A rare retrospective of Constantin Brâncuși who revolutionised sculpture in the early 20th century opens in Paris this week. Considered as one of the fathers of abstract art, a pioneer of modernism and the patriarch of modern sculpture, he came from unlikely beginnings.
Born on 19 February 1876 in Romania to poor peasants he herded the family’s flock of sheep aged 7 and often ran away from home to escape the bullying of his father and older brothers. Aged nine he left the village to work in the nearest large town, in the service of a grocer, then as a domestic servant. An industrialist who spotted his talent for carving enrolled him in an Arts and Crafts school where he graduated with honors. The Bucharest School of Fine Arts then gave him academic training in sculpture where he distinguished himself as talented. Aged 28 he moved to Paris to join the workshop of Auguste Rodin, though he soon moved out to work independently.
In addition to abstract sculptures he is also renowned for his 1938 memorials to the Romanian First War Dead – the Table of Silence and the Infinity Column.
Fittingly he was born as Neptune had just entered Taurus, the sign of the sculptor, which was sextile his creative Pisces Sun and Saturn in late Aquarius. His Pluto also in Taurus was emphasised as well, being in a used-to-hardship square to Saturn and Mercury and square a revolutionary, original, mould-breaking square to Uranus. He probably also had an inspirational, attention-demanding Fire Grand Trine of Mars in Aries trine Uranus trine a Sagittarius Moon. Jupiter in Sagittarius was square his Sun, trine his creative Venus in Aries and inconjunct Neptune. He was blessed with luck, self-belief and determination as well as talent.
His emphasised Pluto on the focal point of a Fixed T square would make him stubborn to the nth degree, ultra-determined, ahead of his time, inclined to arouse resistance – some of his works were banned as obscene early on. But destined ultimately to lead the way.
I saw an exhibition of his at MOMA in New York in the 1990s and it was mesmerising.
Was lucky enough to work (in a minor capacity) surrounded by his work. Also Hepworth, Moore & Gaudier-Brzeska all of whom Brancusi undoubtedly influenced.
Unsurprisingly, Fire Grand Trines seem to occur quite often in the astrology of fine artists.
What a genius!
Perhaps it was the same Brancusi exhibition at the pompidou in 1988(?)? I loved it too
Domiciled Mars and Jupiter certainly helped. And thankfully.
He was also a photographer…..Photographica conjuncts Brancusi, in his creative 5th.
Thanks. Astrological connections are just so endlessly intriguing and cool.
Here is his speculative chart….Mercury conj MH gives skill working with the hands.
He was a carver and a sculptor. Photos of him show a long, rectangular face, typical
of Gemini rising, which also gives skill with the hands.