in the Descendant in the east which will bring out his ability to relate one-to-one with others; and Uranus and Mars on the Midheaven central to eastern half bringing an ambitious need to make a difference. Moon on the IC for a settled home life in west Africa along with well-organised Saturn Midheaven though these two latter also run through Europe/UK.

Overall Africa is important to both, for marginally different reasons.

The Queen looks less than enchanted with Harry with tr Saturn conjunct their composite Mars and the Eclipse conjunct the composite Sun at the moment. And Charles isn’t looking over thrilled either with tr Saturn square the composite Venus and tr Pluto square the composite Sun in 2019/2020 plus undermining Neptune transits – so a tricky transition for the family. Relations with William continue out of step with an intense and stubborn tr Pluto opposition the composite Mercury now and until late 2020, as well as an upsetting tr Uranus square the Venus at the moment and repeating in 2020. With Kate and Harry there’s a gentle downhill drift with a decidedly edgy end of the year.

Sheikh Maktoum & Princess Haya – clash of centuries

A messy, possibly vicious custody and divorce trial in London is about to shine a hard light on Middle Eastern attitudes to wives and daughters. Sheikh Maktoum, ruler of Dubai, already under suspicion for kidnapping two daughters who fled for freedom in recent years, is now suing his youngest wife Princess Haya of Jordan who has absconded with their two children to London. She discovered recently (according to the Daily Mail) that sanitised stories about his eldest daughter Latifa who was forcibly captured last year and returned home were obscuring the fact that she was imprisoned when back in Dubai, as her sister had been some years previously.

Sheikh Maktoum is a billionaire racehorse owner who owns various properties in the UK and worldwide. Born 15 July 1949 he is a Sun Cancer opposition Jupiter in materialistic Capricorn – family-oriented, patriotic, lucky with money; with a passionate, possessive and manipulative Venus Pluto in flamboyant Leo. He looks road-blocked at the moment with tr Pluto opposition his Sun till late 2020 and Solar Arc Pluto also square his Sun this year. Then there’s a disastrous-setbacks Solar Arc Mars conjunct his Saturn in about 18 months’ time. By 2022 he has an odd mix of a panicky-failure tr Neptune square his Mars; at the same time as a confident and financially successful tr Pluto conjunct his Jupiter.

Princess Haya, 3 May 1974, the youngest of his six? wives and mother of two of his maybe 23 children, is the daughter of the late King Hussein of Jordan, so well used to a Middle Eastern Royal lifestyle. She’s an Oxford graduate and was a prominent showjumper. She’s a Sun Mercury in Taurus which sits on the focal point of a Jupiter in Pisces trine Mars – adventurous, well-designed for equestrian interests. Her Mars conjunct Saturn in Cancer squares Pluto (Moon) in Libra so she’ll have had tough experiences in her life already – her mother died when she was three in a helicopter crash – and Royal life especially in the Middle East is not without its dangers.

Her Taurus Sun and Mercury square the Sheikh’s Venus Pluto so there would have been a spark of passion initially. Though her Mars Saturn square Pluto colliding with his Uranus Mercury wouldn’t make for easy communication. She would have been submissive – up to a point – but her Uranus squares his Sun, so no surprises that she has staged a rebellion. Their relationship chart has a possessive and controlling composite Pluto square Sun, Mercury and Venus; with a paranoid Saturn square Neptune; and an enthusiastic Jupiter trine Sun. It would have been fine for a while but tr Neptune has been chipping away at the Venus, Pluto and Mercury and now composite Sun so the foundations have been dissolving over the past several years.

She has been stressed over the past two years perhaps when the truth about Latifa became obvious with her Solar Arc Saturn square her Sun. She looks in line for an emotionally significant relationship next year though it could have started already with her Solar Arc Venus moving to conjunct her Sun. And although it’ll be bumpy ahead for two or three years with tr Uranus conjunct her Mercury and Sun, she’s not nearly as unhappy as Latifa, 5 December 1985, who looks undermined as she has done since she was captured with tr Neptune square her Uranus and Sun/Uranus midpoint; and frankly scared and completely trapped with tr Pluto square her Mars in 2020/21.

It’s roll-back-the-clock-for-three-hundred-years as far as the west is concerned. Women and children as property.

Billie Eilish – a dark and troubled star ++ family

Billie Eilish was another standout at Glastonbury. Despite being only 17 she’s been around on the scene for three years and has seven gold and two platinum singles to her name.

Suzanne Moore in the Guardian described her as ‘ a dark star. In control, but slightly out of it. Scarily good at tapping into the angsty teenage girl in all of us.’ She wears baggy clothes she says to attract attention and not be body-shamed.

Born 18 December 2001 at 11.30 am Los Angeles, with two entertainment business parents, she was home schooled and began singing and writing songs early, following in her older brother’s footsteps. She has said she suffers from Tourette’s Syndrome and depression.

She has a 10th house ambitious Sagittarius Sun and Venus sextile a quirky Uranus and Mercury in Capricorn also in the 10th – so is designed to communicate and be in the public eye. Her difficulties will stem in part from a 3rd house Saturn opposition Pluto square a 12th house Mars in musical Pisces – that carries a considerable amount of rage and inner conflict. Saturn Pluto can be prone to discouragement and Mars Pluto can get both scared and deeply frustrated. Not an easy burden to carry.

She will be charming with Venus on her midheaven and rather ethereal with her Aquarius Moon conjunct Neptune; as well as confident with her Jupiter opposition Mercury and trine Mars. But that Mutable Pluto Saturn Mars T Square will be quite a weight in her life.

With Jupiter moving through her 10th now for another year, she should be on a high, and will probably stay prominent for another few years. But may take a break a la Kate Bush to recuperate at some point.

Pic: © Glenn Francis,

Add On: Her brother Fineas O’Connell, 30 July 1997, also has a highly stressed Mars which is opposition Saturn square Neptune, which points like his sister to deep-seated anger issues and a sense of an under-nurturing childhood. The parents Patrick O’Connell and Maggie Baird are both minor actor/musicians who decided to home school them having seen a successful musical act of kids who had also been brought up away from mainstream education. In what sounds like a hot house environment one report has them sharing a four person bed until Fineas was 10 and Billie would be six. If true that is definitely not recommended in the psych books and would certainly skew their Mars which rules the libido and fuels anger.

Dates are from the net but if sound, father Patrick is 7 July 1977,  a controlling Sun Cancer square Pluto, with a hard-edged Mars in Taurus square Saturn. His relationship with Maggie, 30 March 1977, is hugely fraught with a composite Mars trine Saturn trine Neptune with Mars opposition Pluto; ditto with Billie and Fineas.

Mother Maggie is also controlling with her Aries Sun opposition Pluto and trine Saturn and Neptune; with has an even more stressed Mars which is on the focal point of a Yod to Saturn sextile Pluto. Her relationship charts with both children, especially Billie, reflect all that churning conflict.

These kids will need a lot of healing as they move into adulthood and it’s not easy to move away from these ‘tight’, enmeshed families since the only way of coping early on is to sugar-coat the pill and see the parents as supportive and kind. Facing the reality is acutely painful and scar.

Billie and her brother have a much more enthusiastic and less stressed relationship.

Lee Iacocca – a Libra with drive

Leo Iacocca, a legend in the US automobile industry designing and leading in Ford in the 1960s and later reviving Chrysler, has died.

He was born 15 October 1924 5pm Allentown, Pennsylvania, into a family of Italian immigrants and took a degree in industrial engineering. He was married three times but only his first lasted until his wife died. He wrote a best-selling biography and at one point contemplated going into politics and running for president but decided against it.

He had a 7th house Libra Sun which was in a dynamic trine to Mars in uncompromising Aquarius and an idealistic sextile to Neptune. His enthusiastic, communicative Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 9th was in a risk-taking square to Uranus which was in turn in a revolutionary trine to Pluto. He clearly wasn’t destined for an ordinary life. His publicity-attracting Mars opposition Neptune was square an indulgent, money-making 2nd house Taurus Moon – focal point Moon charts are often prominent in the public eye.

His get-it-together 5th Harmonic; philanthropic 9th harmonic; ultra-determined 11H; and both of his making-a-difference 17H and 22H – were all strongly aspected.

An interesting man.