Carlos Ghosn who rose to super-hero status as ‘Mr Fix-It’ for Renault, Nissan and Mitsubishi, then dramatically tumbled off his perch, accused of under-reporting his earnings, misuse of company assets and misappropriations of Nissan funds, made a bold bid for freedom as he escaped from Japan to the Lebanon. He said “I didn’t escape because I was guilty. I escaped because I had zero chance of a fair trial.” Lebanon does not extradite its nationals but are uncomfortable about the diplomatic position they have been put in.
Born 9 March 1954 in Brazil, Ghosn is a Lebanese-Brazilian-French, multi-lingual and from an entrepreneurial family. He has a Pisces Sun on the focal point of a Mutable T Square to a risk-taking, adventurous (and opportunistic) Mars in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter. Such a Sun can have a good deal to offer but is often arrogant, know-it-all and headstrong, and is very driven. Tr Neptune has been in a panicky-failure square to his Mars through his arrest in 2019 and is moving to square his Jupiter from late January 2020 and conjunct his Sun from late February and those influences repeat on and off until late January 2021. So a two year plus run of undermining Neptunian hard aspects moving round his central T square.
Tr Pluto was also opposing his Uranus in Cancer through 2018/2019 for a major upheaval; and his Uranus catches the Lunar Eclipse this week as does the mid 2020 Lunar Eclipse – so hiding out in the Lebanon won’t be without its problems.
He should bounce back by 2021 as his Solar Arc Jupiter is conjunct his Pluto; though he’ll be muddled at the same time with tr Pluto square his Neptune.
Error Marj, your chart says he was born March 9…..whereas your article says he was born March 12???