Armin Laschet, the centrist continuity conservative candidate, has become Angela Merkel’s successor as leader of Germany’s Christian Democratic Union. He may or may not lead the party in the German elections on 26 September as candidate for chancellor. A recent poll indicated only 28% of Germans surveyed thought he had the calibre for the job. His approval ratings fell during the pandemic because of lackadaisical leadership and charges of nepotism over PPE procured from a fashion company that also employs his son to model its clothes. He has raised eyebrows in the past over his dislike of “anti-Putin populism” and his sympathetic comments about Syria’s Bashar Assad.
Born 18 February 1961, he’s a Sun Aquarius opposition Uranus with a Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Capricorn. He will have tr Pluto in a successful conjunction to his Jupiter just before the September election and from late November onwards, though tr Pluto will at the same time conjunct his Saturn which tends to be discouraging. Tr Jupiter will oppose his Uranus on Election day which could hand him a dollop of luck, in a small way; and he has upbeat tr Uranus square his Sun/Jupiter midpoint before the election and again in November.
It’s possible he could do reasonably well. Though he’s no Merkel. Her Jupiter is conjunct the Germany Midheaven and her Sun Uranus sit in the German 10th house. Her relationship chart with Germany has a power-couple Jupiter Pluto conjunction
But he could be popular enough with his Moon Venus falling in the Germany 7th and his Sun in the Germany 5th. Though there’s an awkwardness about his Jupiter Saturn sitting in the Germany 4th opposing the Uranus – differing agendas. His relationship chart with Germany is very up and down. A positive Pluto square Jupiter; a stuck-with-him and resenting-it Saturn Pluto; a disruptive Mars Uranus; and an evasive Sun Neptune.
Pic: Olaf Kosinsky
All German chancellors since 1949 had one phenomenon in common: They all had a connection between Mars and Neptune / Pisces.
I wonder whether this series will stop in September.
Konrad Adenauer: Mars in Pisces
Ludwig Erhard: Mars in Gemini conjunct Neptune
Kurt Kiesinger: Mars in Taurus sextile Neptune in Cancer
Willy Brandt: Mars in Cancer conjunct Neptune
Helmut Schmidt: Mars in Aquarius opposition Neptune in Leo
Helmut Kohl: Mars in Pisces in the 12th house
Gerhard Schröder: Mars in Cancer square Neptune in Libra
Angela Merkel: Mars in Sagittarius sextile Neptune in Libra
Those with a Jupiter/Saturn conj are often tight with money and falling in his 8th house, in this case with other people’s money. With the opp. to the German Uranus he could face battles over being too austere.
Thanks Marjorie. As you say, Merkel is a tough act to follow. I just hope whoever does step into her shoes can maintain stability in Germany and indeed the EU.