Apple Martin, Gwyneth Paltrow and Coldplay Chris Martin’s daughter was wheeled out for a time-warp debutante ball in Paris. Le Bal des Débutantes is an annual invitation-only event that introduces young women from prominent families “into society” and aims to raise money for charities. Apple wore a strapless blue Valentino gown that took 750 hours to make and was paired with a ‘cavalier’ from a distinguished background, in her case a German count, son of a film producer.
It’s enough to jump start another French Revolution.
Apple was born 14 May 2004 1 am London and has her Taurus Sun on her IC making her private and very attached to her family and roots with her Sun square a kind but vague 1st house Neptune. Her Sun is also inconjunct her Pluto for an uneasiness about how best to use her influence. She has a financially lucky 8th house Jupiter opposition Uranus; and a sociable, charming, though can be manipulative Venus opposition Pluto square a 2nd house Pisces Moon. Good at putting on a show and keen on financial stability. She does have a tricky Mars Saturn in her 6th which will make her hard-working but could suggest health issues down the line. Her Saturn sextile Jupiter is inconjunct Neptune for an head-in-the-clouds Neptunian yod.
Her earthy, Fixed Taurus Sun will anchor her which is a help with a fairly disorganized, insecure though compassionate Moon.
Her mother Gwyneth, 27 September 1972 5.25pm Los Angeles, does not have the easiest of temperaments with a controlling (and then some) Sun conjunct Pluto in Libra conjunct Mars in late Virgo, all in her 7th house of relationships. With her Saturn in Gemini in her 4th hinting at a cool, workaholic approach to domestic and family life with her Saturn in a hard-edged square to Mars; plus her Saturn is conjunct a restless Gemini Moon. Her Saturn Moon trine an 8th house Uranus. Her megaton Mars Pluto Sun conjunction plus Venus all fall in Apple’s 8th which is possessive, suggesting a deep-rooted bond (chain) between mother and daughter which it will be difficult to separate from.
Their relationship chart is a web of complexity with an affectionate composite Sun Venus; plus an edgy Sun inconjunct Uranus with Uranus opposition Saturn; a power-couple Jupiter Pluto and Pluto square Mars. All of which will take time to play out but suggests difficulties in embracing differing needs and wishes between the pair and undercurrents of power struggles and resentment.
Her father Chris Martin, 2 March 1977 5.52pm (?) Exeter, England, has his Jupiter on her Sun for a reassuringly, supportive connection. Though his Mars in Aquarius opposition Saturn square Uranus all impacting on Apple’s Neptune suggests a confusing and erratic chemistry between them.
All three have afflicted Mars in their charts which suggests that anger (and assertion) is not something well handled within the family.
Another Taurus in the news – Donatella Versace, 2 May 1955 5am Reggio di Calabria, Italy, the fashion designer, attracted comment for her changed looks as she stepped out at the Devil Wears Prada musical. With her Sun on her Taurus Ascendant she will be naturally focused on her appearance and brand. And that plus an attention-seeking Pluto in her 5th plus a 5th house Virgo Moon, means she will rarely go unnoticed. Tr Saturn is opposition her Moon and square her Mars for a few weeks ahead but there is nothing much affecting her Ascendant or her Venus.
Gwyneth’s Astrodatabank chart uses mean Lilith which is located at 24 Scorpio; opposite Apple’s Taurus Sun. Apple’s mean Lilith is found at 20 Gemini exactly conjunct GP’s Saturn in Gemini.
Thaaank you so much!
It’s enough to jump start another French Revolution.
This post is worth that comment alone! Priceless.
I was so stunned that this kind of event even exist nowadays… You can literally think what century are we in when you hear of its existence. Never heard of it before now. But, turns out, it has a good tradition, switched venues through many top-notch Paris hotels, some famous names had their debuts in years past… And it’s for a good cause.
At first glance:
– Many of these people seem to have an uneasy, uncomfortable Moon (it can often be, but it doesn’t have to): notably Apple’s Pisces Moon, Donatella’s Virgo Moon (can signify a person born during famine or similar difficult circumstances), and even Chris Martin, although in Leo, has it conjunct Saturn, which can be depressing and dampening. So confusion and lost in a different world (Pisces), too analytical (Virgo), Moon conjunct Saturn (prone to depression). And, as I’ve said before, a Leo Moon craves attention but finds it uncomfortable when it achieves a spot under the limelight. Gwyneth’s Moon in Gemini is too much away from that Saturn for my liking, but, as you point out, it is a restless Moon and can denote parents who were away during growing-up, or a child felt like that. Were her parent filming too much during her childhood?
– For someone with a Virgo ascendant, such as the one Chris has – and I think it was mentioned as a possible ascendant for Theresa May – you would expect impeccable attire, but then you see that the ruler of that ascendant in Chris’s case is in Pisces, thus all this raggedy, street look instead of top-notch superneatness. The notableness of certain of his choices, such as those shoe-lace bracelets he wears in bright colours, are probably that Leo Moon.
– Donatella has completely changed her appearance so much so that I was wondering if she now needs new a new ID, passport, and driver’s licence.
Regarding Donatella, she looks really good. I do not condone her trying to improve her appearance. She has the money and resources, so why not? After her brother’s death, she managed to continue for decades, and I do not think many people give her credit for Versace’s achievements. Even now, when it comes to Versace’s design, people think of Gianni Versace.
By the way, I had no idea that the Virgo Moon signifies famine or difficult birth conditions. If it is not too much of an ask, I would love to learn more about what all the other signs mean.
I think she looks great as well.
Donatella has Jupiter conjunct Uranus. That’s a genius aspect.
I am a fan. The firm would probably have failed with her brother’s death if she were worth nothing. Instead it is a multibillion dollar business.
I am just saddened that people have such problems with aging and their own looks that they have to completely change their personal appearance.
Father Chris Martin has a stellium of Mars-Mercury-Sun….POSITIVE: “Aggressive thinking is geared toward the fulfillment of goals.”
NEGATIVE: “Destructive thinking saps vitality.”
Looking at Paltrow’s two steliiums, Mars-Pluto-Sun…POSITIVE: “Aggressive
intensity if geared toward the fulfilment of goals and long-range objectives.”
NEGATIVE: “Compulsiveness is projected in a self-centered and egotistical
Sun-Mercury-Uranus stellium…POSITIVE: “A strong intellect expresses
itself creatively and uniquely.” NEGATIVE: “Self-centered thinking creates
mental isolation and lack of communication.”
Both stelliums above relate to her 7th House of partners, relationships.
Transiting Pluto in Aquarius is in 1st house which is trining Lilith in her 4th Gemini. Which is apt as there is a lot being written (Gemini 3rd ruler) about as she suddenly has emerges from her parents. A baptism of being a child of famous parents? Maybe a bit of a bumpy ride this year? Her Moon/Sun midpoint is circa 23 degrees of Aries near Mercury which will give an impetus to go after what she wants. Her Sun in Taurus in the 3 rd house sextile Saturn Cancer in the 6th house. She could have a very good worth ethic. The 1960’s generation threw out this kind of Ball gushing situation, although now I have a feeling, it is going to return in a modern vogue. The 1960 Uranus/Neptune conjunction in Virgo had a ruthless rush of adrenaline to throw out everything. Whereas now, with Neptune in Aries – the head – sextile Uranus in Gemini – communication in everyday issues for the young – it may have a different take on what is aesthetically beautiful and interesting. A new look with Neptune’s romanticism?
Do you Uranus\Pluto conjunction? Neptune was in Scorpio at that time…