Israel is once again descending into violence after Palestinian anger mounted over restrictions on nightly gatherings during Ramadan and yet more settler encroachment which would evict dozens of Palestinian families from their homes. Palestinian militants fired a barrage of rockets towards the holy city, the first time it had targeted the city in more than seven years. Israeli military responded with all-night airstrikes into Gaza.
There have been international calls for calm in the face of concern that this could be the start of the Third Intifada, which on the astrology is not an impossibility.
The Israel chart has had tr Saturn in Aquarius opposing the 10th house Moon and more significantly Pluto in recent weeks which is discouraging; with tr Uranus square the Israel Pluto picking up exactly now and running on and off into early 2022. After which in 2022 tr Saturn will oppose the Israel Saturn, square the Sun and oppose Mars which will be jolting, jarring, risky and downbeat, with tr Uranus also in a high-tension square to the Israel Saturn in 2022. By 2024 tr Uranus will conjunct the Israel 8th house Sun for yet more upheavals and aggravation running on to square the Israel Mars in 2025 – so a long period of disruption and high-risk.
The First Intifada started in 1987 when tr Pluto was exactly square the Israel Pluto; and the Second Intifada in 2000 when tr Neptune and tr Uranus were in Aquarius .
Israel has an extraordinarily Fixed chart with both Sun and Moon and three other planets in Taurus and Leo so doesn’t budge easy especially with the unyielding Saturn Pluto in its 10th for a control-freak approach to government and political management. The Sun is also conjunct the destructive Fixed Star Algol which added onto the Saturn Pluto is a hint of self-defeating behaviour.
Gaza, 9 November 1917 9am, is also very Fixed with a Scorpio Sun Mercury square Uranus with Neptune Saturn in Leo so will always go through convulsions in lockstep with Israel when there are significant transits in fixed signs as now and over the next three years.
The Palestine Independence Declaration of 14 November 1988 is much the same with a Scorpio Sun, Mercury and Pluto in Scorpio.
There doesn’t look to be anything bringing peace and harmony anytime soon.
Add ON: Israel has not been on Joe Biden’s radar up till now since he had pragmatically reckoned the disagreements between the two were intractable. But he may get dragged in against his better judgement now. Netanyahu is sitting in political limbo unable to form a coalition after the umpteenth election rerun and neither temperamentally nor strategically inclined to calm the situation.
Biden’s relationship chart with him indicates May 23rd onwards will throw their connection into turmoil – though it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility that Netanyahu could leave the stage altogether. Biden’s astrocartography doesn’t point to the Middle East as being a location of intense activity for him. Though his Fixed Scorpio planets and Jupiter on Israel’s MC could make him just the man to stand firm and bring Israel back into the zone of common sense.
The USA/Israel relationship chart will be agitated and upset from mid June onwards into 2022; and frustrated and angry from mid August to late November with tr Pluto opposition the composite Mars.
The liberal Tel Aviv newspaper Haaretz writes today that this present situation is: “ the reality of 54 years of occupation. In his desire to battle Palestinian nationalism, weaken it, and even make it disappear, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attacked and incited against Israeli Arabs in a criminal fashion. Instead of dealing with the problem, he preferred to exclude, discriminate against, Judaize and bring declared racists into the Knesset. This disastrous strategy is now blowing up in Israel’s face.
A responsible prime minister would have reined in the police, conducted a real dialogue with the Arab leadership, observed the status quo on the Temple Mount, not viewed mixed cities as places that need to be Judaized, announced a plan to invest in Arab society but most of all, would have stopped inciting. Netanyahu isn’t capable of this, which is why replacing him is more urgent than ever.”
Taurus Sun/Moon makes sense for Israel – security in land. And the unwillingness to share it the source of all their struggles. Pluto-Saturn in its unilateral, unforgiving dealings and ability to assassinate enemies anywhere or use hidden tools to incapacitate nuclear plants
So sad, when will it end?
It won’t end until Israelis “feel safe”. Which is not likely in our lifetimes.
Marina, very much supporting your comment, I’ll add the insight of my father who was a historian and spoke of a bitter lesson of history in particular about Israel and the perpetual Middle East crisis: “suffering breeds suffering breeds suffering”.
Very true, generational trauma. Not helped by the surrounding Arab nations oft stated aim to wipe the jews of the face of the earth, all through the 50s 60s 70s etc. Primal extinction insecurity here on both sides, as expressed by all that Scorpionic plutonian energy.
And Netanyahu is a toxic inflamer.
I was thinking precisely this the other day, no end in sight….ever – its been going on most of everyones life.
The circumstances under which Israel was ‘born’ and the horror it came out of just keeps playing out.
There is a profound global ‘lesson’ here that keeps getting missed.