The UK is facing a crunch point of its own with the 8th house Mars about to be detonated by Solar Arc Uranus over the coming few months. The 8th house rules international and business finances as well as deeper transformations. In the past when the UK Mars was under pressure it also accompanied significant disasters – train crashes, ferry sinkings, subway fires and the like. Uranus Mars tends to suggest a shock or an experience that feels like a collision.
Tr Uranus is also in a high tension square to the 11th house Saturn in Leo, which rules the legislature and local government as well as the country’s long term hopes, later this month till mid March 2025 for the final time. In one sense this will be a relief once it passes over since it finishes a four year bumpy patch of tr Uranus in hard aspect to the UK’s four Fixed planets. Though there will be continued pressure for change with tr Pluto trine the Uranus till 2025 year end. Luckily side by side tr Pluto will oppose the UK Jupiter for some moments of high confidence and cheer also throughout 2025.
Into mid 2026 tr Uranus will square the UK Pluto for another jolting change and upheaval – and by early 2027 tr Uranus will have cleared the UK’s 8th house so (cross fingers) the economic storms wrought by Uranus in Taurus and to a degree initiated by Pluto in Capricorn may settle thereafter.
Towards the end of the decade tr Neptune Saturn will move into the UK 7th house for a revisioning of close partnerships – some separating, others coming together with a common purpose. Tr Pluto moving into the UK 5th from 2029 starts a long phase of being creative and building a solid image.
The Bank of England, 27 July 1694 JC, is certainly flagging up problems through 2025 with tr Neptune in an uncertain square to the BoE Saturn through February but much worse tr Neptune and Saturn will oppose the BoE Mars in Libra and then square the financial Venus from April 2025 on and off till early 2027, which looks like major panics over the economy. It may pick up a smidgeon in 2026 and more so in 2027 with a resurgence of confidence from tr Pluto opposition the Pluto/Jupiter midpoint and after that the Jupiter. But there will be a downer before the improvement.
There could well be a reset of relations with the EU since that relationship chart has tr Uranus conjunct the composite Pluto from 2026 onwards, which could well (perhaps) bring improvements in trade.
The Keir Starmer Government, 5 July 2024, a Water heavy Cancerian/Pisces chart with a New Moon and Venus in Cancer and Saturn Neptune in Pisces will not find the transition into the new Air Fire era easy to negotiate. Plus the explosive, unpredictable and uncompromising Mars Uranus in the economic/financial 8th house always did bode trouble on the housekeeping side. Neptune conjunct the shipwrecking Scheat and the South Node conjunct the mischief-making and can-be-unlucky Vindemiatrix won’t help.
Starmer’s personal chart has a confused and devastated Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Neptune exactly now with an undermining SA Sun conjunct Neptune following in 2025. Then his Solar Arc Mars is conjunct his Sun and Pluto which looks terminal on the career progress front through later 2025 into 2026. One way or another he is heading nowhere good.
ADD ON: In varying degrees the current Cabinet will be reacting badly to tr Saturn Neptune moving into Aries and tr Uranus moving into Gemini mid year – since most have key planets in early Cardinal and early Mutable which will be undermined and jolted over the next two/three years.
Starmer’s relationship chart with Rachel Reeves, the Chancellor with a yod of Pluto in last degree Virgo sextile Neptune Sun Venus in early Sagittarius inconjunct Mars will be pushed and pulled right through 2025 and 2026.
Ed Milliband with his 2 degree Capricorn Sun and 2 degree Saturn in Taurus in a none-too-stable opposition to Jupiter will find the next two years an uphill struggle and disappointing.