However much Boris Johnson distances himself from a now-disgraced but once favoured Trump, there has been an eerie syncronicity in both their fortunes since 2016.
Both are Sun Geminis, with Boris having Venus Mercury close by; both have slippery Neptune in their 2nd house of finances; and Trump has his acquisitive Jupiter in the 2nd while Boris’s Jupiter is in his financial 8th. Both have Saturn in a regretful Water sign – Cancer and Pisces.
The December Eclipse hit Trump harder as it collided with his Full Moon. For Boris it opposed his Mercury which suggests he’ll spend the next few months running around trying to straighten out what’s gone off track and it will amplify his mental strain. The Eclipse was also widely opposition his Venus making him feel no one loves him anymore, with his approval ratings tanking; and opposition his Sun for a crisis of reality-checking, having to face the unpalatable facts that he’s not always right. The June 2021 Gemini Solar Eclipse will put him at a crossroads, facing significant decisions about his path ahead.
He’s not only facing teething-troubles over his ‘easy-peasy’ Brexit or worse, a public realisation of the long-term wrangles lying ahead; he’s also weighed down by the pandemic and a guddled government response.
While the UK prides itself on being much less corrupt than elsewhere, ( a Brit rose-coloured glasses flaw) there has been disquiet about the ‘chumocracy’ over contracts for health and protective equipment with Tory donor or mates being 10 times more likely to be awarded a public contract than others, even when they had no obvious experience in the sector. The government awarded £18bn in coronavirus-related contracts during the first six months, most with no competitive tendering processes, of which £1.5bn went to companies with connections to the Conservative party. A spending watchdog said details about some of the 10.5 billion pounds worth of contracts awarded without any competition were missing. More recently the Marcus Rashford free meals for poorer children have been exposed as sub-standard and in value way below the £30 which the taxpayer forks out to at least one company owned by a Tory donor.
The Boris Term chart has a hidden and dirty-dealing Saturn, Venus, Pluto in Capricorn in the 12th, so secret wrangles were to be expected; with Pisces ruling the 2nd house of finances; an evasive, elusive and indecisive Sun square Neptune; and an overly extravagant Moon opposition Jupiter. The December Solar Eclipse stirred up the Sagittarius Sun on this chart and the June 2021 Gemini Eclipse will be in a close opposition; with the Solar Arc Saturn closing the conjunction to Venus Pluto to exact from late 2021 into 2022; and an insecure jolt come 2022 as well from tr Uranus opposition the Mars and tr Saturn square.
The Solar Eclipse at 20 Gemini in June as well as the May Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius will rattle up Boris’s Mercury and Mars respectively; and his Term chart Sagittarius Sun and Mercury. So it’ll continue to be high strain and argumentative. Nothing that looks like settling into calm anytime soon.
Boris is not quite as terminal in career terms as Trump, but he’ll continue to be buffeted for some time yet.
If the public is unhappy with Boris and his Government expect them to show it in the local elections on May 6th.
Looks like an interesting chart with Taurus Sun-Uranus square Aqua Saturn. Close of polls with have Pisces moon conjunct Neptune. Cap Pluto trine Taurus Venus which itself is in a separating square from Jupiter as it is about to leave Aqua. Will be interested to hear Marjorie’s thoughts on that as it nears.
@ GnarlyDude The results could be very interesting. I wonder though whether the chart might also be suggesting that these polls won’t take place then? There have already been rumblings that COVID might mean that they are postponed again!
“Happy fish”, unhappy fishermen, vaccines, and help (or not) for hungry children would all seem to be represented by the current Neptune and Ceres in Pisces conjunction, square the transiting Moon’s Nodes. In the 1066 chart for England, this falls between Saturn at 16 Virgo representing government, and the 1066 Nodes at 20 Virgo/Pisces – which seems to represent restricted social life, and maybe social care or community care during the pandemic? The transiting Saturn/Uranus midpoint is also 20 Pisces at the moment, adding to Pisces themed tensions I suspect. Currently there are 12 transiting midpoints in Pisces, enough to discombobulate this Gemini PM and the Sagittarian government perhaps?! And then, as Marjorie says, along come the eclipses to throw some wild cards into the mix.
Regarding Boris, I am still not sure he will complete his term of office. He’s really not suited to his current role, as must be clear to many of his former fans and admirers by now and, in any reflective moments, he probably knows this himself. The Gemini charm is wearing a bit thin, and those eclipses and Neptune transits don’t suggest he can face another election with confidence.
“Her own chart indicates a career loss from late January through February 2021 which sometimes accompanies a firing but may be a mishap of a different variety.”
Hi Marjorie you wrote the above awhile back in relation to Priti Patel. She is now in a great hot mess. Will she get booted?
I wrote to my local MP stating that the UK can no longer afford Boris as PM due to his mishaps in governance of the UK. I heard nothing for weeks and weeks yet today a letter banging on about the vacation response. It seems this is replicated across the board as a strategic approach trying to deflect justified criticism as the one thing that has gone well. I had hoped Boris would leave office before his birthday, but I think it’s 50/50 now which sucks any optimism that the UK will start to recover from the torture the Tories have inflicted on the population over many years Very sad but the fish apparently are happy. lucky fish
I’m just reading that the Government have told schools they don’t have to provide free meals over the February half term.
Do they learn nothing?
This has gone on every school holiday since the summer. October. Christmas. And each time they’re forced into a u-turn.
I’m bewildered by how often Boris has decided a course of action that any normal, rational person can see is a bad decision in the first place. Obstinately says he’s not for turning. Then u-turns. Unbelievable that this man can be running the country.
London, on the Canadian side of the Atlantic, is known as the most corrupt fianncial center in the world, specializing in the laundering of Russian dirty money and criminal tax evasion in the Channel Islands, the Bahamas and elsewhere. The British brand, name and prestige didn’t wait for Bojo to become tarnished. The UK’s political and financial class is just as corrupt and rotten as in the US.
Indeed Andre, our capital has the nickname, ‘Laundromat London’. Successive governments have allowed the corruption to flourish.
“The UK’s political and financial class is just as corrupt and rotten as in the US”
Beg to differ. UK financial/political corruption is heavily class based and inbred. It’s solely about getting and controlling the govt and culture for financial gain. This has been going on for centuries. It’s more complicated in the US.
How US politics and financial control has transpired has more to do with the evilest influences from race relations and religious clashes. (Far more than in the UK) There many more of those parties here pulling the US apart (morally). This will not ease for a while because it needs the worst fundamentalist adherents to grow older and die. The successive generations will rebel against what they see as true injustices occurring here and change will happen. Just not quickly enough for most of us.