Stanley Spencer – a life complicated by women

Artist Stanley Spencer’s marital life has been described as “the most bizarre domestic soap opera in the history of British art”. He was renowned for his First World War memorial paintings and his life in rural Cookham murals. His paintings originally provoked shock and controversy and foreshadow some of the much later works of Lucian Freud.

 He left his first wife, Hilda, having been vamped by Patricia Preece, who on marrying him, left immediately after the wedding with her lesbian lover and conned him out of his house, the assumption being she only married him to restore her bankrupt family’s fortunes. He returned intermittently to his first wife whom he faithfully visited during her last illness. Just to add to the confusion Patricia Preece’s paintings, well remarked at the time, appear to have been painted by her lover Dorothy Hepworth.

   Spencer was born 30 June 1891, no birth time, London and was a Sun Mars in Cancer with the inspired, imaginative and often tormented Neptune Pluto in Gemini amplified in his chart conjunct Venus and North Node and squaring a Saturn opposition Jupiter. No surprises his life read like overblown fiction – fantastical, prone to cons and falsehoods, mystical and clearly talented.

  His first wife Hilda, 20 November 1889, was a late Sun Scorpio with her Venus in Scorpio trine his Sun and her Mercury in Scorpio in an argumentative trine to his Mars. Their relationship chart has a passionate Venus Mars conjunction; and a power-couple, overly hopeful Jupiter trine Neptune Pluto but it was also riddled with doubt and suspicion from Neptune Pluto square Saturn.

Patricia Preece, 22 January 1894, was a Sun Aquarius with an ultra-determined and duplicitous Mars in Sagittarius opposition Neptune Pluto. Her Venus did trine his Sun and her Mars squaring his Venus would provide a spark of attraction; though clashing as it did with his Saturn it was always destined to end in tears.  Their relationship chart has an affectionate Sun, Venus, Jupiter conjunction which would be reassuringly affectionate but that sat side by side with an unkind/cruel/unpleasant Mars Saturn conjunction trine Pluto. Neptune  

 Dorothy Hepworth,  30 September 1894, was a Sun Libra and Moon which fitted with Preece’s Aquarius Sun and Leo Moon. But that apart it would be an uneasy match – though their relationship chart did have an affectionate Sun, Mercury, Venus opposition Pluto Neptune Jupiter conjunction – love and control and duplicity all sitting together; plus a one sided Saturn trine Mars.

  Oddly enough Spencer’s relationship chart with Hepworth was the most aggravated of the quartet with a composite Pluto Mars Neptune.

  His first wedding to Hilda on 23 February 1925 has a composite New Moon (probably) so she would make him feel whole with a doubting Venus opposition Neptune square Saturn; a push-and-pull Pluto Jupiter and a Grand Trine onto a Kite with Jupiter as the leading planet. More pluses than minuses though according to biographers her self-confidence waned during her marriage to Spencer and she painted more after the marriage split. He was a man of “idiosyncratic vision, unassailable conviction, egocentricity, and brilliance.” They could both be stubborn and argumentative.

 His wedding to Preece, 29 May 1937 had a power-couple (struggle for the upper hand) Jupiter opposition Pluto square Venus which does hint at manipulation (Venus Pluto) with a hyper-determined Mars trine Pluto inconjunct Venus.  

  The art world has always been awash with complicated liaisons and not on the whole renowned for committed marriages but this does seem to be weirder than most.

  A new book THE SECRET ART OF DOROTHY HEPWORTH AKA PATRICIA PREECE by Denys J. Wilcox is out later this month.

Billie Piper – empowering herself

Billie Piper, an actress with a rare reputation for talent in recent years, a child star and former singer, has been opening up about growing up in a male dominated world and her difficulties co-parenting with her divorced second husband the scandal-prone Laurence Fox.

  He was sacked by GB News last year after sexist comments he made on-air about a female journalist. He recently lost a  libel case with two people he called paedophiles on social media, and was arrested last October on suspicion of conspiring to commit criminal damage to Ulez cameras.

  They share teenage sons from their marriage which ended in 2016. Her first marriage was to Chris Evans, a tv presenter 16 years older.

  She was born 22 September 1982 in Swindon, England, maybe 10.20pm with a Virgo Sun and Neptune both square a 7th house Neptune (on this birth time) which makes sense of multiple relationships. She also has an impulsive, headstrong Mars Uranus in Sagittarius possibly conjunct her Moon which again will make for difficulty in finding domestic stability. Plus an unyielding Saturn Pluto conjunction

  Laurence Fox, 26 May 1978, is a Sun Gemini with a Capricorn/Aquarius Moon. He also has a hard-edged, overly reactive, angry Saturn Mars in Leo which sits in her 4th house of family; and his pushily-confident Jupiter square Pluto collides with her Mercury. Their relationship chart significantly has a composite Mars Pluto conjunction for a power-imbalance and hostility from that.

 Chris Evans, 1 April 1966, of whom she speaks highly, is a pro-active, excitable Sun Mars in Aries; with an aggravating opposition from his Mars to her Saturn and his unsettled Uranus Pluto conjunction sitting close to her Venus – none of which are recipes for long term contentment. Again the relationship chart has a dominating composite Mars Pluto trine; with a composite Sun opposition Saturn square Pluto. Power/submission would be issues.

  Even the wedding charts do not look hopeful.

To Evans: 6 May 2001, a Sun inconjunct Pluto, square Uranus and square Neptune, with Mars inconjunct Saturn and Jupiter opposition Pluto. Muddle, mayhem, one sided,

To Fox, 31 December 2007: there was an aggravated Sun opposition Mars, trine Saturn; Saturn opposition Uranus; and Jupiter Pluto opposition Mars. Arguments would follow.

  In the Vogue interview she said: “There was a point where I realised I had been drawn into siding with men on a lot of things.”  “I’d grown up in a world that was dominated by men.” “They always had the last word at home, which could be frightening.” “I became very famous very young, and went into the music industry, which was another place where you were told what to do by men.” “Sometimes I wanted to appeal to them, so that I could feel safe. Sometimes I wanted to be them because it looked like they were having a better time than I was. It was a period of time in the 1990s where it was just very, very male heavy. I felt a huge amount of frustration about that. And I carried that into my romantic relationships.”  

The old patterns repeat until as she describes she had a phase in her early thirties where she felt ‘unhinged and mentally not well’ and started to let go her old destructive patterns.  That would be when tr Uranus first opposed her Saturn Pluto conjunction but more so tr Pluto moved through Capricorn squaring her Saturn Pluto. Women who have been dominated and overly submissive often take into their forties after their tr Pluto square their natal Pluto to become empowered and learn to stand up for themselves

Albert Einstein – a Pisces with cosmic vision

 Albert Einstein, the theoretical physicist, reckoned to be one of the greatest and most influential scientists of all time was born 145 years ago. Best known for developing the theory of relativity, he also made important contributions to quantum mechanics and was a central figure in the revolutionary reshaping of the scientific understanding of nature in the first decades of the twentieth century.

 He was born 14 March 1879 11.30am Ulm, Germany, and was a child prodigy in mathematics. He had a Sun Pisces, which is a sign surprisingly common amongst first ranking mathematicians and scientists, whose sense of vision and insight are strong. He was undoubtedly ambitious with a 10th house Sun as well as a communicative Mercury in Aries conjunct a serious, well-organised Saturn and Venus also in pro-active Aries. His Pluto in Taurus was in a determined trine to Mars in Capricorn. And his Neptune in Taurus was in a creative trine to Uranus in his quick-witted 3rd house.

  His first wife who was also a physicist/mathematician, Mileva Maric, 19 December 1875, is thought by some to have contributed to his early theories but other dispute that. She had a Sagittarius Sun and Mercury on his 6th so they would have a shared work connection. Her Venus was in his 7th for a love attraction; and her Jupiter in his 5th for children and fun. She had a child with him out of wedlock and another two once they were married. But it did not last which given their relationship chart is hardly surprising. That had a composite Sun in an evasive/disappointing square to Neptune. But the real trouble came from a composite Mars opposition Uranus square Pluto which is explosive, controlling, hostile.

  There’s nothing much to suggest she was a seminal influence on his work though at the time she would boost his confidence and creativity.  

 He was unfaithful with a cousin whom he married and later started an affair with his secretary and appeared to have had several mistresses as well.  His Sun/Moon midpoint was exactly square his Neptune which would not make for a strong sense of commitment.  

  His breakthrough genius 13th harmonic was his strongest. His creative 7H, leaving a legacy 17H; and global name 22H are also well aspected.

UK politics – spin, rinse, repeat ++ Mordaunt, Abbott

The UK may not be gripped by such mortal terror as the USA given their abysmal political choices. But the agitation is undoubtedly rising as election fever sets in despite none having – as yet – been declared.

  In the immediate future the UK chart  is facing tr Uranus square the 11th house Saturn which rules the legislature from May 12 to 28 which could indicate the aftermath of an election – though there is no one astro-signature for an election. That influence repeats end of the year into early 2025. The April 8 Solar Eclipse is square the 10th house UK Moon and conjunct the UK South Node – pointing to challenges and changes involving a) the ruling class as represented by the 10th house Moon, though that could as easily refer to the Royal Family as key symbolic figures and b) tapping into the UK’s indecision when it comes to alliances and partnerships. The October Libra Eclipse falling on the UK’s Ascendant could be a crisis of confidence in terms of image perhaps triggered by a new beginning, It will be a major turning point.

  The Lunar Eclipse on 25th of this month set for London has Jupiter exactly conjunct the Ascendant which would suggest a confidence boost and it runs alongside tr Pluto opposition the UK Jupiter, in place till early April. The 8 April Solar Eclipse set for London has the New Moon conjunct the Descendant which usually denotes significant events. So there will be a sense of imminent change of a radical variety.

Previous Solar Eclipses around these degrees were in 2005 – when Tony Blair won a third election with a reduced majority – and became President of the Council of the EU. Wedding of Charles and Camilla. Terrorist bombings in London. The Civil Partnership Act granted same-sex couples similar legal rights to those of married heterosexuals. Same eclipse degrees in 1986 when Prince Andrew married Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of Windsor dies.  Channel Tunnel announced linking UK to France.

    Rishi Sunak and the Conservative Party were always due for yet more jolts and jangles late this April into early May  with his Taurus Sun opposition Uranus and the Tory Party Sun Saturn in Taurus being elbowed by disruptive, liberating and wild card tr Uranus. Before that, the 25th March Lunar Eclipse is conjunct his PMship Midheaven which does point to a crisis.  The April Solar Eclipse is also conjunct Sunak’s Pluto  on his birth chart which is a subtle influence suggesting a major reform is required otherwise stagnation will set in.  On his personal chart he looks boosted by one of his Jupiter midpoints in August and beyond, and in mood for a change come 2025 – but losing for him would not be a total wipeout, given his family’s wealth and California connection though a defeat clearly would not be good for his ego.

  Keir Starmer’s Leadership chart, 4 April 2020 is not a racing certainty for a win with tr Pluto conjunct the catastrophic Mars/Saturn midpoint mid April to late May, and repeating on and off till late 2025.  With tr Uranus square the Jupiter/Neptune midpoint late April to mid May which is over hopeful.

  His personal chart has one cheerful blip May 12 to 29th, repeating late December to March 2025. Which would be a small window for success, followed by a major change in his life. But all the indications are that a Labour win would be a poisoned chalice followed by setbacks, aggravations and failed policies.  Starmer’s leadership chart is in even worse trouble in 2025/26.

  The Labour Party 12 February 1906 chart which does have tr Uranus square the Sun Venus over late April/early May which could indicate a change, followed by an upbeat tr Uranus conjunct the Jupiter in August, running into 2025. But it then runs into Solar Arc Sun Venus conjunct Pluto by 2026 which will be grinding to a halt, followed by a downhill slide from tr Neptune Saturn in Aries hitting its Mars in Aries square Uranus opposition Neptune for several years thereafter.

  Nothing settled, I fear.

 Lindsay Hoyle, 10 June 1957, who took up the Speakership on 4 November 2019 has been struggling with tr Pluto square his Neptune this year which won’t have improved his judgement and it repeats on and off till late 2025. Plus tr Pluto square his Jupiter/Saturn midpoint which also accompanies career missteps and it also runs on through next year.

  His Term chart, started on a Saturn Pluto conjunction which is drawing to the exact aspect by early in 2025 which might suggest a dead halt. The Term Mars is catching the April Solar Eclipse for major arguments which have already kicked in.

 His personal chart suggests major changes in his life in 2025/26/27 which might indicate he moves on.

 Dinae Abbott, 27 September 1953, has a Sun Libra with a passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars in Virgo and a hope-for-a-better-society Saturn Neptune in Libra trine Jupiter and sextile Pluto for influence and success – as well as being in an opinionated square to Uranus. She’s up and down for the next three to four years and not in a progressive phase.

  The dreaded Tory donor Frank Lester who made the racist remark is a bull-headed Sun Mars in Taurus.

ADD ON: Penny Mordaunt is being talked up as a Sunak replacement, 4 March 1973, Torquay, England. A New Moon, Venus and Mercury in Pisces with her Sun square a Saturn opposition Neptune and sextile Mars in Capricorn, she is determined with her heart in the right place from Saturn Neptune though it often lacks the killer instinct to make it to the top. Her Mars widely square Pluto and square Uranus as well as inconjunct Saturn will make her impulsive with an uncertain grip on her temper at times. She is on a roll in 2024/25 with tr Pluto conjunct her Jupiter in Aquarius with highs late May/early June following on from a few catastrophes in the second half of May, repeating New Year to mid March 2025.

 Lee Anderson, 6 January 1967, A Sun Capricorn square Mars, also has tr Pluto in hard aspect to his Jupiter at 1 degree Leo so will be pushing ahead confidently in 2024/25 but apart from one lucky break, looks less than enchanted especially in 2025.

Diane Abbott, 27 September 1953, does seem to arouse strong reactions, after a positive start in Westminster, especially in recent years since she went hard left and started to suffer from health problems like diabetes which appeared to make her muddled. Without a birth time it is not possible to say but I might suspect her focal point Pluto, depending on the house position might be part of the problem. A strong Pluto can attract hostility. She also may have an Air Grand Trine of a Libra Sun trine North Node in Aquarius trine (maybe) a Gemini Moon – and that plus Uranus square Saturn Neptune will reinforce her dogmatic theorizing. Too much Air (like Corbyn) can produce an ideologue.

Merchant Ivory – genius fuelled by chaos

“Great work can come out of chaos” is one of the themes of a new warts-and-all film about the work of Merchant Ivory, at one point box-office titans behind sumptuous period masterpieces like Remains of the Day, A Room With a View, Maurice and Howards End. The polished, upper class mien of their films was in complete contrast to the ‘blood-curdling bust-ups’ between the partners in their private lives as they swapped partners; and on set as they ran out of money and refused to pay the actors. But none of that appeared on screen. Their films launched the careers of Hugh Grant, Helena Bonham Carter, Rupert Graves and Julian Sands, made stars of Emma Thompson and Daniel Day-Lewis. ‘The roaring trade in Jane Austen adaptations might never have happened without them. You could even blame Merchant Ivory for Bridgerton.’

 The atmosphere on set was often fraught and one friend said of Ismail Merchant, described as a “conman” with a “bazaar mentality” – “You never went to bed without dreaming of ways to kill him. But you couldn’t not love him.” The documentary also makes a case for Ivory as an underrated advocate for gay representation. It was their gay love story Maurice that was their riskiest undertaking coming as it did in 1987 at the height of the Aids crisis. After The Remains of the Day was  nominated for eight Oscars, the brand faltered and was dismissed by the director Alan Parker as representing “the Laura Ashley school” of cinema.

 Producer Ismail Merchant, 25 December 1936, Bombay and Director James Ivory 7 June 1928 Berkeley, California. Merchant is a confident and ambitious Sun Jupiter in Capricorn trine Uranus; with a creative Saturn opposition Neptune square a Sagittarius North Node; and an intense Mercury opposition Pluto. And a Taurus Moon.

 Ivory was a Sun Venus in Gemini sextile an excitable Mars and Uranus in Aries and opposition Saturn; with his Mars in an ultra-determined square to Pluto.

  On the synastry there was not a strong connection apart from both having Venus in an Air sign and Ivory’s Moon maybe in Aquarius to match Merchant’s Venus. And a lucky Jupiter Uranus cross over.  On the relationship chart, however, there was almost certainly a composite New Moon = more whole when together; as well as an ever-optimistic Jupiter opposition Neptune. Both of which would hold their partnership together. And what would threaten to blow it apart regularly was a composite Pluto opposition Mars square Uranus – OK for a trailblazing partnership but not exactly harmonious. Blood-curdling sounds about right.  

Post Modernism – my truth v your truth

‘There is no one reality’ – is the best I can do to reduce postmodernism to a soundbyte. Described as a movement characterized by broad skepticism, subjectivism, or relativism and a general suspicion of reason as well as a sensitivity to the role of ideology in maintaining political and economic power. Infiltrated into the mainstream, it leads to as much value being put on ‘my truth’ as on ‘your truth’ (or the actual truth) (if I have understood it correctly) which suggests a nihilistic belief about humanity locked in a Tower of Babel with no possibility of genuine communication. Which ideology appears to have taken root in academia and led to polarization in recent cultural arguments and divisions.  

   Jean Francois Lyotard, 10 August 1924 12.15 am Versailles, France, a philosopher and sociologist, who came to prominence in the 1970s, is deemed the founder of Post Modernism. A nebulous Sun, Neptune and North Node in Leo inconjunct Uranus in Pisces – which is similar to Judith Butler’s Uranus inconjunct = erratic, wilful, contrary,  intolerant, a trailblazer, with a tendency to create irrevocable shifts in their environment.

  His college thesis focused on indifference and detachment in Zen Buddhism and Taoism and he had a strong interest in aesthetics (which is one of the more rarified and amorphous ends of philosophy). His mindset will have been affected by the devastating effects of World War One in which the French dead and wounded amounted to a staggeringly high  percentage of the population. He helped out as a medic in the liberation of occupied Paris at the end of World War 11 and then taught in Algeria.  So he grew up with national loss, the damage of fascism and violence and was university educated in the aftermath of WW11, trying to make sense of a world gone mad.

  At the risk of psycho-analysing him what that makes me think of is the shattered self. Trauma leads to a fragmentation of identity/personality which in turn leads to a desperate search for meaning to try to fit the broken pieces together. He then projected that inner brokenness out into society/the world.  

  Some of his philosophical forebears came out of the fantastical, mystical Neptune Pluto in Gemini like Ludwig Wittgenstein (another Uranus inconjunct) and Heidegger, but Soren Kierkegaard, 5 May 1813 Copenhagen, came well before with Pluto in Pisces.  Nietzsche had Pluto in Aries and Husserl had Pluto in Taurus. So I am none the wiser about the astro-development of thought that led to the cul-de-sac of Lyotard.

  Lyotard did/does have a global influencer 22nd harmonic but also a rise and fall 10H. With some help from the fates his ideas will collapse in a heap on the floor as Uranus moves into Gemini.  Life is but a subjective dream – is a lovely theory for a Buddhist sitting up in a mountain cave but is of zero help in the real world.

NHS defies Stonewall over puberty blockers

NHS England has confirmed children will no longer routinely be prescribed puberty blockers at gender identity clinics. The decision comes after a review found there was “not enough evidence” they are safe or effective. Puberty blockers will now only be available as part of research. This puts England in line with several European countries who have been putting strict eligibility requirements, usually in the context of a tightly controlled research setting.

A 2022 Swedish report concluded that the “scientific basis is not sufficient” to continue to conduct hormone treatments on children without further research. The risks are likely to outweigh benefits. In Denmark youth referrals no longer get a prescription for puberty blockers, hormones or surgery; instead they receive therapeutic counseling and other support services. In France, it is recommended the “greatest reserve” when considering puberty blockers or hormone treatments, with a risk of “over-diagnosis”.

  Finland has adopted the Dutch Protocol for pediatric gender medicine which has a strict set of criteria for treatment eligibility with psychotherapy throughout. A Finnish review of evidence indicated support of hormonal interventions for adolescents are of “very low” certainty. Dutch clinicians who pioneered the use of puberty blockers have subsequently observed that some patients who transitioned under a strictly adhered to version of the Dutch Protocol appear to have substantial reproductive regret, body shame and sexual dysfunction.

Stonewall in contrast has voiced its concern about the new NHS policy. “All trans young people deserve access to high quality, timely healthcare”, a spokesperson said. “For some, an important part of this care comes in the form of puberty blockers, a reversible treatment that delays the onset of puberty, prescribed by expert endocrinologists, giving the young person extra time to evaluate their next steps. We are concerned that NHS England will be putting new prescriptions on hold until a research protocol is up and running at the end of 2024.”

The NHS connection with Stonewall has an intriguing synastry given that the NHS has been cravenly submissive to Stonewall’s coercive control for years. 

  The NHS, 5 July 1948, is a caring Sun Cancer square Neptune; with a Gemini stellium including the Moon and an enduring Saturn Pluto in Leo square the Taurus North Node/Scorpio South Node opposition.

  Stonewall, 24 May 1989 also has a Gemini stellium including the Sun; and the triple conjunction of Uranus, Saturn, Neptune in Capricorn opposition Mars in Cancer; with Mars trine Pluto – custom-built for determined action and reform, but not always sensible or compassionate as crusading zeal (Aquarius North Node) goes too far.

 Stonewall’s Mars is conjunct the NHS Sun for an argumentative interface with Stonewall’s Neptune Saturn in opposition the NHS Sun hinting at uncertainty and a degree of smokescreening? – and Stonewall’s Pluto is conjunct the NHS’s South Node pulling it backwards.

 The relationship chart has a controlling, power-imbalance composite Sun Venus square Pluto which has been undermined recently and will continue to be so by tr Neptune hard aspects into 2025. Tr Pluto is exactly square the composite Saturn at the moment and will continue to sextile the composite Uranus till late this year. With a highly strung (probably argumentative) tr Uranus opposition Neptune from July this year onwards.

  This month’s Lunar Eclipse is also conjunct the composite South Node giving a wake-up call about the joint direction chosen.

Stonewall is facing an uncertain path ahead especially from 2025/6 onwards as tr Neptune starts to square the triple conjunction hitting Uranus first and tr Uranus will square the Sun. It is likely to fade towards the end of the decade altogether.

Haiti – lurching from disaster to worse

Haiti has collapsed into violent mayhem with violent gangs in control of the capital, dead bodies piling up and 4000 criminals roaming the streets, freed after an attack on a prison by the gangs. The acting (unelected) prime minister/president Ariel Henry is out of the country and unable to return, but is anyway suspected of being behind the assassination of the previous President Moise in 2021. The EU has evacuated its diplomats, while the US have sent in military personnel to protect their embassy. Commentators say Haiti is facing its biggest humanitarian crisis since the 2010 earthquake.

  The BBC: ‘The instability in Haiti is a problem for the entire Caribbean community, and for Washington too. The idea of a nation of some 11 million people being run by gangs is of huge concern, particularly the potential impact on outward migration during an election year in the US.’

 Haiti, 1 January 1895 7.17 am Gonaives, Haiti was under acute pressure in 2010 when the  quake struck with an estimated death toll well over 100,000. At that point tr Pluto in Capricorn square tr Saturn in Libra collided exactly with the Haiti Mars in Capricorn square Saturn. Pluto Saturn brings deprivation and hardship and hitting on the prone to disasters and setbacks Mars Saturn it was a catastrophe of epic proportions.

  At the moment tr Pluto is square the Haiti Midheaven blocking progress, pulling down the country’s reputation and in Plutonian fashion reducing all to rubble. Tr Pluto will continue squaring the midheaven and square the Jupiter, hinting at a tussle for the upper hand extending on till late 2025. In 2026/27 tr Neptune and tr Saturn will oppose the Haiti Saturn and square the Mars, moving on in the years thereafter to undermine the Sun etc. It won’t be as devastating as the 2010 quake but will be swampy, directionless and undermined.

 Ariel Henry, 6 November 1948, is a controlling Sun Scorpio square Pluto, who looks unlikely to continue. What is interesting astro-wise about him is his takeover chart as prime minister, 20 July 2021 which has a troubled and aggressive yod of Neptune sextile Pluto conjunct Mars (Venus) in Leo; with a controlling Sun opposition Pluto. His government looks liable to complete capitulation in May/June as tr Uranus squares the Mars focal point, if not before.

 Caricom, 1 August 1973 Trinidad – the Caribbean Community intergovernmental organisation that is a political and economic union of 15 member states – is meeting to try to see a way ahead. It looks substantially disappointed and uncertain with a confused, indecisive SA Neptune opposition the Mercury at the moment and more so in 2025 with tr Neptune square the Saturn. Though that may not all because of this issue of Haiti.   

Prince Edward – a surprisingly steady Royal

Prince Edward, the new Duke of Edinburgh, has been heaped with praise as he sails through his sixtieth birthday  – by his wife in a heartfelt tribute as well as admirers who point to his hardworking Royal schedule of engagements and unassuming manner.

 The youngest of Queen Elizabeth’s children and like Andrew blessed with more attention from his mother in early childhood than the older two, his first love was the theatre and television though that ended badly as did his short-lived military career. His marriage to public relations expert Sophie Wessex surprised many and tripped through a few scandals before settling into a lower key charity-focused existence. His closeness to Prince Philip, his father, seemed surprising early on but as he has aged he looks physically more like him and has taken on the mantle of the Duke of Edinburgh awards scheme.

  Born 10 March 1964 8.20pm London, he has a hard-working Pisces Sun in his 6th house conjunct Mars in Pisces in his entertaining 5th which was in part no doubt what attracted him to showbusiness. His Saturn in Aquarius is also in his 5th suggesting an interest in the organisational side of the entertainment business. Like Andrew he has a 4th house Sun, though in his case in Aquarius as opposed to Andrew’s Scorpio – but the house placing does suggest a strong emotional attachment to family and roots. His Mars Mercury opposition Uranus Pluto in Virgo hints at a rebellious streak was perhaps behind his early missteps. But with an enthusiastic Jupiter in Aries and Venus in Taurus in his 7th he has overcome criticism to settle into a steadier lifestyle.

  He shares his Venus in Taurus with his father and both have a Mutable Sun Mars conjunction so there would have been an understanding between them.

  His wife Sophie is generally assumed to be the driving force in their marriage. “She wears the trousers,” says one who has visited them. “He makes the tea.” His 7th house Venus and Jupiter would be a help in attracting a supportive  and affectionate partner. Though his Sun/Moon midpoint conjunct his Saturn would suggest it would require hard work to make it work, with duty taking precedence.

  Sophie was born 20 January 1965 maybe 12.46pm, Oxford, giving her a zero degree Aquarius Sun with a complicated stellium in Virgo of Moon, Uranus, Pluto conjunct and opposition Saturn and trine Jupiter, with a hard working Mars also in Virgo.

  Her Aquarius Sun and Virgo Moon linking across to his Pisces Sun and Aquarius Moon give a sense of a fairly emotionally detached connection. Their relationship chart has the hallmarks of a good working relationship with the composite Saturn conjunct the Sun and Venus; with a dash of attraction from Venus Pluto but also a need for constant changes and space with Venus Uranus – and some irritations about the power imbalance with a Mars square Pluto.

 The charts of their two children – Louise and James – both have hard Sun Moon aspects hinting at parents of entirely different temperaments. Louise has a 10th house Taurus Sun opposition a Scorpio Moon square Neptune. James has a Pisces Moon square is Sagittarius Sun.  

  Edward’s relationship with his two much older siblings don’t suggest much closeness. Charles, born 16 years before, has a peculiarly tricky relationship chart with him – a composite Mars opposition Uranus square Neptune which at the best of times will be edgy and uncertain. And since the Coronation it has been confused; and hotting up for high tensions in 2025/26 with tr Pluto hard aspects to Mars and Uranus. Which suggests either a few disruptions in private or external events bearing down on their relationship.  Edward’s Solar Return from birthday 2025 for a year after does look highly stressed.

  Andrew he is pulling away from noticeably this year, more so next.