Boris Becker, the Wimbledon glory boy, champion as an unseeded player at 17, ‘kissed by the gods’ as the German describe him, has tumbled to an ignominious low. A UK court last week declared him bankrupt, a former partner has demanded repayment of a £36.5 million loan and his Maserati has been taken back by sponsors over his failure to pay parking fines.
Becker, who won six grand slams in the 1980s and 90s, has continued to live as if he was still earning mega-bucks; appears to be exceptionally generous; has had a string of failed business ventures; an acrimonious divorce costing an estimated €15m from his first wife; and a string of publicised relationships one of which produced a child; and he plays poker, though does seem to win at that. The bankruptcy judge said he appeared to stick his head in the sand rather than face up the reality of his situation.
Born 22 November 1967 8.45am Leiman, Germany, he has a 12th house Sun Neptune in Scorpio so will be both intense and vague. His Sun Neptune is sextile Uranus Pluto in Virgo. Relocating his chart to the UK, where he seems happiest, it puts Uranus Pluto across his Midheaven. Uranus Pluto can be chaotic, constantly in a state of upheaval and since it is trine/sextile Mars in the 2nd in Capricorn opposition an 8th house Cancer Moon, he will wobble around fiercely, driven by emotional impulses probably even he doesn’t understand.
That 2nd/8th house Mars Moon opposition is being rattled by tr Uranus squares this year; and worse when tr Pluto catches up to conjunct his Mars in 2019/2020. Plus Tr Saturn is heading downhill through his 1st quadrant to hit his 2nd house from 2018 till 2020, which is always a tight time on the cash front.
He does have a Yod in his chart, the most difficult one onto a focal point Saturn in Aries quincunx Mercury sextile Jupiter – that requires real maturity and self-discipline to make it work. The Yod has moved by Solar Arc to put the Solar Arc Saturn opposition his Neptune two years back, his Sun/Neptune midpoint now, and then his Sun by 2020. So a perfect storm of difficulties.
So brilliant too young and couldn’t quite make the transition to real life.