Puerto Rico – another Trump misstep



Trump’s “asinine response to criticism” about what Puerto Rico locals claim is an insufficient response to the storm-ravaged island, tweeted from his luxury golf course in New Jersey, has  created another a firestorm. Ten days after Hurricane Maria, most of Puerto Rico is still without power and many of its 3.4 million residents, most of them U.S. citizens, lack basic supplies like food and water and air-conditioning. There has been criticism in the past about corruption, government mismanagement and a dilapidated infrastructure in Puerto Rico, which the storm has exacerbated.

There are two charts for Puerto Rico, 25 July 1898 and 25 July 1952 1.36pm, San Juan. It is an unincorporated US territory with its citizens free to travel to the US, but not eligible to vote in Congress or for the Presidency.

The PR 1898 chart has Solar Arc conjunct its Uranus, for a major shock exactly now, with a discouraging 2018 ahead as tr Saturn squares the Jupiter, tr Neptune squares Pluto and tr Uranus squares the Leo Sun. The 1952 PR chart has an explosive/destructive Solar Arc Mars opposition Uranus exact now; with a devastating tr Pluto square Neptune in 2018/2018, and again tr Uranus square the Leo Sun in 2018.

Trump’s chart impacts badly with both, hitting on his 12th house Pluto and Mars so riling him up, and bringing out his bully-streak. His relationship chart with the 1898 PR is certainly starkly hostile with a composite Pluto Sun Mars on the point of a T square to Jupiter opposition Node – so no love lost there, a struggle to the death. And the other relationship chart is not much better.

The USA’s relationships charts with Puerto Rico show disappointment this year; and significant challenges in 2018/19 with tr Pluto opposing the composite Sun. So the aftereffects of the damage, whatever the rights and wrongs of underlying local problems, will bring continuing resentment.

15 thoughts on “Puerto Rico – another Trump misstep

  1. Hi Marjorie,

    Astrotheme has a one hour earlier 1952 chart for Puerto Rico. If your chart is from Nick Campion, then you must have the right one. I’m curious if you had noticed the astrotheme chart.

    Take care,

    Kelly C

  2. Also, Trump had a golf project there that went belly up. I’m guessing he blames PR, not himself for yet another poorly managed project that ended up in bankruptcy. He still owes PR money they loaned him for it too. It’s fascinating to watch how far he tries to distance himself when it’s collapsed into failure. Quite frankly, I’m surprised he’s still thinking of going there this Tuesday unless it’s to gloat over it’s destruction which would reveal a level of sadistic nastiness. Either way, can anyone remember a recent US president who actively seemed to hate a state or possession the way Trump does?

    • Trump dedicated the Presidents Cup golf trophy to Puerto Rican hurricaine victims. I thought it was strange, considering he hasn’t gone there yet, or sent enough troops to unload the aid stuck in transit and distribute it properly. Your post pulled it all together for me. The golf trophy was sick gesture.

  3. 25 July 1898 was apparently only the date of US invasion. According to the People’s Chronology, 28 July was when the US commander received the surrender, thus the island became US territory.

    • Your link is to a nutjob that accuses everyone of being a horrible liberal, solely on the basis of their purported “body language”. He even has new ones up blasting innocent victims in Las Vegas, using news footage of people giving reports of their terror and experiences there.

      Don’t s***post on Marjorie’s wonderful site.

      • “He” sounds female to me. “His” website asserts “I was Medically discharged when I became pregnant.”
        I only see 2 posts about people connected to the Las Vegas events, neither of them critical of “victims”.

        Her observations can only be as good as the excerpts that she selects but she has not cornered the market in selective editing. Think of her as a useful addition to the array of opinions available.

        • Video from her: Body Language Las Vegas (antifa?) shooting. About how it was planned by antifa liberals, blah blah, don’t let them have jobs or any contact with the public. Another about the shooters brother where she says she has a crazy sister and she wouldn’t be surprised if her sister shot up 100’s of people. Another: Body language NASA Planet X. Her comments section is a cesspit.

          • Sorry for the missing S in front of the one he, you are right about it being a woman. Been struggling all day with this tragedy, thinking about the good Vegas where we attended friend’s weddings, loved the concerts, had fun at the slots and the buffets, and now this horrible tragedy hits the community. When I clicked on your link, thinking it was legit since it was on Star4cast, it pissed me off. Thought I got rid of all the anger typos, but missed that one.

          • “Sheriff Lombardo was asked by a reporter if he thought Paddock had carried out the attack alone.
            “You’ve got to make the assumption he had to have some help at some point,” the sheriff replied.”
            The conspiracy theorists will be happy for weeks on that one.

      • In the Puerto Rican Mayor video you linked to, Ms. Bombard calls her “lady” instead of Mayor, says she twists everything, says the “lady” hasn’t really seen any of the terrible things she’s recounting, goes on a rant “Good job, Puerto Rico, you’ve hired a moron.”.

  4. “Nobody knows in America Puerto Rico is in America.” That was “West Side Story”, which premiered on Broadway almost exactly 60 years ago. From all the appalling things DJT has tweeted, his tweet yesterday was the most gut wretching. Puerto Ricans are US Citizens, and by not having mobilized all possible release options a week ago, DJT and his Administration has already commited the worst possible crime against The American People (and yes, far worse than Bush 43 with Katrina, Bush 43 may have been incompetent, but he is by all accounts, also astrological, a compassionate person). My hope for a good thing to come out of this is Puerto Ricans flocking to Florida and flipping the state to anyone but Trump.

  5. Trump didn’t offer the traditional invitation to the White House to the women’s national champion basketball team from South Carolina. He has a real problem with accomplished women, including San Juan’s mayor.

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