Angelina & Russell, Mel B & Marissa – astro-pairings


Another unlikely astro-pairing are actress/activist Angelina Jolie and bad-boy comedian turned political activist Russell Brand, both born 4 June 1975. Both had truly difficult childhoods. Angelina born at 9.09am Los Angeles was brought up by a single mother, who abandoned her to babysitters, then in her early teens gave her the master bedroom to share with her live-in boyfriend and used her daughter to live out her own dreams of stardom. Not surprisingly Angelina got into hard drugs, lived as a goth, self-harmed and attempted suicide.

Russell, born at midnight in Basildon, England also had parents splitting when he was very young, his mother was ill for a period when he was young and he was abused at school – diagnosed ADHD and bi-polar with subsequent drug problems and self-harm. Born the same day as Angelina Jolie.

They are both restless, multi-tasking Geminis with their Sun opposition a creative and can-be-addiction-prone Neptune and in a controlling trine to Pluto. Neptune Pluto tied into the Sun tends to give above average ambition, those two planets together having a tinge of megalomania.

They also have emotionally stressed and overly-excitable Aries Moons conjunct Mars and opposition Pluto, which hints at a destructive streak in their relationships with mother initially and then in adult domestic life. Plus a constantly-changing Venus square Uranus; and a hates-failure Jupiter square Saturn as well as an enthusiastic Mars Jupiter – very up and down in mood.

Time of birth and house positions obviously make a significant difference. Angelina has an erratic, emotionally unpredictable Uranus in the 4th making her a bit of a gypsy when it comes to putting down roots; while Russell has a health-issues Saturn in the 6th.

Another two, born close together, though less obviously similar, are Scary Spice Mel B, 29 May 1975 6.01pm Leeds, England; and Marissa Mayer, 30 May 1975 10.10 am Wisconsin, former Yahoo CEO and information technology executive. Both, like Jolie and Brand, have ambitious Gemini Suns opposition Neptune and trine Pluto; with the implacably determined Mars opposition Pluto. In their case additionally they share a similar Air Grand Trines of an Aquarius Moon trine Pluto trine Sun, formed into two talented Kites by Sun opposition Neptune and Mars opposition Pluto.

Marissa Mayer was an over achiever as a child and hasn’t had anything like as chaotic a romantic life as the much and unhappily married Mel B. Although Mel B does have an 8th house Sun trine a 12th house Pluto which may explain some of the drama in her love life.

4 thoughts on “Angelina & Russell, Mel B & Marissa – astro-pairings

  1. I was born just before these 4, but far enough away that I don’t have some of the aspects. Or at least not with so tight an orb. I do have the Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions pretty tight, with Venus conjunct Saturn but way too far to in square with Uranus.

  2. How peculiar that you have written about Angelina and Russell. I was considering asking you to compare and contrast their charts, as Russell seems to be (or appears to be) moving into calmer waters/getting his life together, as he seems to have reinvented himself as a bit of a new age guru these days. He is extremely lucid and articulate and tends to get his messages over quite well. Do you think this is a reflection of a true part of himself or do you think it is a more calculated move as the new age/quantum thinking is becoming even more successful these days as people try to find meaning in their mediocre lives?

    • All these people have Mercury Rx and these people tend to change career direction at least once. Even when they do settle into a new career path, there is often a side hustle or two. There is also a lack of fixed signs, so change may come easily.

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