Anastacia – overcoming hurdles with determination



Anastacia, American singer-songwriter and former dancer, is hugely successful and known as the little lady with the big voice, being only 5 foot 2 inches with a powerful mezzo-soprano delivery. She’s had innumerable problems with Crohn’s disease in childhood, which left her in a wheelchair so she later took up dancing; two bouts of breast cancer and a double mastectomy and heart problems. Her parents were both showbiz, and her singer father, who left the family when she was a teenager, was bi-polar.

Born 17 September 1968, she does have a strongly confident and determined chart, which is riddled with difficulties as well. Her Virgo Sun is conjunct Uranus on one side and Pluto Jupiter on the other. That would certainly fit with an erratic though controlling father. Her Sun Pluto is in a Yod in sextile to Neptune and inconjunct a focal point Saturn in having-to-be-self-reliant Aries. Saturn on a Yod especially in Aries points to a stressful, challenging life. Her Saturn also opposes Venus Mercury in Libra perhaps squaring onto a Cancer Moon, as well as being trine Mars in flamboyant Leo. So emotionally defensive and used to hard conditions.

She had one brief three year marriage to her bodyguard which foundered which is not surprising given the emotional strains in her chart, erratic father and not much nurturing in general with Saturn hitting on her Venus and possibly Moon as well as Sun natally.  Low emotional self-esteem and she probably headed for less than she deserved. The wedding on 21 April 2007 had an explosive Venus opposition Jupiter square Mars Uranus – so superficially glitzy but very volatile.

She deserves some peace and does have a go-ahead, successful tr Pluto trine her Jupiter in 2017. But she’s also got two more hits of tr Uranus conjunct her focal point Saturn in 2017, trailing into 2018, which will be a jolting setback. At best it may put her onto a different track. But it looks a troubled time though no doubt she’ll meet any obstacles with her usual chutzpah.

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