Alexei Navalny, Putin’s most prominent political opponent has died in a Siberian prison colony to which he was sent on what are described as trumped up charges. For many years he has been a lawyer and an anti-corruption activist, with six million YouTube subscribers in 2021. He has described Russia’s ruling party, United Russia, as a “party of crooks and thieves. He was poisoned a few years ago by it is thought Russian security agents and went to Germany for treatment. Unbelievably he returned and was imprisoned for breaking his parole and recently sent to an Arctic penal colony nicknamed “Polar Wolf”, where the temperature at the moment is minus 22C.
Born 4 June 1976 1.30 pm Moscow, Russia, he has a 9th house (legal affairs) Gemini Sun Venus opposition Neptune and trine Pluto – a communicator and supremely ambitious. He has his Mars in flamboyant Leo in an uncompromising and excitement-seeking square to Uranus. His Mars is also square an 8th house Jupiter in Taurus and South Node. No one could doubt his courage but in these circumstances one wonders about his recklessness.
His Chiron in the 8th and his Scorpio North Node both point to an urge towards and an obsession with transformation even if it means the ultimate sacrifice. Losing everything to gain?? – martyrdom perhaps. He certainly has a strongly marked 17th harmonic – leaving a legacy behind – which links Saturn to Mars, Neptune and Pluto indicating extreme hardship and brutality as his way through to immortality.
He certainly represented an inspiring example for Russia with his Sun Venus conjunct the Jupiter in the 10th in the Russia 8 November 1917 chart 2.12am Leningrad; and his Jupiter in Taurus in the Russia 9th house square the Uranus opposition Saturn. On the Russia 8 December 1991 7.45pm chart his Pluto and Uranus falls in the Russia 4th as he posed a mutinous threat to the new regime’s stability.
As he dies his Solar Arc Sun is exactly conjunct his Saturn, both at 29 degrees Cancer with tr Pluto opposition both which is a massive amount of pressure. Whether he was poisoned again or succumbed to the brutal Siberian conditions will probably never be known. His last poisoning was only confirmed by the German medical authorities.
“The tyrant dies and his rule is over, the martyr dies and his rule begins.” Soren Kierkegaard.
ADD ON: Another prominent Putin critic in prison in Siberia is Vladimir Kara-Murza, 7 September 1981, a political activist, journalist, author, filmmaker, and political prisoner. He was a protégé of Boris Nemtsov who was assassinated in 2015. Kara-Murza suffers permanent nerve damage as a result of two poisoning attempts which left him in a coma in 2015 and 2017. Late last month it was revealed he had gone missing from the prison in the Omsk region where he was being held in solitary confinement.
Despite the risk his wife Evgenia, 2 November 1980, has been outspoken in her reaction to Navalny’s death. She said she was ‘horrified, but not surprised’. ‘The use of political assassination as a method of dealing with opponents has been there for the entire rule of Vladimir Putin. ‘[Navalny’s death] was a murder for which Vladimir Putin is responsible.’
Vladimir Kara-Murza is a Sun Virgo in an idealistic square to Neptune; with a leadership Leo North Node conjunct Mars. Tr Pluto is opposition his North Node now and will be opposing his Node/Mars midpoint and then Mars till late 2026, none of which looks good. If he survives his does have a chink of luck and relief come 2026 with his SA Jupiter conjunct his Uranus. But in the circumstances that is probably over hopeful and he has a good deal of jeopardy and confusion between now and then.
He has Jupiter and Saturn conjunct in Libra as does his wife = fair-minded, idealistic. She is a stalwart Sun Scorpio and her two years ahead also look fraught.
Their relationship chart has a composite Sun, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter conjunction which describes a relationship in which love, affection and mutual support also involve sacrifice in high risk situations. There is also a yod of composite Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Chiron – binding them together in a mission to right wrongs and injustice.
ADD ON: Putin came to power as president on the Uranus return of the Russia 8 November 1917 chart. Stalin died on the Uranus Return of the Russia 20 September 862 JC chart. Nothing similar at present. But all three Russia charts including the 8 December 1991 one are showing tremors of disquiet through this April and on into 2025/26 as Pluto moves through the early degrees of Aquarius and Uranus moves into Gemini. The 1991 chart indicates 2027 as a year of cataclysmic change with a major setback at the moment and increasing gloom and hardship in 2025/26.
Putin’s initially Presidency chart from 31 December 1999 might be an indicator. It will receive a shocking jolt leading to over reactions come this August and on and off into early 2026 with tr Uranus square the Mars. It already has a panicky-failure SA Neptune conjunct Mars at the moment and is facing devastation/confusion and worse judgement calls through 2025/26 with tr Pluto conjunct the Neptune.
The mess he will leave behind when he goes will be considerable.
Add On (from comments):
You may have a point about Saros cycle 128 being particularly pertinent to the rulers of Russia.
1881, 1899, 1917, 1935, 1953, 1971, 1989, 2007, 2025
1881 – Assassination of Alexander II and accession of Alexander III
1917 – No intro or explanation needed
1936 – Great Purge by Stalin
1953 – Death of Stalin (movie definitely worth watching)
1971 – This may not be relevant. While Khrushchev was removed from power in 1964, he died in 1971
1989 – Fall of the Berlin Wall, as you mentioned. And also a turning point in the life of a KGB officer based in Dresden, who went on to greater power in modern-day Russia.
2007 – Death of former Russian president Yeltsin (he had resigned in 1999/2000).
Every alternate occurrence seems to be either a (violet and chaotic) change of government (1881, 1917, 1953, 1989t, 2025?) or the death of a former head of state/government (1936-given how many people Stalin had executed, not impossible-, 1971, 2007, etc). Based on the trend, I would guess that somebody formerly in power died in 1899, but can’t find anything on Wikipedia.
Looking back from 1881 to the 17th century, the Saros 128 series seems not to be associated with Russian rulership prior to 1881 but is associated with several revolts, shock events or extension of Russian boundaries. Is there something else from 1881 that is triggering the Russian chart and modulating the expression of the Saros 128 lunar eclipse series? The event are:
1863 – January uprising (Polish revolt); 1773 – Pugachev’s rebellion; 1737 – massive Kamchatka earthquake;1665 – Russia took control of eastern Ukraine; battle of Stralsund, in which ships and a bright light appeared in the sky, now interpreted as an early report of a UFO sighting.
“It is not the punishment but the cause that makes the martyr.”
Saint Augustine
Alesel Navalny was a man of incredible courage. Putin’s day of reckoning will come at some point in the future.
Thank you for the add on about Kara Murza.
Re the Saros series in 1899, it may relevant to consider Vladimir (so many Vladimirs) Soloviev who was an outstanding philosopher and mistic highly respected in Russia and who died the next year.
I read Joe Biden privately said the PM of Israel is an effing bad guy (excuse Joe’s French) well I think Putin is an effing bad guy. My instinct tell me the death of Alexei does not bode well for Putin’s own future.
As you look at this can you please look at Kara Murza as well? He is another opposition leader who is a Russian/British citizen who he who will not be named has tried to poison twice. He is currentl in a penalcolony in siberia. Bill Browder posted a video 6 hours ago stating he was worried about his safety. If you do not know who Bill Browder is you need to understand what the Maginsky Act is. Thank you.
Bad move on Putin side. As you’ve written, killing him will make him a legend, na imortal figure. To silenced a voice od freedom during Pluto in Aquarius?!?! Foolish decision. This will be the reason for the upcoming revolution during Neptune/Saturn conjuction. Transisting Pluto for some time opposed his Saturn, adding now Mars made this awful news. Pluto will be back fort the last time in Capricorn later this year. It will make another opposition to his Saturn but also a trine to his ASC – strong image. I think the upcoming lunar eclipse would conjunct his Pluto…Next 2 years Jupiter will conjunct his Gemini planet and then his MC. I think he will be famous during this time. Brave freedom fighter – Leo Mars in the 11th house
“But all three Russia charts including the 8 December 1991 one are showing tremors of disquiet through this April and on into 2025/26 as Pluto moves through the early degrees of Aquarius and Uranus moves into Gemini.”
Thanks Marjorie. I notice that the Saros Series of eclipses are currently repeating 1916, 1988 this year. Next year 1917, 1989, 2025 seems meaningful. The Berlin Wall’s fall, November 9th 1989, is an important moment I think. Nodes 21 Aquarius/Leo echo Uranus in Aquarius for 1917. Pluto in 1991 squares that, moving from 19 Scorpio to 22 Scorpio by December, tr Uranus opposes this now. And Saturn entered Aquarius in 1991, so tr Pluto is conjunct that across a range of charts for that turbulent era.
The ‘karmic’ Aquarius Neptune/South Node in the Presidency chart must be beginning to feel the rumblings of Pluto’s approach too. Possibly the stage is being set. May the main events be sooner, rather than later…..
I watched the BBC ‘Storyville’ documentary about Navalny, and burst into tears.
You may have a point about Saros cycle 128 being particularly pertinent to the rulers of Russia.
1881, 1899, 1917, 1935, 1953, 1971, 1989, 2007, 2025
1881 – Assassination of Alexander II and accession of Alexander III
1917 – No intro or explanation needed
1936 – Great Purge by Stalin
1953 – Death of Stalin (movie definitely worth watching)
1971 – This may not be relevant. While Khrushchev was removed from power in 1964, he died in 1971
1989 – Fall of the Berlin Wall, as you mentioned. And also a turning point in the life of a KGB officer based in Dresden, who went on to greater power in modern-day Russia.
2007 – Death of former Russian president Yeltsin (he had resigned in 1999/2000).
Every alternate occurrence seems to be either a (violet and chaotic) change of government (1881, 1917, 1953, 1989t, 2025?) or the death of a former head of state/government (1936-given how many people Stalin had executed, not impossible-, 1971, 2007, etc). Based on the trend, I would guess that somebody formerly in power died in 1899, but can’t find anything on Wikipedia.
TBH, I don’t like the looks of this one bit.
I will also point out that each of the violent and chaotic change of government mentioned above took a half a decade to a decade to settle down.
Thanks Unmystic Mom, very interesting indeed! For 1899 I saw this – “The Rules of War: Imperial Russia at the 1899 Hague Conference and as Occupying Power during the 1900 Boxer Rebellion” (wilsoncenter.org). Somewhat ironic, given present circumstances, however maybe shows the other side of this particular ‘energy’? 1899 did have Saturn opposing Pluto, so arguably contained ominous possibilities?
“During the Boxer rebellion, which developed as a Chinese popular uprising against the presence of Christian missionaries and foreign influence in Chinese affairs, Russia occupied the northern part of China with a force of approximately 200,000 troops. This force was 10 times larger than any other European occupying army, Holquist noted. This rebellion occurred less than a year after the closing of the Hague conference. The Russian army was under specific orders not to live off the land through requisitions, and only to use force when necessary. The Russian Foreign Ministry issued an explicit order declaring that it was not Russia’s aim to annex Chinese territory or profit financially from its occupation”
Yes, agree with your point about violence and chaos taking years to settle down. This time around, back in the 90’s, it was financially the Wild West and so many were dazzled by all that shadowy money. The effects of that continue to resonate everywhere.
Jane and UM, Thanks for the Saros cycle info – have added to the main text for ease of finding at a later date.
Thanks Marjorie. It does feel as if some big pattern is rumbling away, before the storm breaks.
One other thing I noticed is the case of American journalist, Evan Gershkovich:
“Mr Gershkovich, his newspaper, and the US deny the espionage charges.
US officials have called for his immediate release.
“The grounds for Evan’s detention are baseless,” the American embassy in Moscow tweeted on Friday. “Journalism is not a crime. We continue to call for Evan’s immediate release.”
His arrest marked the first time Moscow had accused a US journalist of espionage since the Soviet era.” BBC website
What’s curious is Evan G’s birthday – 26th October, 1991. In the Old Style calendar for Russia, the date for the Revolution would be 27th October, 1917. Evan G has Pluto at 19 Scorpio, Mercury 16 Scorpio. 1917 has Sun 16 Scorpio, Mercury 19 Scorpio. Uranus was 19 Aquarius, Saturn 14 Leo. Both charts have the Nodes in Capricorn/Cancer. Seems like a symbolic ‘coincidence’ to me…..
Putin, serial killer by proxy. His bad karma will be endless.
But when will the Russian people rise. With the current stellium in Aquarius, surely the astrology points to now
Looking at the Russia 862 chart (which I tend to rely on), the Saturn/Neptune conjunction of 2026 will approach its exact conjunction of the chart’s Nadir as it opposes its Midheaven/Sun/Saturn in Libra. Transit Saturn is currently approaching the South Node in Pisces. An article in the FT today by Alexander Bernov calls this a watershed moment for modern Russia.
“Navalny’s death, which comes nearly two years to the day after Russia invaded Ukraine and ahead of sham elections in March, is a reminder that Putin’s regime is waging a war on two fronts — externally against Ukrainian citizens and internally against its own.”
He also mentions activist Maria Kolesnikova, who was sentenced to 11 years in a penal colony for political activity. She has a Yod on her Taurus Sun with Mars in Libra and Uranus is Sagittarius in Sextile and like Navalny, refused deportation rather than live in exile.
Maria Kolesnikova is from Belarus has been imprisoned under the Lukashenko regime.
A true martyr. I would think that with the emphasis on Neptune (transiting Pluto Mars conjunct SA Neptune and the Part of Fortune, opposing the SA Sun and Natal Saturn), that poison was the likely cause of death.
This is awful news. Not only his sudden death, but how inevitable it seems under the present regime. There are just so many now, so many falls from windows or unexpected deaths while at home or out running or whatever. And never any consequences.
The Pluto-Mars conjunction on 14th February in Aquarius opposed his SA Sun and natal Saturn. Pluto-Mars could describe an assassin I fear. As I recall, 0-1 Aquarius crops up in a number of Russian charts, and those for the early 90’s as the Soviet Union fell apart.
And the Pluto-Mars conjunction also triggered his Virgo Moon health and well-being with a quincunx. Altogether quite critical and sobering potential with both ‘lights’ under such extreme pressure (demands, threats).
RIP to Navalny
Russia’s chart (post of 26th December 2023) looks unsettled later in the decade with tr Pluto opposing Neptune (7 Leo) and then Saturn (14 Leo), and then being conjunct Uranus (19 Aquarius). Looks like a very bumpy ride with the outer planets.
Russia also seems to have a high number of planets in the 0-5 degree range of various signs (the Nodes, Pluto, Mars and Venus, and the Pax Fortunae). There is a lot to get triggered there.
The reason I was thinking of the later part of the decade is that I am not sure that Putin has put in a succession plan if things go pear-shaped for him. I presume that it will be Medvedev, but I think that even with Medvedev, it was Putin who was really the brains of the duo.
What will happen when he departs? How chaotic could Russia get?
Very sad news, condolences to the family!
17 years and some months after the murder of Anna Politkovskaya, who was about the same age at the time. I feel I might not see this ending in my life time, either.
(Disclaimer, I’m generally feeling pretty winded down.)
He was laughing and smiling in court just yesterday. Whether Putin killed him by subjecting him to deadly conditions or poison, Putin killed him. But it was poison.
His last message to his wife indicates to me that he knew he was dying. I think the combination of the extreme low temperature and insufficient proper food will have caused body temperature to drop affecting the brain and ability to move. Essentially hypothermia. Desperately sad for Russia, he was their last champion. Who will fill his shoes?
For how much longer can the butcher, Putin go on with the serial murder of his own people? He will face consequences for this, surely.
Can you tell us, and maybe you already did, what will the upcoming Saturn–Neptune conjunction signify for Russia? I think that it is from you that I’ve learnt Russia is susceptible to this constellation.
Actually this brought tears to my eyes. The brutality meted out to someone just because they didn’t agree with you; is horrendous. My only hope is there is karma one day. There is so much evil in this world, it is as if we are going backwards. Sadly, the bad guys appear to winning at the moment. More people need to be a voice for the good in this world. Our country’s appear to be falling to those who just want power, not decent Governance.
No words to utter
Please, when will the current murderous regime in Moscow end? Why is it going on? Why is the universe supporting this?
Cannot carry on like this
A friend from Estonia
@Sterling, I’m currently thinking about how people felt about Stalin. He had a 30-year run. Putin might still have other 10-15 years as the figurehead. And the thing following could be some sort of Breznev, after a short chaotic period.
You think he can live for another 10-15 years? He or the fake Putin that some claim is actually being paraded around
And what is your opinion on the garde rapprochée or the other circles of power, you think any of them have something else in mind for Russia and would they have the power to bring it about? I don’t know, killing Navalny smacks of desperation. Surely there is another path for Russia. What you say is terrifying, not only because it is possible of course, but because it has implications for our countries here and it scares me so I strongly want to believe there is somethpng else happening we cannot see