Next UK Government – fiery inspiration and Neptunian muddle


Assuming it’s a straightforward win (and indeed the decision to hold it is voted through tomorrow), the UK election should declare next day on June 9th. There’s no saying what time her Majesty will do the honours but I’ve set it for 12 noon. Hopefully a different time will give it more coherence. Looking on the brightest side (?) there’s a Fire Grand Trine of Uranus in Aries trine Saturn (Moon) in Sagittarius trine North Node in Leo, formed into a Kite by Saturn Moon opposition a Gemini Sun. Fire gives confidence and inspiration, though not always practicality. The Kite gives it drive and focus, especially with sensible Saturn pulling its weight. Uranus Saturn is about mixing the best of the old with the best of the new, so can be constructive and moderate.

However the Sun squares onto Neptune and maybe the Full Moon as well, which is elusive, evasive, confused, lacking in willpower, gullible. It could at an absolute stretch be healing though it’ll be easily distracted.

Pluto squares Jupiter which is confident to over-confident; Mars in excitable Cancer is sextile Venus, but otherwise unaspected. Mars squares the Sun/Pluto midpoint and Saturn opposes the Sun/Mars midpoint both of which suggest obstacle courses with many setbacks. The Mercury is unaspected, which isn’t great for negotiations.

The start time will make all the difference since it may anchor down some of the loose ends onto the axis.

2 thoughts on “Next UK Government – fiery inspiration and Neptunian muddle

  1. Marjorie I have read some mundane astrologers use the close of poll chart, that is 10pm on the vote day, at Westminster. What do you think?

  2. Mercury in the sign it rules, at least. But this is a “busy, volatile” chart on whole. I should compare it to Theresa May’s chart, but it doesn’t look all bad with that Mercury: It aspects her chart, I think this isn’t a situation she’d shy away from. She may just be the right person for The UK or what remains of it, right now.

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