Denzel Washington – still on a winning streak



Denzel Washington’s reprise of Equalizer has been a surprise hit at the box office after so-so reviews – “wastes a star turn from the Oscar-winning actor”; “has a “plot that reads like middle-aged male fantasy”; ”a grisly exploitation movie at best.” Ah well, as per usual the punters and the critics are poles apart in taste.

In Equalizer 2 Washington again plays a former black-ops agent, now soft-spoken Lyft driver, who is drawn back into action to avenge a friend´s death. He’s had an illustrious, award-winning career over nearly forty years so he probably doesn’t care anymore.

He was born 28 December 1954 12.09 am in New York, the son of a preacher father and had many childhood friends who ended up in prison. He credits his mother sending him to military school as a teenager for getting him off that track and he took a college degree in drama and journalism. He’s famously private, a devout Christian, and has been married to the same wife for 35 years with four children.

He has a quick-witted and ambitious 3rd house Sun Mercury in Capricorn (on the cusp of his 4th) with a maverick Aquarius Moon in his performing 5th house. A lucky Uranus Jupiter in Cancer in his 10th marked him out for an unusual career where he’ll be lucky and increasingly respected the older he gets. He’s got a creative and self-protective, as well as tough-minded, Water Grand Trine of Saturn in Scorpio (conjunct Venus) trine Mars trine a Cancer midheaven. Fairly emotionally battened down, he won’t be  an easy man to get to know and he’ll allow few into his inner circle.

He’ll have a few ups and downs for two or three years ahead but will bounce up with a positive change of direction in 2022.

Iran in crisis and the ripples could spread out



Trump isn’t the only one agitated about Iran. Israel is watching with concern as Assad’s army, including troops of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, now wearing Syrian army uniform, are advancing towards the border with the Golan Heights. The assumption is that Assad doesn’t want a confrontation with Israel but Iran and Hezbollah who are also fighting with the Syrian forces are a different matter.

President Hassan Rouhani’s 2nd Term chart, 3 August 2017 11 am Teheran, is on high alert with the Mars in Leo (conjunct Sun) colliding with this week’s Lunar Eclipse. That Mars Sun is also conjunct Trump’s 12th house Pluto so neither side will give way. Hassan is facing mounting criticism for the unravelling economy in Iran, hit by US sanctions and the expense of foreign wars in the Middle East; with a restive population angry about rising prices, mounting rare demonstrations of displeasure.

His Term chart looks fraught with rapidly changing and challenging events this November to February 2019; with dashed hopes mid September to early February 2019. And both the Iran 1 Feb 1979 and 7 October 1906 charts look similarly afflicted with undermining Neptunian woes till late 2019. The Iran 1979 chart will be particularly affected by this Lunar Eclipse since it clashes with the Mercury, Mars, Sun in Aquarius.

Israel having just about wound down the recent squall with Hamas in Gaza, is being faced with serious questions as the Lunar Eclipse is conjunct their 10th house Moon and next month’s Solar  Eclipse is conjunct their 10th house Saturn – a time for facing their past (Moon) and asking whether they have built their country on solid foundations; and facing major ethical responsibilities and a challenge to restructure (Saturn). Though with a chart so irretrievably fixed as theirs, changes are unlikely. December this year and January 2019 will be high-tension and insecure with tr Uranus trine their Mars.

Mohammed bin Salman, 31 August 1985, the Saudi Arabia Crown Prince who is jousting for supremacy in the Middle East against Iran, has a Fixed Grand Square of Venus in Leo opposition Jupiter in Aquarius square Pluto opposition a Taurus North Node which will catch the Lunar Eclipse as well for what may feel like an emotional crisis but will most likely pump energy into his pushily confident Jupiter Pluto.

The entire world seems to be churning at the moment.

Blood-red Lunar Eclipse – a memorable event * update +



A spectacular Total Lunar Eclipse this Friday will be the longest-lasting of recent times and deep red. Known as a blood Moon, it gains its hue from the light of the sun behind behind bouncing off the earth and reflecting back onto the Moon’s surface.  In ye olden days there were regarded as an omen of terrible events. In the Hebrew Bible The Book of Joel warns that “the sun will turn into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes.”

It will start around 22.50 hrs UK time, 21.50 hrs European time and continue into the early hours. The Moon falls at 4 degrees Aquarius conjunct Mars opposition Sun North Node at 4/5 degrees Leo squaring onto Uranus in Taurus.

Astrologically as well as astronomically it’ll be quite an event.  Mars will heighten anger and aggravation, especially in no-compromise Aquarius and in an explosive, disruptive square to Uranus, bringing an impulse to overthrow the existing order of things.  The Eclipse effect tends to last for several months after the date, though it’s more complicated this year with two Solar Eclipses to factor into the mix as well.

It will stir up Donald Trump’s 12th house Pluto, brewing up more of a storm than usual as his inner chaos is triggered. It will also elbow Theresa May’s Uranus in Leo with a considerable jolt – a change of direction will be forced on her; and to some extent the EU ditto though their Uranus is not as close, but they may experience a financial hit.  Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia will also be in the line of Eclipse fire. And the Middle East appears to be catching the strongest effects with Uranus, Pluto, Mars and the Full Moon all sitting on the axis through that region (see following post).

The Eclipsed Full Moon falls exactly across Prince Charles’ Leo Asc/Aquarius Desc (and Camilla’s if her 7.15 am birth time is accurate) which suggests a major image shake-up.  The Duchess of Cambridge has her Mercury Venus in Aquarius also picking it up for what will feel like an emotional crisis and challenge her beliefs/opinions. Meghan has her Mercury Sun in Leo also catching it for what will also be a major challenge – poor soul she’s sorely afflicted by her can’t-keep-their-mouths-shut family.

Greece which is suffering a destructive series of wildfires has Saturn almost exactly conjunct the MC for the Lunar Eclipse; and Laos which has suffered a deadly dam burst has Saturn exactly conjunct the descendant for the Eclipse.

Robert Graves – and his nightmare muse



A tempestuous, torrid and sordid tale lies behind Robert Graves’s lost play But It Still Goes On which is being staged for the first time.

Graves was a towering figure in 20th Century literature with his WW1 war memoirs, poetry, historical novels (I, Claudius) and writing on mythology. But he had an extraordinarily tangled emotional life, at one point taking poet Laura Riding in as his secretary, then lover in a menage a trois with his then wife Nancy.  Riding who appeared to be more than slightly mad, certainly manipulative and thought she had occult powers then pulled an Irish poet, Geoffrey Phibbs, away from his wife  to make up a menage a quatre. Phibbs fled after a few weeks and Graves was sent to bring him back.

After an evening of high hysteria, Riding threw herself off the balcony of the four-storey flat. She was not expected to survive but did after an expensive hospital stay for which Graves had to foot the bill, which serendipitously drove him to write his bestselling memoir of the First World War, Good-bye to All That. The play features a tempestuous female character who falls from a great height.

Graves was born 24 July 1895 4.26am in London. Laura Riding 15 January 1901, New York.

She was a Sun Capricorn with a head-in-the-clouds and ethereal Neptune opposition Jupiter Venus in adventurous Sagittarius. Of most significance however was her Pluto in Gemini opposition Uranus squaring onto Mars in Virgo which was an unstable volcano of anger, ruthlessness and recklessness on a very short fuse.

Graves had his Sun in at zero degrees Leo with a Moon Mars conjunction in late Leo; and a very complicated Venus in Virgo square Neptune Pluto in Gemini. The latter no doubt spurred his creativity but would make him prone to obsessions and wouldn’t make for an easy emotional life. His Venus was conjunct her Mars so he would be drawn like a moth to a flame by her high-wire temperament. Her (almost certainly) Scorpio Moon squared his Moon Mars, so it was a combustible combination.

Tr Neptune was conjunct his Moon as she made her leap, and he paid for his treatment though she shut him out thereafter,

Their relationship chart had a cruelly unkind and explosive composite Mars square Saturn Uranus; and an illusory/disappointing composite Sun trine Neptune. Though out of his torment she spurred him on to write some of the ‘greatest and most lyrical love poetry of the 20th Century.’

A nightmare muse but she did act as a catalyst for some of his most  memorable work.

Leo di Caprio – forty years in the business



Leo di Caprio isn’t short of prestigious projects as he nears his fortieth anniversary in the film and entertainment business, having started at 5 years old in commercials before moving on to television roles. He now produces as well as acts and is scheduled for a Scorsese bio-pic about Roosevelt and a Tarantino horror on the Manson murders scheduled for release in 2019 (doesn’t sound enticing).

Born 11 November 1974 2.47am Los Angeles, he had a fractured childhood with divorced parents and spent part of his childhood with his maternal grandparents in Germany. He has Sun, Mars and Venus in Scorpio in his 2nd, so intensely driven, charming, though not one to forgive and forget if he’s been hurt, focussed on money. He has a creative, self-protective and highly enthusiastic Water Grand Trine of Jupiter trine Mars trine his midheaven. His hard-working, well-organised Saturn in his 10th gives him executive ability though squaring onto his Libra Moon will make him emotionally defensive, all the more so given that his Moon is also conjunct Pluto.

His romantic life has always been tabloid fodder as he moved through a succession of mainly models. His latest, Camila Morrone, 16 June 1997, stepdaughter to Al Pacino is a Gemini with maybe a Scorpio Moon. Though it doesn’t look too hopeful as a long term bet with his Saturn conjunct her Venus and possibly her Moon conjunct his Mars. Her Jupiter in his 5th will make for fun social companionship but it’s likely to be argumentative as well.

He’s going through a sticky year with his Progressed Moon through his 8th until late 2019, so trying to work out what he actually wants from his life, With some Neptunian morale sinkers till late 2020. Then he’ll hit his stride again with a rip-roaring success in 2021/22


Martha Gellhorn – one of the 20th Century greats



‘Love and Ruin’ is a new novel about Martha Gellhorn, the writer and war correspondent, and her relationship with Ernest Hemingway which sparked up during the Spanish Civil War and led to a brief marriage (his fourth).  She was a major figure in the 20th Century with an instinct for being at the centre of events, reporting on the devastating and heart-rending effects of the US Depression in the 1930s; and later on virtually every major world conflict that took place during her 60-year career. Her relationship with Hemingway was always fraught and she refused to be tied down by him, embarking through her life on multiple liaisons.

Born 8 November 1905 in St Louis Missouri (no time sadly), with a suffragette mother and an unbending medical father, she was a Sun Scorpio with a Taurus Moon – emotionally intense, stubborn but always ambivalent about what she wanted. She had the generational, highly-strung Uranus in Capricorn opposition Neptune squaring onto a feisty, impulsive and pro-active Mars in Libra, drawing her into high-risk situations. Her Neptune Uranus was also trine/sextile her Sun.

Her Mars was further emphasised being widely conjunct Mercury in fair-minded Libra and both being in a courageous, high-adrenaline and probably quite ruthless trine to Pluto North Node in Gemini. The North Node is associated with the zeitgeist or spirit of the times and she’d be drawn to the darker side with Pluto Mars. Oddly enough for someone attracted to danger she had only one Fire sign – Saturn in self-reliant Aries – so wouldn’t be as trusting about her survival as her lifestyle suggested.

Her Venus in Libra opposed Saturn and squared Uranus so she’d be constantly searching and never finding what she wanted emotionally.

She was adamant in later years that she wouldn’t talk about Hemingway since she didn’t want to be ‘a footnote’ in his life. She was very much her own woman.

Born 21 July 1899 8am Oak Park, Illinois, he was a Cancer with a Capricorn Moon so at a simplistic level it wasn’t a bad match. Her Sun was in his 3rd for intellectual rapport and her Jupiter was conjunct his Virgo Ascendant so she’d brighten his life. But her defensive and independent Saturn was on the cusp of his 8th and square his Moon, and her Uranus was conjunct his Moon and opposition his Venus for an erratic mix.

Their relationship chart was adventurous with a composite Mars Uranus in a hard-edged trine to Saturn, so would do well in risky situations. But the composite Sun squared an unstable, constantly-changing Uranus opposition Pluto. Passion with the composite Venus sextile Pluto, but not for long with Venus trine Uranus.

Her leaving-a-legacy-for-history was heavily aspected; as was her writer’s 21H.

UK – the lessons of history ** add on



Wave a magic wand and the Brexit referendum never took place. But with it or without it, the same planetary influences will occur. Tr Uranus will still move through the UK 8th house from circa 2019 till 2027 bringing deep-seated financial and emotional upheavals; with a peak-collision around 2021/2022 when the Solar Arc Uranus and tr Uranus conjunct the UK 8th house Mars; and the Solar Arc Midheaven will still square the UK Neptune around 2024.

Looking at previous occurrences:

URANUS THROUGH the UK 8th house:

1936 to 1943 – kicking off with the death of King George V, and abdication of King Edward V111 to marry Wallis Simpson, the Jarrow March against poverty and unemployment; Chamberlain’s Munich Agreement with Hitler, then World War 11 where it was not remotely clear in the early years there would be victory. Tr Uranus was conjunct the UK Mars for the Coronation of King George V1.

[During this period in 1942 Solar Arc Neptune was square the UK Midheaven when Singapore surrendered to Japan, arguably the most devastating loss in British military history.]

Uranus in UK 8th: 1852 to 1859 – the Highland Clearances, the Crimean War (a war of “notoriously incompetent international butchery”.) which was declared on the final transit of Uranus to the UK Mars.

[And if once assumes minus mathematics work: Uranus in UK 1801 8th: 1768 to 1775 – American Revolution leading to the loss of the US colonies.]

SOLAR ARC URANUS SQUARE UK Mars in 8th – 1930, more or less at the same time as SOLAR ARC MC SQUARE UK NEPTUNE: – the Great Depression arrived on the back of the 1929 Wall Street Crash.

One way or another momentous events, with loss of face, dents to national pride and financial hardship. Though there would be additional astrological influences for all of the above occasions which are not recurring this time round.


Add on: From Hugh: ’During a previous occurrence (of Uranus in Taurus)  in the early 1600s Elizabeth 1 died and the Stuart dynasty united the thrones of England and Scotland. Roll the clock forward to the late 1680s and Uranus was in Taurus when the Glorious Revolution occurred. It was there again in the early 1770s in the run up to the American War of Independence and the loss of the American colonies.For me though the big similarity looks to be the comparison to the Uranus transit of Taurus between 1515 and 1523 which also occurred when Pluto and Saturn were in Capricorn and formed a Conjunction in January 1518. That occurred at the start of the Reformation and had huge global significance not just for the UK but also for the entire planet.’

October 2017 post on Uranus through Taurus: Uranus, on its 84 year cycle, moves into Taurus May 15th 2018 staying for 7 years, the first time since 1934 to 1941.   Uranus is inventive and experimental and Taurus is earthy and practical, so no surprises that on previous occurrences there were new discoveries. In the later 1930s there were major advances in technology in aviation, radio, and film. On a previous occasion, in the late 17th Century, street lighting was introduced in London. There was also widespread exploration across the globe and major advances in astronomy, including the first sighting of Uranus (which was mis-named). Taurus being earthy and quite anal, no surprises either that sewage systems and toilets came to the fore.

Taurus is also acquisitive for money and possessions so from past experience trade became a pressing and not always compassionate drive. During the Uranus in Taurus of 1600 England starts trade with Asia; two Uranus in Taurus later it moves into Bengal with catastrophic results for the population; 2 million die in a famine and the East India Company raises their taxes and ships the revenues out of the country! The Same Brit company then takes over the North American tea trade, which leads, due to their punitive taxation, into the American Revolution.

The Bengal famine narrative repeated in a different location during the mid 19th Century Uranus in Taurus in Ireland. The potato crop failed, which starved a million to death and a million emigrated, with the British overlords, who were partly the cause of the population’s reliance on one crop, continuing to send foodstuffs to the UK. And that is a wound which has never healed.

It isn’t easy to extrapolate the effect of Uranus in Taurus from other influences ongoing. The mid 19th Century Uranus in Taurus came on the back of a Saturn Pluto Uranus conjunction in late Aries/Taurus, so was always going to be a time of upheaval and devastation.

The most similar to this one would be the 1767 Uranus in Taurus with Pluto in Capricorn about to oppose Saturn in Cancer, with Neptune in Virgo. Apart from the horrors of the Bengal famine, James Watts’ steam-engine inventions drove the Industrial Revolution into being; and the first mechanical spinning frame for fabric weaving also appeared.

The most recent 1935 to 1941 Uranus in Taurus came on the back of the Great Depression of the decade following 1929, with widespread poverty and unemployment leading to authoritarian regimes emerging in several countries, most notably German with Hitler rising to power from 1933; and Stalin’s Great Purge of 1936-38 with 600,000 being executed in Russia by the state.

In 1935 Uranus was just over the square to Pluto in Cancer, so not dissimilar to now – and it ended with a Saturn Uranus conjunction trine Neptune in Virgo in 1941. Territorial greed is clearly also one of its manifestations; as well as inhumane methods in the pursuit of power.

Overall conclusion would be good and bad. Innovative yes. Power and money hungry also.

Jodie Foster – drawn to the dark side



Jodie Foster, the double Oscar-winner is back with her first role in five years in Hotel Artemis, playing an alcoholic nurse treating wounded bad guys in private hospital for criminals in a dystopian future Los Angeles. Described as ‘a watchable and stylish piece of work, anchored by a very strong performance from Foster, who has been aged up to look older than her years.’

She’s another who has had a very long career, starting aged 3 in commercials; playing a teenage prostitute in Scorsese’s Taxi Driver at 12; and then transitioning into adult roles in The Accused as a rape survivor; and later most memorably in The Silence of the Lambs. She’s never picked conventional or light-hearted roles, and more recently has taken to directing. She also carries the weight of being the object of John Hinckley’s obsession, who tried to impress her by attempting to assassinate Ronald Reagan, wounding him and three others. This after seeing her in Taxi Driver.

She was born 19 November 1962 8.14 am Los Angeles to a mother who divorced before she was born and she never knew her father. She has a 12th house Sun Mercury in Scorpio with Venus Neptune also in Scorpio and all square Mars in Leo at the end of the 8th house – very intense, private with all of Scorpio’s attraction to the darker side of life. Her 9th house Virgo Moon is conjunct Uranus Pluto and opposition Jupiter – so confident, adventurous but has had an erratic emotional life. Her Saturn in cool Aquarius is opposition a leadership North Node in Leo in her 8th.

Her actor’s 15th harmonic is heavily aspected though strained with a T square of Jupiter Moon MC; and a Yod of Mars (Pluto) Jupiter onto an apex Neptune.

She’ll probably slide out of sight again after this movie launch with Jupiter through her 12th for a few months; and more so with Saturn through the nadir of her first quadrant for another two or three years.  Though she may bounce up in 2021 when her Solar Arc MC squares her Jupiter.

David McCallum – a Virgo with staying power



Actor David McCallum is still strutting the boards on television aged 85, as ‘Ducky’ the medical examiner on the hugely popular Naval crime drama NCIS. He’s had a long and illustrious career making his name as the Russian spy Ilya Kuryakin in The Man from UNCLE in the 1960s.

Born 19 September 1933 at 2am in Glasgow, Scotland, into a family of classical musicians he intended to make that his career but switched to acting. His first marriage to Jill Ireland ended in divorce, but his second has lasted for 51 years and he’s now a naturalised US citizen. He’s also now writing crime fiction.

He has a sharp-witted 3rd house Virgo Sun with Mercury Jupiter in Libra also in the 3rd; a dreamy Moon Neptune in Virgo; and an intense Venus Mars in Scorpio in his family 4th.  Plus a forensic Saturn in Aquarius. Maverick Uranus is in his 10th square a 12th house Pluto. It’s a fairly disjointed chart but is strong in quintiles and septiles. The 14th Harmonic is especially marked – good for communication with high nervous energy.