Zayn Malik, formerly of One Direction, has denied hitting Yolanda Hadid, the mother of his erstwhile partner Gigi Hadid in a domestic argument. The couple who have had an on off relationship since 2015 have reportedly split. Supermodel Gigi Hadid is sister to fellow models Bella and Anwar and the daughter of Yolanda Hadid, a Dutch-American television personality and former model, best known as a star of the American reality-television show The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Shades of the Kardashians.
Yolanda, 11 January 1964, is an ambitious Sun Mars in Capricorn with her Sun square Jupiter, trine sextile Neptune and trine Pluto; and a sophisticated, chilly Venus Saturn in Aquarius. A force to be reckoned with.
Zayn Malik, 12 January 1993 10 am Bradford, England, is a highly-strung Sun, Neptune, Uranus, Mercury in Capricorn opposition a volatile Mars in Cancer so he probably has a short fuse. And his relationship chart with the putative mother-in-law was and is ferociously hostile with a composite Mars opposition Pluto square a tussle-for-the-upper-hand Jupiter Sun. Not a good combo with her controlling Pluto conjunct his Virgo Moon.
Gigi Hadid, 23 April 1995 6.26am Los Angeles, is a Sun Taurus with Pluto in the 7th which will attract her to intense partners. Her mother comes across in her chart as forceful with a Moon opposition Mars; and her Moon is conjunct her mother’s Saturn for a chilly interface, plus she has the highly-strung Uranus Neptune in her 10th which also represents mother. But their relationship chart is affectionate enough with a composite Sun Venus and only a minor spot of irritation from a composite Mars trine Saturn.
All a fuss about nothing much in the lives of less than amiable types.
This photo seems to tell a story about Malik’s Venus in Pisces on the AC. Assuming birth time is accurate, I see there “a lover, not a fighter.” Though that’s just what we see of him up front, in isolation from the rest of the chart. My hubby also has his Venus at 9 Pisces, but in the 7th house. It makes for a very romantic soul. Though the rose-colored glasses Malik seems to have for women may also lead to disappointment. I also note Malik is one of the Uranus conjunct Neptune in Capricorn kids, with an 11th house stellium, so his fame is no surprise. For better or worse, bound to be a trendsetter. His Pluto in Scorpio 8th is certainly acquainted with the darker side of life. One of my nieces was born about a week and a half after Malik, but her houses are different. Shes been very blessed in life. She is a cardiac nurse studying to become a nurse practitioner. What you do with the hand you’re dealt matters, of course.
Zahn Malik was a junkie for a long time (don’t know if he’s clean not now or not) and Gigi was too for several years. Meanwhile Yolanda Hadid praised Zahn and Gigi’s relationship even when her daughter was doing serious drugs with Zahn for a long time. Gigi only got clean this past year and stayed that way during her pregnancy and hopefully is still clean being a mother herself now.
Also even though Zahn declared himself no longer a Muslim (don’t mean that in a disparaging way) he did not condone or try to stop his sister’s arranged marriage last year even though she was only 16.
I agree the Hadid’s (including their dad/Yolanda’s ex-husband) are all a piece of work and Yolanda encouraged her daughters to get lots of plastic surgery to become models when they were only in their teens.
Yup shades of the Kardashians sounds about right…
I’m not condoning his utter nonsense, but one of the write ups you did that stayed with me was Malik’s. His chart is a lot tougher than I thought it would be…within that fluffy pop world.
Yolanda showed the world who she is on her reality show.