Venus, goddess of love and beauty, ruler of artistic refinement, social skills and all things sweet and nice, has a darker under-side when lust, greed, laziness and insincerity take precedence.
Mythology has a variety of associations relating the Roman Venus and her Greek counterpart Aphrodite to pleasure, passion, procreation, fertility, prosperity, and victory. Hesiod writes that Aphrodite arose from the sea out of the foam produced by Uranus’s genitals, which his son Cronus had severed and thrown into the sea. In one tale Aphrodite was married to Hephaestus (Vulkan), the god of fire, blacksmiths and metalworking. He worked tirelessly while she played, partied and was frequently unfaithful.
Cupid is supposed to be the son of Venus and Mars, the god of war.
Venereal diseases from the Middle English “relating to sexual intercourse” or “sexual love.”
Though oddly the first known temple to Venus was supposedly funded by fines imposed on Roman women for sexual misdemeanours.
Aphrodite’s major symbols include seashells, myrtles, roses, doves, sparrows, and swans. The cult of Aphrodite was derived from the Phoenician goddess Astarte and the Semitic goddess Ishtar, whose cult was based on the Sumerian cult of Inanna. Aphrodite was worshipped as a warrior goddess and in some places known as the patron goddess of prostitutes.
In astrology not surprisingly Venus figures largely in charts from the arena of fashion (often with Jupiter in aspect = surface appearances matter) and design, as well as in public relations for the Venusian skill of accentuating the positive, putting sparkle on the surface (lipstick on a pig) and airbrushing out of sight unpleasantness and difficulties.
Courtesans and the sexually promiscuous also figure largely with Venus in hard aspect to chilly Saturn (which sounds counter-intuitive but is a pattern); passionate and manipulative Pluto; revved-up Mars; and rebellious Uranus.
Some like Pamela Harriman, 20 March 1920, whose romantic involvements were legendary had her Venus conjunct Uranus in Pisces in a Water Grand trine to Mars in Scorpio and Pluto and opposition Saturn.
Lady Jane Digby, 3 April 1807, equally renowned for her scandalous love life had her Venus in Taurus opposition Saturn and Uranus, trine Mars, inconjunct Neptune and square Jupiter.
The Duke of Windsor had his Venus in Taurus conjunct the destructive Fixed star Algol as did Princess Diana.
John Travolta and Roger Moore whose early marriages were with older wives both had Moon Venus aspects which astrologer Richard Idemon associated with a sexualized mother relationship. Travolta Moon Pisces opposition Moon square Mars. Roger Moore had a Moon Gemini opposition Saturn square Venus. [Oddly enough Emanuel Macron does not.]
While Venus conjunct Mars can have its positive side is also remarkably frequent amongst those with a less than restrained approach to sex/romance – Jeffrey Epstein, Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Ghislaine Maxwell. In addition to ‘passionate enthusiasm’ Ebertin says it can have – ‘a strongly emotional and sexual life with disharmonious tendencies’; ‘in some cases inclination to polygamy.’
Reynhard Sinaga, named as the world’s worst serial rapist, has an exact Venus Mars conjunction in Pisces square Neptune and inconjunct Pluto. But that is an extreme version.
An unaspected Venus is self-contained, less sociable, can be single-minded and wobbles between not connecting emotionally and being intense, being undemonstrative yet reacting strongly when personally challenged.
The main drawback to Venus apart from its rampant sexuality is its need to put an outer sheen on events. So desperate to maintain a harmonious atmosphere and sweep unpleasantness out of sight that it denies reality and comes across as insincere or hypocritical.
If ever there was a cautionary tale of a Venus twisted by life events and dysfunctional mothering it is Brooke Shields. She started modelling at 11 months old. Her first big film role, aged 11, was as a girl raised into sex work in Louis Malle’s Pretty Baby. A cover story from a 1977 issue of New York magazine was headlined, “Meet Teri and Brooke Shields: Brooke is 12. She poses nude. Teri is her mother (an alcoholic). She thinks it’s swell.” At 14, she starred in Blue Lagoon, playing a teenager coming of age on a deserted island. She said the director wanted “to sell my sexual awakening”. Amazingly she has turned out married with children and seemingly together.
Born 31 May 1965 1.45pm Manhattan, NY, she has a Moon Venus conjunction in Gemini conjunct her Midheaven (mother who flaunts her child’s sexuality to promote her career) in a tumultuous, cold-hearted square to Saturn opposition a ruthless Mars Pluto (Uranus in Virgo).