Princess Anne shows how to be a proper ‘spare’ to the monarch, which she isn’t but should be, as she stepped up to provide a ceremonial bodyguard for her brother King Charles at the Opening of Parliament. She acted out the role for the May coronation, riding on horseback, this time in a carriage behind Charles and Camilla.
A royal source said: “This further cements the Princess Royal’s role as his most trusted lieutenant.”
She was also the Queen’s support when she was recovering from the trauma of having her Buckingham Palace bedroom invaded by disturbed intruder; and accompanied her coffin on the route down from Scotland.
She was born 15 August 1950 11.50 am London and has a controlled and controlling though influential Sun Pluto in Leo in her career 10th and a workaholic, conscientious Virgo Moon conjunct Mercury and Saturn in her 11th. She also has a healing Water Grand Trine of an ultra-determined Mars in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces in her 5th house trine Uranus in her 9th. She is much travelled round the globe for her work with Save the Children which fits her 5th house Jupiter. She has said she is not overly fond of children at close quarters but is keen to see they get a decent life.
Not a natural ally for Scorpio Charles, she will have been drawn to him in later years because of the shared peculiarity of their Royal situation and she is undoubtedly private, as well as being divorced like himself which would help. I’d doubt if she was censorious about his relationship with Camilla given her own not-much-publicised but active romantic life. Charles 10th house Taurus Moon sits in her 7th house so she will have a sense of partnership with him.
Their relationship chart has a composite Sun square Moon Uranus which suggests two differing personalities who need their own space and independence. Though a composite Sun trine Jupiter will help to smooth round a few rough edges.
She is married to retired Vice Admiral Tim Laurence, a former equerry, whom she met when her first marriage to horseman Mark Phillips was breaking down. He was born 1 March 1955, no birth time (I have 2.30am but no idea where it came from). He has a Pisces Sun which falls in Anne’s sociable and sporting 5th house conjunct her Jupiter; with his Uranus Jupiter in Cancer falls in her 9th conjunct her Venus so there may be a sense of shared interests. His Neptune is exactly conjunct her Ascendant which will soften her image to a degree; and his Mars in Taurus falling in her 7th opposes her Mars in Scorpio which will be argumentative.
Murmurs are that they are not overly close – though they go on parade very properly as a couple and go sailing together. The relationship chart is not overly affectionate.
She is in a phase of considerable emotional change with both her parents dying over the past two years so her Progressed Moon through her 8th house is not surprising for two years ahead as she processes the loss. Though she also has tr Jupiter moving through her 8th for a year from early 2024 which will help. Tr Pluto moving across her IC into her 4th by 2025 and onwards does suggest more domestic and family upheavals and that coincides with tr Uranus square her Sun/Moon midpoint so she will be looking to put changes in place in her relationships both close and family.
I have a very good friend born 4 days earlier. She is extraordinary!
She has “put right” SO many situations, organizations, family members, etc….. from the smallest detail to stepping in to help her husband’s daughter get out of an Algerian jail. Throw in making very detailed and creative Hallowe’en costumes or fancy, legacy Christmas stockings for all the children in her life.. she is a Force! She never had children and married very late in life. She is the best Aunt ever!
And you’d never know it to meet her… all in the background just “getting the job done”.
Except….. only once have I seen that Mars in Scorpio (trine Uranus) come out in a biting, almost ferocious way. Mostly, I see it used for good. Whew!
I have such admiration for my friend.
And I also have had such admiration for Princess Anne.
Great to see her chart and this posting.