Valerie Storie – A6 murder – overcoming horror

Valerie StorieJames Hanratty

Valerie Storie has died, who was raped, repeatedly shot and left for dead in 1961 in the infamous A6 murder which left her married boyfriend dead. She identified James Hanratty who was found guilty and hanged, posthumously cleared after a public outcry. Later DNA testing proved beyond doubt he had done it. She spent the rest of her life in a wheelchair, going back to work within a year and supporting her parents.

She was born 24 December 1938 and was a Sun Capricorn square Saturn in self-reliant Aries; and she had a Yod of Sun sextile Jupiter inconjunct Pluto so confident, intense and ultra-determined, though not always good at co-operation.

Hanratty, 4 Oct 1936 12.05am London, was a 4th house Sun Mercury in Libra; with Uranus in Taurus inconjunct Sun and trine Mars, opposition Venus in Scorpio and square Pluto; and a Mutable T Square of Saturn in Pisces opposition Neptune square Jupiter in Sagittarius. So volatile, emotionally conflicted and very highly strung. He had previously been described as mentally deficient, a psychopath, a pathological liar and ineducable after a childhood concussive accident.

Tr Jupiter was opposition his Pluto Ascendant when he committed the rape/murder, in a macabre way giving him the confidence to do it.

Hanratty’s Libra Sun was opposition Valerie’s Saturn; his Venus conjunct her Mars in Scorpio with his Uranus opposition her Mars; and her Moon was opposition his Pluto. In that spooky way of random encounters between people who had never met before, there was a definite cross over.

Their relationship chart was very marked with a hard Water Grand Trine of Moon Saturn trine Pluto trine composite Sun, formed into two Kites with a struggle-for-the-upper-hand Pluto opposition Jupiter; and a paranoid Moon Saturn opposition Neptune.

Hanratty’s chart also impacted sharply on Michael Gregsten’s chart, 28 Dec 1924, Valerie’s lover and his murder victim. Gregsten was a Capricorn Sun opposition Pluto square Mars in Aries – which collided with Hanratty’s Libra Sun.

One thought on “Valerie Storie – A6 murder – overcoming horror

  1. Excellent work. You avoided the stilted, formal language of astrology to the benefit of the reader, without sacrificing accuracy. Much appreciated! Now, here comes August 1st, 2016, and Hillary Clinton’s second Pluto 45* Jupiter, and her August 5th Neptune 150* Neptune. Should be interesting. And thank God that Mars Rx in Scorpio has ended its (literally) bloody regime of the past four weeks.

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