Russia is being fingered for the widespread cyberattack on agencies across the U.S. government, the most significant hack in years. Mike Pompeo is openly saying it was Russians while Trump, sticking to his playbook, flatly denies it and insists the culprit is China.
Joe Biden will be faced with the problem from day one, along with a million others dilemmas. Looking at his astrocartography he does have his combative Mars in Scorpio on the Descendant relocated to Moscow so it’s a country that will raise his ire. Mars lines are where previous presidents went to war. It’s unlikely he’ll send in the gunboats, but that Mars Descendant line may be a hint of where his foreign policy hotspots will be. This line runs up through the Arab Gulf States, Saudi Arabia and Iran as well as Russia. Indeed his relocated chart to Teheran puts Mars exactly on the Descendant so an even tighter stress-point than Moscow.
Biden’s other Mars lines don’t look too likely to cause trouble. His Mars Midheaven runs up through the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and up through Greenland. His Mars IC through eastern Australia and his Mars Ascendant through the USA.
The relationship chart between the USA and the Russia 1917 chart is under disappointing, undermining influences in 2021; with the major aggravation through 2022/23 when tr Pluto opposes the composite Mars. The USA/Russia 1991 relationship chart is rocking and rolling uneasily from early 2021 for two years; and more notably slipping and sliding in a sea of high anxiety and suspicion through 2022/23.
For the UK: Unsettled and high-tension with his Saturn Uranus on the IC through London. Not a priority for co-operation with North Node in the 7th; plus intense, at times, bitter and stubborn discussions with Pluto on the Descendant square Mars in the 9th – ideological differences. An elusive, evasive Neptune in the 8th house of trade and commercial agreements.
Relocated to Dublin is marginally easier with Jupiter on the Descendant.
I love Joe. I have a lot of cross overs with his chart. I always wondered what my Saturn on the IC in my relocated chart to London England meant. It is the land of my ancestors (one of them) but they left as soon as they could for a variety of reasons. My Venus line runs through the west coast of Ireland. I am not sure if I have Irish ancestry – but one of the ancestral names is Cavanah -so I wondered. He has Virgo on his MC and my North Node is conjunct that. At least with me, I like what I am seeing.
This hack is so bad, so bad, and our former President says nothing. Nothing. The hackers are in the National Nuclear Security Agency – which is the agency that protects the Hydrogen Bomb Arsenal, and they have done damage, and our former president says nothing. The Hackers are in Department of Homeland Security, Department of Treasury, and Department of Commerce. They are in many Fortune 500 companies. I purchased and am reading Ted Koeppel’s book predicting this very thing.
It is very bad. Anyone that knows anything about Systems and Hackers are very worried. You cannot brush this away as if it is nothing. This hack started in March.
Our ex President says Nothing.
This is GRU.
There is more to this story.
If I was an American I would keep a full tank of gas, food in the pantry, a charged cell phone and paper money on hand.
“Biden’s other Mars lines don’t look too likely to cause trouble. His Mars Midheaven runs up through the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and up through Greenland.”
Maby Biden will reactivate Azores Lages base…