Jimmy Greaves, a much-loved English footballer who was a prolific goal-scorer has died aged 81. He started playing professional football at 17, semi-retired at 30 after a successful career, but returned despite suffering from alcoholism to play until he was 40. In his later years he had a broadcasting career as well as several business interests.
He was born 20 February 1940 with a Pisces Sun and a Cancer Moon. His Sun was sextile Saturn in self-reliant Aries and Mars in early Taurus both of which squared Pluto – he had a backbone of titanium and will-power to match. His upbeat Jupiter Venus in Aries was also in a confident/successful trine to Pluto.
A curious hybrid of imaginative and ultra-determined, enthusiastic and depressive.
The Mars/Neptune midpoint gives alcoholism…..his midpoint was conjunct
his Chiron. 11degrees of the cardinal signs gives alcoholism and he had
Bacchus, drugs, alcohol at 11Aries conj natal Venus-Jupiter at 9Aries.
Thank you very much Marjorie.
The death of his child also affected him very badly, naturally.
His Aries Jupiter-Venus was probably what made him a great goalscorer. Aries Venus doesn’t think of anyone else before it dives in, just goes for what it wants. But by the same token, it was probably a part of what led to the alcoholism – along with Saturn square Cancer moon. Just too impulsive and unable to handle the emotions.
He’s often remembered for not playing in the 1966 World Cup final, and I believe the story has been softened over the years as I’m sure when I first heard it, it was said he was still upset and embittered about not regaining his place after an injury. An archetypical Aries/Taurus/Cancer inability to put the good of the team first rather than the team being there for the benefit of the self.
From what I read yesterday, his alcoholism took grip from 1972 – 77. Transiting Uranus in Libra opposing his Jupiter-Venus soon followed by Pluto. Footballers typically spent a lot of the time at the pub when not playing so the seeds were probably there already but too many idle hours with his top flight career ended. Playing football probably stopped him from becoming alcoholic earlier rather than the other way around.
I always think Aries people do well with some water in their chart and, while he’s a Pisces sun, it’s the same principle. I only remember him for his TV shows and he always came across as affable, slightly bumbling but good hearted; nothing like the ruthless goalscorer he was.
Sad to see him go. Somehow he managed to achieve that ability to be liked by everyone.