Adele’s life has been through the wringer in recent times with a split marriage followed by considerable weight loss and now the death of her estranged father. Although she has said she’ll regard it as a liberation, it will have shaken her.
The markers on her chart which indicate the links to a father/male models in her life are intense with her Sun Jupiter in Taurus opposition Pluto squaring onto Mars in Aquarius – which harbours a good deal of anger, bitterness, even hatred and ambivalence. It drew her into an unhappy marriage with Simon Konecki – with his sharp-edged Mars Saturn conjunct her Venus and opposition her Moon. See previous post January 8 2020.
At the moment tr Uranus is exactly opposition her Pluto, which starts a two year phase of change, turmoil and disruption as it moves in hard aspect round her Fixed T Square. Her tendency will always be to resist change but with this amount of pressure she won’t have much option. Her Solar Arc Neptune is also square her Pluto – so it is a key marker for her father.
Tr Pluto is also poised on the cusp of her 8th house and will stay there for many years ahead. The start of this can often coincide with the passing of an older relative or friend, and will prompt a reflective phase of thinking about deeper issues. It can also be financially restrictive though that would seem less of a problem.
Losing an estranged or disliked parent can often be more difficult than it sounds, since there will be a confusion of feelings, including mourning for what was never there. And there can be regret that there had not been at least a coming-to-terms with the fractured relationship or some sort of rapprochement, though with a wealthy celebrity it is more difficult.
All I care about is when is her next CD coming out. I heard it was supposed to have been last fall, but I guess her lawyers advised her to finalize her divorce first so that her ex-husband wouldn’t get his grubby hands on any more of Adele’s fortune because I don’t think that they had a prenup.
‘Tr Pluto is also poised on the cusp of her 8th house …….. The start of this can often coincide with the passing of an older relative or friend’
I’m curious as to whether the same could apply to solar return Pluto in 8th? Thanks
Astrologers are never keen to predict death – except with hindsight. The 8th is the house of transformation which includes death and rebirth whether symbolically/psychologically or literally.
Pluto plunges in to the depths so there’s likely to be an experience of endings, especially of old ways of being. This could include losing older friends or relatives, but not necessarily. It will tend to bring up long buried feelings and lead to reflections about the fundamentals of life. The 8th house also rules joint finances which brings to mind the cynical old saying – the only two certainties in life are death and taxes.
It won’t be a singing and dancing frivolous year but it may not turn out quite as you fear.
My father died when transit Saturn was conjunct my Midheaven and Pluto was going through my 4th house. I think Pluto transit in a watery house can dredge up all kinds of issues from the past and be an agonising process, particularly if your relationship with your parent has been difficult. Their death is often not the end of one’s struggle with the relationship — far from it.
It’s clear Adele has been going through some kind of transformation in recent years and I can’t help feeling that she just doesn’t want to be ‘Adele’ any more.
Speaking from experience, it is true that processing the death of a parent with whom matters were never resolved is particularly painful. As you say, mourning the fact that the relationship can now never be healed – and you are left to deal with the embers yourself. Anger and regret, most certainly.
I recall in The Road Less Travelled there is a section where he talks about coming to terms with your childhood. How patients will say “my childhood was good (or bad) but I’ve dealt with all that”. But to truly come to terms with it, you almost have to set up a court of law with prosecution and defence lawyers making the case for and against what happened. Revealing the truth through hard questioning until, at the end of a long trial, the jury can decide impartially, judgement passed and the case be closed.
It was when Pluto went through my 8th that I started to pick up books like The Road Less Travelled and every other book on self-help improvement I could. Had zero interest in them before. Once Pluto moved onto the 9th I began reading more sociology and social psychology.
I had a similar experience with Pluto transiting my 8th. I began to devour pop psychology books. It can be helpful.