Angela Merkel regrets little in her fairly anodyne memoirs, keen to shore up her legacy. Critics say what she left behind was the German economic miracle sagging, the automotive industry struggling and debt at a post-war high. She became too close to Vladimir Putin, causing Germany to become dependent on Russian oil and gas, and allowed one million migrants into Germany in 2015, helping the vote in the UK to exit the EU and bolstering populist parties across the continent.
One review says: “Few politicians have been more lauded during their careers and more excoriated in retirement than Angela Merkel.” Her chief qualities were caution and discretion which saw her through the financial crisis, the Russian occupation of Crimea and the dependency on Moscow’s gas.
She was born 17 July 1954 5.45pm Hamburg, and spent her first 35 years in the socialist German Democratic Republic (GDR). She was a good fit for united Germany with her Jupiter in Cancer conjunct the Germany Midheaven and her Sun Uranus conjunction conjunct the Germany 10th house Uranus.
Her rebellious, unconventional streak from her Sun Uranus conjunction were kept well hidden in her confidential 8th house but she was undoubtedly a trailblazer, certainly in becoming a woman leader and staying for 16 years in power. Her assertive Mars in Sagittarius in her 1st house was in a determined trine to an opinionated 9th house Pluto. Her 10th house Neptune would give her an idealistic slant and soften her tougher inclinations -as well as giving her a talent for evasion and smoke-screening. Her Aquarius Moon sits awkwardly with four Cancer planets though would give her the necessary detachment for a political career.
Her relationship chart with Germany does suggest a successful combination with a composite Jupiter Pluto conjunction trine an enthusiastic Venus Mars. Plus an enlightening (and illusory) composite Sun opposition Mercury square Uranus opposition Neptune.
She became Chancellor in 2005 and resigned Half a Saturn cycle later in December 2021.
At the moment she looks less than upbeat with tr Pluto square her 10th house intense Saturn in Scorpio, with a discouraging SA Pluto conjunct her Saturn in 2025. Her Solar Arc Midheaven will also conjunct her Mars in 2025, hinting at another setback to her reputation.
All political careers end in failure and hers may be weighing heavily on her in retirement.
“All political lives, unless they are cut off in midstream at a happy juncture, end in failure, because that is the nature of politics and of human affairs.”
Merkel’s career rather proves that point.
She once said that Putin was the most delusional of all the world leaders she had to deal with. That she can speak Russian and he German was a plus and I think she thought to make him ‘safer’ by bringing him in from the cold, so to speak. She took a calculated risk, and it’s easy for us now with hindsight to say that was misjudged. Similarly she welcomed the refugees in the knowledge that with its rapidly ageing population Germany needed young blood to keep its industry going and have enough care workers to look after its elderly. Was that also a misjudgement or do we expect too much too soon? It is not even 10 years ago and of course there have been violent incidents there, as there have everywhere, but the few young migrants I have met have assimilated pretty well, they speak fluent German, have got themselves an education and seem pretty settled, ever hopeful that one day they will be able to go back to a peaceful Syria. Germany’s biggest political problem now is her successor, Scholz, the great ditherer, who fiddles while the country becomes inflamed by the pro-Russian AfD. Germany is definitely the ‘sick man of Europe’ at the moment but I don’t think Merkel can or should be blamed for that.
Angela Merkel’s Saturn parans:
Saturn culminates when Procyon sets…”A body of work in difficult
Satirm culminates when Hamal on IC….”Hard physical or intellectual choices
that cause frustration or rage.”
Saturn sets when Acumens sets…”Hardships in life fuel motivation or anger.”
Saturn on IC when Murzim rises…”Influence others thru’ ones words.”
BTW, is there anything in her chart that says tone-deafness?
I remember one woman commenting when Angela was in office that Angela was only good for the rich.