Another country with Pluto in the 8th which moved towards historic changes as transiting Uranus in Taurus approached and then crossed the Pluto, was India. Unification occurred under Queen Victoria on 1 January 1877 and the long push for independence from colonial rule built up through the 1920s and 30s. Tr Uranus in Aries had moved through the India 7th house of relationships in the 1920s as Gandhi’s protests made an impact. In 1940 when tr Uranus was conjunct the India Pluto the Jinnah-Muslim League in Pakistan demanded a separate homeland for Indian Muslims openly for the first time. This was in opposition to Gandhi’s aim of an India based on religious pluralism.
Independence which became a three-way split – away from Britain and old India split into two – didn’t happen until 1947 but the winds of change had been exerting pressure steadily.
Old India no longer exists so the return of tr Uranus in Taurus to the 1877 chart over the years in 2023/24 may not have much direct effect. Though the 1947 India independence chart does have tr Uranus squaring the Mercury, Pluto, Saturn, Venus and Sun from this year right through till 2023 so it will be a bumpy ride, probably economically in 2021 with tr Saturn in square to tr Uranus and opposition Saturn Pluto Venus.
If Germany were to follow suit, it would be split from the EU towards the late 2020s and split internally as well. Though nothing ever happens exactly the same.
Photo: Laurie Jones