Al Pacino – not open to gold diggers


Al Pacino has been unkindly dubbed old and stingy by his erstwhile girlfriend, Israeli actress Meital Dohan. She said 79 was too much of an age gap to her 40 years and he didn’t like spending money – despite his reputed $150 million fortune.

Pacino, born 25 April 1940 11.02 am New York, has a 10th house Sun Saturn in Taurus square Pluto – so probably is a touch ungiving at a material level. He grew up poor with a single mother so will have been all too aware of financial insecurity from a young age. Saturn in Taurus can be miserly. He’s got a lucky and confident Jupiter in Aries on his midheaven which trines a flamboyant Sagittarius Moon in his performing 5th house.

Meital, 24 August 1979 in Israel, is a Sun Venus in Virgo with Saturn maybe conjunct Moon also in Virgo and all these planets of hers fall in his 2nd house so his money would be an issue for her. Her ultra-determined and unyielding Mars in Cancer square Pluto are in a tricky aspect to his Mercury – so communication wouldn’t be easy without flare ups. Her creative but evasive Neptune is conjunct his Moon and opposition his Mars Venus – initially ethereal, but illusions, delusions and disappointment.

Their relationship chart has a cool composite Sun Saturn (which may reflect the age gap) sextile Pluto so was always going to be a heavy-duty connection. There is an unrealistic Moon Neptune; and an adventurous Jupiter Mars conjunction which often appears in fleeting relationships that seemed a good idea on the spur of the moment but with nothing stronger to bind them together don’t last.

He has never married but has had a string of relationships and three children by two different mothers. None of his liaisons has lasted long so I doubt he’ll care overmuch.

2 thoughts on “Al Pacino – not open to gold diggers

  1. Cher once remarked: “A fool and his money are soon married!”

    Good luck to Al, he has seen too many people stripped of their cash by greedy people of
    both genders.

    • “I want a man who’s kind and understanding. Is that too much to ask of a millionaire?” – Zsa Zsa Gabor, 6th February 1917. A glamorous actor and socialite, she had Venus/Mercury opposite Saturn in Cancer, and Jupiter in the 8th house of other people’s money…..oh, and nine husbands….

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