Huw Edwards – a spectacular fall

Huw Edwards, one of the nation’s most admired broadcasters, who announced the death of Queen Elizabeth 11 and fronted coverage of Charles’ Coronation as well as elections is now facing a prison sentence for pleading guilty to possessing child sexual abuse material of the most serious kind. He stepped down last year with mental health problems facing allegations involving a teenager and sex photos which were not deemed criminal but certainly inappropriate.

  Born 18  August 1961 Bridgend, Wales, no birth time, he is married (now separated) with five children and was an active church goer.

  Two things stand out in his chart – one is a flamboyant, attention-seeking and willful collections of Sun, Uranus, North Node and Mercury in Leo inconjunct Jupiter Saturn conjunct in Capricorn. The other is a Scorpio Moon maybe conjunct Neptune trine Venus in Cancer sextile Pluto.

   His Leo planets would tend him towards arrogance and a chart-dominating quincunx suggests an unease within his personality which he was never able to resolve. He’d be constantly shifting and adjusting and never finding inner peace.  Jupiter Saturn can also carry, for a few, a tendency to fly too high and then find themselves cut down as Saturn, who punishes transgressions steps in to take a scythe Jupiter’s vainglory.

  His intensely passionate Scorpio Moon conjunct Neptune trine Venus would send him chasing fantasies – not necessarily in the direction of children, (though houses might add to the story) but he would certainly be emotionally unrealistic and never satisfied.

  At the moment the explosive tr Uranus Algol of July/August are squaring his Sun, Uranus and North Node – so shaking up his position on a pedestal. With tr Pluto in a trapped trine to his Mars at the moment and again late year.

  His Solar Arc Pluto is also in a devastating conjunction to his Neptune exactly now.  

 The BBC is coming in for flack, having paid his exorbitant salary (with pay rise) over the past year, despite knowing about these charges.   His interface with the BBC is Neptunian with his Leo Sun conjunct the BBC Neptune and his Neptune conjunct the BBC Mercury – dream weavers united but not always realistic or straightforward.

 His relationship chart with the BBC is odd – a bad-tempered, one-side composite Mars Saturn in a high-tension opposition to Uranus sextile/trine Sun, Mercury and Pluto – very tied together but a simmering cauldron of undercurrents of resentment and disagreement. 

  It has also given rise to comment that the BBC appear to be rife with predators – Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris amongst past examples. The BBC chart now that I look closely at it, in addition to a Scorpio Sun, Mercury, Jupiter in the entertaining 4th and a stubborn Mars in Aquarius and defiant Uranus in Pisces in the 10th, also has an afflicted Pluto. Its Pluto in Cancer is on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Mars sextile Venus, giving it a tendency to misuse power and presumably block out criticism until a scandal blows up dragging secrets out. The Solar Arc South Node is conjunct its Pluto at the moment -which is obscure enough but a hint that sliding back into old bad behaviour patterns of stonewalling won’t pay off.

18 thoughts on “Huw Edwards – a spectacular fall

  1. Re the BBC’s “Pluto in Cancer…on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Mars sextile Venus”, I’d imagine that is almost a signature for manipulative power games based on some form of illicit sexuality.

    Mars and Venus (the Roman gods, not the planets) have always been depicted as illicit lovers, Venus being married to Vulcan, the disabled god of metallurgy, and were often caught in compromising positions by the other gods, including the husband himself.

    Pluto can denote many things, from death and the end of things, to manipulative power, to the dark arts, to wealth. A yod of Pluto opposite Mars-Venus would suggest behind-the-scenes power manipulation with its basis in illicit love. A most unfortunate astrological signature for a public broadcaster.

  2. As there is no time, he could have a Moon in square his Sun A Neptune/Moon in Scorpio does lend to Love/Sex/Women and an undercurrent of complex nebulous emotions. Maybe actually not obtaining any satisfaction? Perhaps there was a kind of idolising of the Mother or women, or difficulty in finding the deep connection needed to fulfil that perfection or nervous excitable need? Leo rules the 5th house wit children, romance and creativity. A Sun/Uranus/Mercury combination in Leo would push the mind to look for freedom of expression and breaking down barriers, couple this with a Venus/Pluto conjunction and there may be a love of children taken to another level? Or perfection of a young physique? Pluto/Venus in Leo would certainly fuel the need for a deep passion, where Moon/Neptune in Scorpio maybe confused with sexual desires blurring the lines between love, desire and a need for an exiting expression. A power job can be another form of aphrodisiac. Leo likes to rule and power can be used in many ways.

  3. I think there may be many reasons why people end up deviant. Being molested oneself as a child sometimes results in being a molester in later life. Some, like Jimmy Savile and Gary Glitter seem to glory in their behaviour and don’t care. But I have also heard of some men who realise that they came into this world with depraved tastes, are deeply ashamed of them, and wish that they never had been born. They didn’t even come from particularly dysfunctional families. Then there are those who do have a normal family life, as least as far as one knows, but who indulge themselves with a high risk shadow life, like Edwards. Or the famous children’s author, William Mayne, who wrote popular books and knew perfectly well that his molesting was evil – but did it anyway. Churches and cathedrals over the generations have been full of gifted choirmen, organists and clergy who also know perfectly well that child abuse, particularly of choristers, is evil, but work in an environment where there are opportunities for it.
    Looking at Edwards’s chart it is difficult to see anything that is obviously an indicator of deviancy. Plenty of people have Moon in Scorpio, possibly conjunct Neptune, without being perverts. With a noon chart it is difficult to say, but I suspect that some fixed stars (and I don’t know enough about them) may have a part to play in aberrant behaviour. Do you see that Edwards has Mercury on Regulus (Trump has Mars there too) which leads to great honour but which can also, if overplayed, lead to disgrace and fall? And boy, has Edwards fallen. I wish we knew what his MC was, but there must be something going over it, and given all the deception, the money and the sexual intrigue, it does sound like a Pluto transit. It must be utterly humiliating for him. Can you imagine what prison would be like for him? The Greeks would have called out his arrogant behaviour as Hubris, while his fall from grace is Nemesis. All very Plutonian.

    • “I wish we knew what his MC was, but there must be something going over it, and given all the deception, the money and the sexual intrigue, it does sound like a Pluto transit.”
      Exactly my thoughts. However, if you look at his chart, tr Pluto is very closely conjunct his Jupiter at 29 Capricorn. That does not make sense. Could it be a Saturn (harsh judgement) transit?

      • Yes, I thought a Saturn transit might be possible too. I guess we shall never know in the absence of a precise birthtime. It is proving quite a “As ye sow, so shall ye reap” moment, and thus potentially suitably Saturnine.

        • Hm I always think when there is a complete demolition job on status and reputation of tr Pluto crossing the midheaven. But that is only a guess.

  4. I’m not British and not a follower of British media stars, so I’d never heard of Mr. Edwards before reading about him in the Guardian (although I expect I’ve unwittingly heard his voice on the odd broadcast). However, I gather that this development came as a huge shock, at least to those outside the inner circles of the BBC, who appear to have shamefully covered it up.

    However, these sorts of stories seem to be universal. And I’m with El Aznar: I wonder what on earth could make people become like this, and even worse, act on their deviant impulses? Was he always a predator, who just managed to fool everyone around him (including his poor wife and children!) for years, in the manner of some sociopaths known to criminal science–a defective and deeply arrogant man who always imagined that the rules didn’t apply to him? Or did something, perhaps, medical happen to him later in life to trigger this aberrant behavior? (Maybe a blow to the head, or a brain tumor? I’m not a doctor.)

    Anyway, it’s horrifying, and I hope that the people who created this material are discovered and severely punished, and their young victims rescued and supported in healing. Those poor children; this type of crime is especially despicable, and defies understanding.

    Also, what a terrible violation of the public trust on the part of the BBC, if all the allegations are true.

    • I would think it has always been there. I tend to associate it with early psychological damage and stunted emotional development. It wouldn’t be triggered by later adult events.
      What puzzles me is the recurring religious connection – what gives?

      • Isn’t it interesting how many sexual predators/deviants are Bible thumpers? I suspect — from my observation of evangelicals in the US — that part of it has to do with overly-religious parents and preachers trying to drum out the irregularity. I’ve seen it also in their treatment of gay children (e.g., forced conversion therapy) and in religious sects in the Americas and Africa. The religious intolerance drives what’s perceived as unacceptable behavior (whether genuinely predation or a different sexual orientation) into the closet, making everything worse.

      • Narcissism and entitled behaviour is quite high among ‘pillars of the church’ apparently. The church is an ideal cover for them.

      • I presume he was a church-goer because he felt deep guilt about the way he felt in terms of sexual attraction and because he knew he was lying to his wife.

      • You question brings to remembrance what Gnalydude mentioned in the mutable post about Pisces dissolving boundaries. Recently I had a conversation with a local teacher and I mentioned that people our age (Pluto in Libra) cared about the law and legality concerning stuffs whereas the young people 20s do not care and do not bother until they get intro trouble and hope the law would protect them. I was just rambling on and what she said seem apt that is these kids are the law themselves. I don’t know whether or not they have pisces planets in their charts but this was a generalised statement yet it seems to just hit the mark on the issue. Just some food for thought on Pisces.

  5. “Flamboyant, attention-seeking and willful” as demonstrated by the lofty way he glided past the press and into court wearing a pair of film star ray-bans.
    Such a disappointment as Huw was an outstanding current affairs broadcaster.

  6. Has anyone ever studied the reasons why do people become sexually deviant and have the mainstream, or otherwise, media ever written about that?

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