The #freeBritney campaign and pleas from Britney Spears herself have failed to sway a US judge into removing her father as conservator of her estate. It seems an odd decision since her lawyer said she was “afraid” of him, had no “viable working relationship” with him, had not spoken in a “long while” and that she would not perform so long as he remained in the role. Her mother who appeared at the hearing described the relationship between Britney and her father as ‘toxic’.
Since her breakdown in 2007 she has not controlled her financial affairs or many of her career decisions under the court-enacted agreement. Her father and attorney have managed her assets and personal life – including being able to restrict her visitors and communicate with doctors about her treatment.
The relationship chart with her father is strikingly difficult – with a power-struggling and unstable composite Sun, Pluto, Uranus conjunction and a one-sided, ‘unfair-treatment’ composite Mars Saturn conjunction. It certainly wouldn’t foster a co-operative or amiable mood between them. It’s also tied together in a fated way with a composite Yod of Neptune sextile Uranus Pluto inconjunct Venus in Aries; with Venus opposition Mars Saturn. Relationship Yods tend to lash together individuals in a life-changing way which irrevocably affects the trajectory of both their lives. The hard-edged, aggravating Mars Saturn may also square the composite Moon. All in all not a great chemistry.
His Sun, Venus, Uranus in Cancer fall in her career 10th, his Mars in ultra-determined Scorpio in her financial 2nd and his Jupiter in her business-finances 8th – no surprises that her success and her wealth are primary matters of interest to him And his Neptune is conjunct her Saturn which will induce suspicion.
She looks, not surprisingly, uptight now with her Solar Arc Pluto conjunct her Mercury putting her under mental strain; plus discouraging tr Pluto square her Saturn/Pluto midpoint this month and then in a career-losses square to her Jupiter/Saturn through February 2021 and on and off till late 2022. She will start to cheer up from late April 2021 onwards in patches. And some of the family tensions and tug-of-war may diminish slightly as tr Saturn and Jupiter move out of her 4th into her performing/sociable 5th from this New Year. But it’ll be an emotionally intense and not always supportive year with tr Pluto conjunct her Venus and tr Neptune opposition her Mars.
Do you see Britney ever finding a marriage partner?
There is a difference between enabling the day to day life of someone (making sure they are ok re taxes, and home help and diet and not taken advantage of) and control (vested interest, force, licence…)
Didn’t Britney go ‘mad’ when her children used as leverage against her. I don’t believe she is mad. Whenever I read things about her I shudder, ad it isn’t her that makes me feel that. If she is ‘mad’ it is because she is in some sort of an ongoing ‘holding loop’ imo
Boo Radley sort of feeling?
Is this an oddity in America or the norm? Does it happen to men too? It’s right out of The Handmaid’s Tale, isn’t it? The woman is almost 40, for Christ’s sake, and I find it shocking. Surely she could have care around her to help her get back on her own feet (although I have seen her work on TV, so don’t know what the deep-rooted problem is). It’s so controlling and suffocating. Must be awful for the poor woman.
If you remember back to the mid-2000s she went batty. She got married in Vegas and then had it annulled a day later. Married to Federline, had kids and divorced. Shaved all her hair off etc, etc. Every time a story came up in the news, it was nuts. The decision to put her under conservatorship was for her own good. Same as being sectioned in the UK I guess, and it takes a lot to get sectioned. The kids got assigned to the father to keep them safe.
Her Saturn-Pluto conjunction squares her Cap Venus really describes someone under huge pressure to conform to feel loved. That it can only be expressed materially and it’s backed up by her Virgo mars having a huge drive to do stuff perfectly. That’s why she’s something of the consummate child performer. As an aside, I’d say the photos of her at nearly 40 make her look ten years older, she doesn’t resonate deep joy or authenticity to look at.
But the Aqua moon is a problem for her. I’ve got a few Aqua moon friends and they’re great people but don’t seem capable of looking after themselves – emotionally or physically. Think when inner turmoil got riled up by Neptune / Uranus going through it brought on the craziness rather than getting a handle on feelings. Fundamentally that’s the problem with all addictive personalities – they don’t know how to process their pain. And with Libra Saturn-Pluto in wide aspect to it she’s extra scared of looking at it. Her chart lacks water which her father has some to compensate.
With regards to the conservatorship … she wanted her younger sister to take over. So ultimately still not taking responsibility for herself but getting someone different involved. To me the question is, is her father genuinely bad for her or is she trying to find someone to enable her?
In a court filing last week, Jamie Lynn Spears, Britney’s sister revealed that she was the trustee of the estate set up to protect Britney’s children’s future and asked that all the assets of the trust be moved with her as the custodian.
The conservatorship is something different and Britney’s court plea this week was to have her father removed as the sole conservator of her personal and financial well-being. The judge this week did name a corporate fiduciary, as co-conservator of Spears’s estate, as she had requested.
All too complicated. See:
@Jo, I think guardianship was established based on an undisclosed mental health issue. There have been rumors about bipolar disorder, and Stressed Solar arch Pluto/Mercury could indicate a relapse.
I personally like Britney. She seems like a pure, if broken soul. She was dragged in the early 2000’s for her support of Bush Jr., but she was always very supportive of LGTBQ+ community and has expressed solidarity with BLM. No wonder she is a gay icon.
The reason it surprises me is that her ‘crazy’ stories sound no different from other celebrities who have public meltdowns and even those who suffer from bipolar disorder. Plus, she has been working on tv in the meantime (think I saw her on X Factor or Americas Got Talent or something) Maybe there is some undisclosed mental health issue.
But just reading this astro analysis and the comments just makes me feel like I can’t breathe. Her life must be unbearably insufferable at some level? Looking at the crossovers with her father looks like it doesn’t help her move forward at all, as if he hinders her in controlling ways. I feel deeply sorry for her not really being in a position of owning her own sovereignty because of some health issues. Hopefully her sister is able to help her better (iirc, i’m sure they used to be close in the past?) What a terrible existence though.
@Jo, honestly, I think it’s probably bipolar + boarderline personality disorder. A friend was in a relationship to a BPD person around the time of Britney’s most famous meltdown, and his partner had been told the condition would be “unmanageable” by psychiatrists in a non-English speaking country. Partner had a very similar family background to Britney’s, especially witnessing violence in immediate family, was suicidal and had eating disorders. Luckily, internet was already up and running and we both knew our way around scientific, peer reviewed articles, because there were fairly recent ones on types of therapy most efficient. Friend was able to find a therapist doing one or maybe more of the reccommended types of therapy, and these definitely helped with suicidal tendencies. They broke up eventually, partner returned to an ex, but this was almost a relief to my friend, as well. It’s chilling, though, to think that just a few decades ago, this condition would have been “treated” by lobotomy.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she was being sexually abused while at Disney. A number of adults who worked on the same network as Britney have come forward about there being a problem. Many child actors have suffered from addiction to drugs and alcohol as well as severe depression later in life, as well as complex relationships; Mikey Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Britney, Demi Lovato, Shia Labouf, Lindsey Lohan, etc. The count just keeps stacking up. And there was the actor, Lea Thompson Young, who was on the same show as Britney, iirc, who committed suicide in 2013.
Its an unsavoury thought to think Disney might be a possible pedo factory. It’s quite well known that Disney have employed convicted pedophiles, one notable being Brian Peck who got a job a year after leaving prison. He was sentenced for molesting a child at Nickelodeon. Victor Salva was another. He molested and taped his abuse with the then 8-year old Nathan Forrest Winters. He was sentenced to 15 months and then got employed Disney/ABC. And the sickening merry-go-round continues.