Haiti has collapsed into violent mayhem with violent gangs in control of the capital, dead bodies piling up and 4000 criminals roaming the streets, freed after an attack on a prison by the gangs. The acting (unelected) prime minister/president Ariel Henry is out of the country and unable to return, but is anyway suspected of being behind the assassination of the previous President Moise in 2021. The EU has evacuated its diplomats, while the US have sent in military personnel to protect their embassy. Commentators say Haiti is facing its biggest humanitarian crisis since the 2010 earthquake.
The BBC: ‘The instability in Haiti is a problem for the entire Caribbean community, and for Washington too. The idea of a nation of some 11 million people being run by gangs is of huge concern, particularly the potential impact on outward migration during an election year in the US.’
Haiti, 1 January 1895 7.17 am Gonaives, Haiti was under acute pressure in 2010 when the quake struck with an estimated death toll well over 100,000. At that point tr Pluto in Capricorn square tr Saturn in Libra collided exactly with the Haiti Mars in Capricorn square Saturn. Pluto Saturn brings deprivation and hardship and hitting on the prone to disasters and setbacks Mars Saturn it was a catastrophe of epic proportions.
At the moment tr Pluto is square the Haiti Midheaven blocking progress, pulling down the country’s reputation and in Plutonian fashion reducing all to rubble. Tr Pluto will continue squaring the midheaven and square the Jupiter, hinting at a tussle for the upper hand extending on till late 2025. In 2026/27 tr Neptune and tr Saturn will oppose the Haiti Saturn and square the Mars, moving on in the years thereafter to undermine the Sun etc. It won’t be as devastating as the 2010 quake but will be swampy, directionless and undermined.
Ariel Henry, 6 November 1948, is a controlling Sun Scorpio square Pluto, who looks unlikely to continue. What is interesting astro-wise about him is his takeover chart as prime minister, 20 July 2021 which has a troubled and aggressive yod of Neptune sextile Pluto conjunct Mars (Venus) in Leo; with a controlling Sun opposition Pluto. His government looks liable to complete capitulation in May/June as tr Uranus squares the Mars focal point, if not before.
Caricom, 1 August 1973 Trinidad – the Caribbean Community intergovernmental organisation that is a political and economic union of 15 member states – is meeting to try to see a way ahead. It looks substantially disappointed and uncertain with a confused, indecisive SA Neptune opposition the Mercury at the moment and more so in 2025 with tr Neptune square the Saturn. Though that may not all because of this issue of Haiti.
I have been to Haiti four times in the last ten years when I was working with two International Aid organizations. The poverty is staggering and has never changed in the times I worked there and there was always violence but now it has taken over the country.
Totally breaks my heart for the residents who live there and are continually subjected to violence, hunger and crime.
Thanks Marjorie. Ariel Henry has resigned, the violence and chaos in Haiti is terrible. It’s hard to nail down the dates for the original slave rebellion of 1791, seemingly planned on 14 August 1791 and then launched with a Vodou ceremony in the forest of Bois Caiman on the night of 21st-22nd August. Unesco commemorates International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition on 23rd August each year, inspired by the Haitian uprising, and its subsequent effects. This was, of course, a time of upheaval and revolution in France, and Haiti was a French colony at the time. There was much concern in the US about refugees from Haiti (mostly white ones), as it seems there is today.
Of astro interest, and certain dates, are the total Solar Eclipse, 27 September, 1791 at 4 Libra, and the Lunar Eclipse in October, 18 Aries, conjunct Saturn 15 Aries. Mercury was 18 Libra for the September eclipse, and had retrograded back to 5 Libra – close to September’s Solar Eclipse – by October.
Saturn was at 4 Libra for the Haitian Earthquake, and 3 Libra (square Mars) for Haiti 1804. Back in August 1791 Venus was 6 Libra and Jupiter 1 Libra, with Saturn 18 Aries. I see that Caricom has Pluto 2 Libra, with Uranus at 19 Libra – about to be opposed by this April’s Solar Eclipse. The links between a pivotal moment in Haitian history and this month’s Lunar Eclipse at 5 Libra, and April’s total Solar Eclipse 19 Aries, with Chiron 18, is quite thought provoking I think.
Well timed Marjorie. Unelected leaders throwing in the towel after their misdemeanours. We have one of those in charge in UK.