Adam West – beaming up Batman


“Come on, Robin, to the Bat Cave! There’s not a moment to lose!” An epic two years on television in the 1960s as the Caped Crusader imprinted actor Adam West on a generation as the only Batman and he never lost his cult fans. He struggled in later years to throw off the one-trick pony label but always said he was blessed to have been given a signature role. Recently he came back to prominence in Family Guy.

He died this week from leukaemia. Born 19 September 1928, Walla Walla, Washington, he was a Sun Virgo square Mars in Gemini; with a charming and persuasive Pluto square Venus Mercury in Libra; and a (maybe) T Square of North Node opposition Sagittarius Moon square Neptune.

Usually individuals tied into the zeitgeist have marked North Node aspects. His was square a film-and-fantasy Neptune in showy Leo and conjunct his lucky/successful Mars/Jupiter midpoint and = his Sun/Jupiter. His Jupiter and Mars were also in aspect to his Neptune/Pluto midpoint which has a feel of the supernatural about it, certainly good for weaving a fantastical tale.

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