Zayn Malik – walking a high-wire



Zayn Malik, formerly of the boy band One Direction  shot to fame via Simon Cowell and The X Factor talent show, is now going solo though seems plagued with what he describes as anxiety, which he said was why he didn’t promote his first album. He has now split from his manager at her request.

Born 12 January 1993 10am Bradford, England, he has a British Pakistani father and an Anglo-Irish mother. He does have a high-wire, overly-excitable chart with a Capricorn Sun conjunct Neptune, Uranus, Mercury opposing Mars in Cancer square Jupiter in Libra. Uranus Neptune can be inspired though also obsessive and not always rational. Mars in Cancer is volatile on its own; and opposition four Capricorn planets will wind him up. His worry-wart Moon in Virgo is trine Uranus Neptune Mercury Sun and sextile Mars, which won’t do much to keep him calm.   The focal point Jupiter will help to smooth a few rough edges but can go to excess.   His Pluto in Scorpio is also prominent, being sextile Sun, trine Mars and square Saturn. All in all a good deal to cope with especially in early adult life.

He’s had a tough time astro-wise in recent years with tr Uranus square tr Pluto hitting on his Mars and Mercury, which would be scary, trapped, argumentative, mentally stressed. 2017/2018 has tr Pluto conjunct his Uranus Neptune which will bring confusion and tension; with tr Pluto then conjunct his Sun in 2019/2020 which is highly pressured and challenging.

He has branched out into fashion, wants to pursue further education and supports Asian charities for disadvantaged children.

His Saturn Return in 2022 might settle him down.


One thought on “Zayn Malik – walking a high-wire

  1. Thank you, Marjorie. I think this is a heck of a lot for a young person to go through and I hope that the rumours of drug addiction turn out to be an exaggeration. He has been going through a reclusive period for some time, backing out of gigs due to anxiety. I have a bad feeling about this one. Saturn in Aquarius in the twelfth semisextile Uranus/Neptune in Capricorn in the eleventh fills me with unease. Plus he will undergo the dreaded Pluto transit Sun in the next couple of years.

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