Mitch McConnell, the GOP Senate Minority Leader, has stirred up outrage with his comment that if there is a Republican-controlled senate after the 2022 midterms, he would refuse to consider a Biden nominee for the Supreme Court. Such behaviour is regarded as an anti-democratic power grab and “constitutional hardball” — behaviour that isn’t technically forbidden but which subverts the intention of the Constitution and damages democratic institutions. Under previous Republican administrations Democrat majority senates have confirmed nominees put forward by the president of the time.
There is a push to reform the Supreme Court by Biden who says it must cease to be a “political football.” It has been pointed out that Democrats won the popular vote in six of the last seven elections, and yet Republicans have appointed the vast majority of sitting justices.
Born 20 February 1942 McConnell is a Pisces with a superficially charming though possessive Venus in Aquarius opposition Pluto. What stands out in his chart is an intimidating, unyielding and bulldozing collection of Mars, Saturn, Uranus conjunction in Taurus. Money is certainly a driving issue with him since those are acquisitive planets and generosity won’t be in his nature. Mars Saturn isn’t sentimental to put it mildly especially in Taurus; and Saturn Uranus can be autocratic. Early in his career he was known as a pragmatist and a moderate Republican. Latterly he mainly supported Trump though called him responsible for the January 6th Capitol attack.
He had triple bypass heart surgery in 2003.
Working backwards he looks completely deflated by a catastrophe over the 2024 election with tr Neptune in a monumentally undermining square to his Mars/Pluto and Saturn/Pluto midpoints; plus a ‘car-crash’ Solar Arc Sun conjunct his Mars, then Saturn in 2023/2024; and tr Uranus will also conjunct his Mars and Saturn from the middle of 2023 until the late spring of 2024, which will be highly insecure, pointing to major stresses.
This year he’s hitting major problems throughout July to early August and through this December with plans not working out successfully as tr Pluto hard aspects two of his Neptune midpoints. Tr Saturn square tr Uranus will also be colliding with his Mercury for disagreements and gloomy moments this year into early 2022.
He’ll pick up a head of steam from February 2022 with a Jupiterian midpoint lifting his confidence and enthusiasm, on and off till late 2023; though at the same time he has another Pluto transit to a Neptune midpoint bringing losses and calamities. Plus tr Uranus will be causing him grief from mid June 2022 onwards into early 2023 as it upsets his Sun/Pluto midpoint though that will also harden his resolve. His Solar Arc Mars Saturn will also oppose his Mercury later in 2022 and 2023 which will be bad tempered and discouraging.
There’s no birth time with this and the looming problems may come from various directions not all political.
Blurb of a 2014 biography of him: The Cynic by Alex McGillis:
‘Tracing his rise from a pragmatic local official in Kentucky to the leader of the Republican opposition in Washington, the book tracks McConnell’s transformation from a moderate Republican who supported abortion rights and public employee unions to the embodiment of partisan obstructionism and conservative orthodoxy on Capitol Hill. Driven less by a shift in ideological conviction than by a desire to win elections and stay in power at all costs, McConnell’s transformation exemplifies the “permanent campaign” mindset that has come to dominate American government.
‘From his first race for local office in 1977—when the ad crew working on it nicknamed McConnell “love-me-love-me” for his insecurity and desire to please—to his fraught accommodation of the Tea Party, McConnell’s political career is a story of ideological calcification and a vital mirror for understanding this country’s own political development and what is wrought when politicians serve not at the behest of country, but at the behest of party and personal aggrandizement.’
His first wife and three daughters are all liberal Dems. Sherrill Redmond became a feminist scholar at Smith College and his daughters are all liberal activists to one degree or another.
Mitch is a huge problem in the States. I appreciate this udpate.
He just goes where the wind blows. Career is almost over.
Post polio syndrome re physical health. Ends up in bed. Sorry for that, but can’t wait to see him go. Extraordinarily dangerous, selfish politician. Can’t see his wife staying with him once his power goes kaput. If she does, her spiritual development is more profound than I ‘see’ at the moment.
Honestly Marjorie you’ve given us more than enough for this decrepit fellow called Mitch in recent times.
Can we get something on Joe Manchin please?
Hi Marjorie: If you have time, how about Erika and Tom Girardi?
“Working backwards he looks completely deflated by a catastrophe over the 2024 election with tr Neptune in a monumentally undermining square to his Mars/Pluto and Saturn/Pluto midpoints; plus a ‘car-crash’ Solar Arc Sun conjunct his Mars, then Saturn in 2023/2024; and tr Uranus will also conjunct his Mars and Saturn from the middle of 2023 until the late spring of 2024, which will be highly insecure, pointing to major stresses.”
Aligns with Drompf’s car-crash-meets-immovable-object scenario in 2024-ish?
“Tr Pluto is also opposition his Venus and Venus/Saturn midpoint this year for deep gloom. Then in 18 months he has Solar Arc Mars square his Pluto which will block his progress totally as he faces an insurmountable calamity.”
Draining the swamp, finally.
How does his health fair? Earlier this year, he had the darkest hands.
is this better than orange skin and airbrushed eyes? 😉
Thank you Marjorie for this update on McConnell and for the news that all may not be going his way at least for the next couple of years. My read on the Neptunian losses and calamities is that he will not re-take the leader position in the election of ’22. (hope springs eternal)