The tawdry spectacle of an unhinged Kanye West dragging his compliant maybe-spouse Bianca Censori on flesh-baring, publicity parades may be coming to a finish. Despite denials it does look like the end of the road.
His close partner signifier Sun/Moon midpoint is around 2 degrees Taurus which is catching the tr Pluto square exactly now and on and off till late 2025 – that is classic split up indicator. Added to which their relationship chart has a composite Sun at zero/one degrees Aries which will be undermined by tr Neptune Saturn from April onwards and on into 2026 as tr Neptune Saturn continue to disintegrate the composite Sun square Mars opposition Neptune.
Kanye West, 8 June 1977 8.45am (unverified) Atlanta, Georgia, has a birth chart notable for several outstanding features. He has his Gemini Sun conjunct an expansive Jupiter opposition Neptune which on its own is scandal-prone and would incline him to go well over the score and trip himself up through arrogance. That opposition is formed into a Half Grand Sextile to Pluto and Saturn – talented, enduring, tough-minded. But it also squares onto an over-sensitive Pisces Moon which is further distressed by being on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Saturn and Pluto.
Such a Moon especially in Pisces can be unstable, unbalanced and prone to confusion, overly defensive and inclined to react in self-defeating ways, constantly looking for maternal support. An emphasised Moon often seeks a public audience since appreciation from a crowd makes up for lack of one-to-one nourishment.
He also has Mars Venus conjunct in Taurus which ramps up his passionate enthusiasm, his hyper-sexuality and can lead to lack of sensitivity in intimate relationships – a placing he shares with Hitler and his Mars is also the same degree of Taurus as that of Adolf Eichmann, perhaps why he veers towards Nazi symbolism.
Bianca Censori, 5 January 1995 Melbourne, Australia, no birth time, was born at the time of the highly-strung Uranus Neptune conjunction in Capricorn which is conjunct Mercury on one side and her Sun on the other. So she will be inclined to an unconventional lifestyle. In addition and most significantly she has Mars in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (conjunct Moon) square Jupiter in Sagittarius conjunct Pluto in late Scorpio. Like Kanye West she has a strong streak of Mutable, whirlwind chaos in her temperament. And a masochistic streak from Mars Saturn amplified by Jupiter Pluto.
The relationship chart, not surprisingly, had a power/ domineering streak from a composite Mars trine Pluto – and a publicity-seeking Mars opposition Neptune which is the crucial feature of their togetherness though ultimately where only one could get the ego-boost.
An odd reflection of the culture of the times.