Plagiarism – Saturn does the damage

Plagiariasm is defined as passing someone else’s words or ideas off as one’s own. Effectively stealing. It has long been known in academia and in journalism though there are grey areas in music and the creative arts with arguments over whether ideas or tunes can be copyrightable.  

 On a quick skip through some high profile examples, what is at first sight counter-intuitive are frequent aspects between Mercury and Saturn in the individual charts. Saturn has a reputation for rigour and sticking to the straight and narrow. But here it might have more to do with a lack of confidence or low self esteem in words/ideas/writing so other authors’ work seem a tempting way of appearing brighter and better.

 Journalist Johann Hari, 21 January 1979 was one and he has a Sun Mars in Aquarius opposition Jupiter in Leo so will be temperamentally keen to make a splash – Mars Jupiter can also be opportunistic. His Mercury in Capricorn is trine Saturn North Node in Virgo.

Jayson Blair, 23 March 1976, a NY Times journalist, a desperately ambitious Aries Sun opposition Pluto square Mars; also has Mercury (in Pisces) trine Saturn in Cancer.

Jonah Lehner, 25 June 1981, author/blogger, has his  Cancer Sun conjunct Mercury in late Gemini with both square Jupiter Saturn in Libra.

Stephen Glass, 15 September 1972, a former journalist, has a Virgo Sun, Mars, Mercury square Jupiter on one side and Saturn in Gemini on the other.

Doris Kearns Goodwin, 4 January 1943, author, is a Sun Capricorn with her Mercury in Aquarius opposition Pluto and trine Saturn and Uranus as well as Neptune.

Claudine Gay, 4 August 1970, academic, has a Sun Mars in Leo  with her Mercury in a squine (105 degree) aspect to Saturn – not really instructive.

 My slight impression – in addition to a fair amount of Fire in several charts – is a mix of super-charged ambition combined with worry about weak communication skills is what does the damage. And Saturn as ever always claims its pound of flesh in exposing transgressions.

3 thoughts on “Plagiarism – Saturn does the damage

  1. But it almost feels being sold without one receiving a penny…all work usurped by someone else yet facing humiliation for being loser by society instead of justice , of sympathy n remuneration…Saturn, God of Time also seems to do injustice because those whose work gets stolen ,never get their due..neither recognition nor money..even after death..Godless World

  2. Writers have a prominent Moon, unfortunately we don’t have birth times
    for most of these people. However, johan Han has sextile his Moon.
    Jaydon Blair has Hades sextile his Mercury, suggesting cheating.
    Johan Lehrer has Hades trine his Jupiter-Saturn conjunction.
    Stephen Glass has Hades trine Mercury. Doris Goodwin has Mercury trine
    Neptune. Claudine Gay has Lie trine Mercury and Hades conj Saturn.
    So we came up with Hades and Lie as possible plagiarizers since
    they overwhelmingly aspected Mercury and possible Moon.

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