Angela Merkel – stalwart for Germany & the EU – what happens when she goes?



Angela Merkel swallowing her party’s second electoral defeat within two weeks and apologising for her migrant policy, seems to be hinting she’ll stand again in the German Federal elections next autumn.

She’s certainly been a blessing for Germany with her Jupiter Mercury conjunct the Germany 1871 MC and her Sun Uranus in the Germany 10th. And much the same for the EU, where she’s been the de facto leader with her Sun Uranus Jupiter Mercury falling in the EU 10th. Though tellingly her cautious, conscientious Saturn in Scorpio falls in the EU 2nd, conjunct the EU pie-in-the-sky Jupiter Neptune, so she has put the brakes on their wilder financial fantasies.

For all her protestations about continuing for another term, she does have tr Saturn moving across her Ascendant this October down into her first quadrant for years to come, so she will be pushing against the grain of what her psyche really wants and is likely therefore to be less successful over the next few years. She also has some major jolts upcoming, specifically from late March as tr Uranus starts to oppose her 10th house Neptune, trine her Pluto, and then square her 8th house Uranus Sun on and off through the year. Plus tr Pluto will square her MC from January 2017 right through till late 2017, which is usually bad news on the career front. She’ll plough bullishly on in her calm way but her relationship chart with Germany is very unsettled from January onwards and ditto with the EU. So nothing is certain.

At the moment over her growing unpopularity, her Solar Arc Pluto is conjunct her 10th house Neptune and is moving on to put down a blocking square to her Sun, exact in the autumn of 2017.

The Germany 1871 chart is showing a sudden change of direction from late April 2017 with tr Uranus square the 10th house Uranus. It will include shifts in relationships with close neighbours. Tr Uranus is moving through the Germany 7th with tr Pluto square the 7th house Neptune from March 2017 onwards for two years, so there will be considerable confusion about commitments and trust. Part of that may be Brexit, but there’s a whole host of problems elsewhere involving Hungary, Italy, MedSud broken finances etc.

The Germany/EU relationship was under considerable strain around 2012 with tr Pluto conjunct the composite Sun and tr Uranus square the Sun. That was when I thought if the EU was going to split it would. But Germany is more tied into the EU than the UK, since the Germany/EU composite Sun opposes a 10th house Pluto; and there’s a Fixed composite Grand Cross as well. All of that will come under renewed and significant pressure when tr Saturn moves into Capricorn from 2018 hitting hard aspects to the composite Sun Pluto; and tr Uranus into Taurus will start to conjunct and seriously rattle the Fixed Grand Cross of Venus, Uranus, Mars, Moon for two/three years. So there’ll be potential for a major rift.

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