The magic mirror of Snow White has been obscured by a box-office denting series of missteps, plunging the children’s favourite into bumpy terrain with controversies over feminism, racism, dwarfism and unbelievably the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Much appears due to lead actress Rachel Zegler, Golden Globe winner for West Side Story. Admittedly she had to fend off offensive criticism about Snow White being played by a Latina actress, but she did not help herself by launching out onto comments about the story of Snow White and her Prince needing to be brought up to date and made more feminist. And being outspoken in her comments against Trump and pro-Palestine, with Gal Gadot who played the Evil Queen being an Israeli.
The seven dwarfs were also reimagined for the movie, with one actor with dwarfism along with six other non-dwarf actors. That strategy was criticised as being overly politically correct, as well as potentially taking away acting opportunities from the dwarfism community.
And all this fuss over a children’s fairy tale. See previous post Grimms fairytales. 1st January 2025.
Principal Photography for the movie started on 7 March 2022 having been delayed by the pandemic, with a fire damaging the set soon after. Not surprisingly the start chart has an accident-prone, hostile and argumentative Pluto conjunct Mars Venus – so it was always going to be an aggravated production. There is also a Taurus Moon and Uranus square Saturn in Aquarius which also hints at tensions and rifts.
Rachel Zegler, 3 May 2001 9.30 am Hackensack, New Jersey (rectified), is a Sun Taurus sextile a Cancer Ascendant inconjunct Pluto on the focal point of the yod – so not a slouch when it comes to throwing her influence around, with a tendency to go to extremes and be overly forceful (coercive) in putting her views across. Her Mars in outspoken Sagittarius is inconjunct Saturn and square her Moon so she will be inflammatory.
Tr Neptune and Saturn squaring her Mars through this May and on and off into early 2026 will dent her confidence and bring a few failed plans. Tr Pluto heading for her 8th and tr Jupiter moving through her 12th will hint that taking a backseat for a while might be sensible.
Her relationship with Disney films, 16 October 1923, who will not be mightily pleased at having their entertainment investment dragged into screeching arguments, is fraught and will be so for a while.
Gal Gadot, 30 April 1985, is another determined Sun Taurus, even more so with her Sun opposition Pluto and square Jupiter; and her Mars in Gemini on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Pluto sextile Neptune. Her overly-assertive Mars is conjunct Zegler’s Saturn for an undertone of dislike and a definite clash. Their relationship chart has an unbudgeable composite Pluto square Saturn which is being jangled by tr Uranus in hard aspect across the launch publicity and through the year.
It’s not that the issues are not important. But loading down what should be escapist entertainment from global and political horrors with luvvies demanding a platform is a bit much. Never mind Zegler biting the hand that feeds.
These remake people and film stars think their world view is so much more important than the classic old films
that weren’t caught up in the politics of the moment . Cold hearted narcissists , Are they influenced by the worst of Aquarius?
I dread to think what Disney will do with James Bond.
@Val, James Bond franchise was bought by Jeff Bezos’ Amazon, not Disney. Disney is a publically owned corporation, and does have subsidies that make serious movies with adult themes. They also own ABC. Portfolio built over decades. Bezos in comparison is a “newbie”.
Ah. Thank you for the clarification. It will be interesting to see how it morphs:)
But in its original form, this is not a simple children’s story – it is a much darker fare?
My thoughts are that I have a strong dislike for these remakes, although I did just see the trailer, and I must say it doesn’t look half bad. The only criticism I would aim at it is the horrendous production design and visual feel of the film, the kind of which has been around for decades. It is this smudged, creamy, nasty look and feel to the imagery, only made worse by hyperrealistic super-HD cameras. The look is everything: from sets, costumes, to lighting and all the rest, as well as the same kind and visuality of CGI in every film ever.
And this like Snow White no. what in terms of live-action remakes? There were not that long ago those other two high-profile versions, one with Julia Roberts and the other one with Charlize Theron.