Yamal – high hopes on young shoulders

Lamine Yamal, the 17 year old (just) Spanish footballer has been lauded as the standout star of this year’s European Championship in Germany with talk of him becoming one of the greats like Messi, Ronaldo, Pele, Maradona.

  He was born 13 July 2007 near Barcelona into a Moroccan immigrant family and brought up in a tough, poor area. He has a Cancer Sun with Moon Mercury in Cancer; and a determined Mars in Taurus which is in a publicity-attracting square to Neptune opposition Saturn. His Mars is further influenced being on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine of Sun trine Uranus.

  There is not a huge amount to be gleaned from a chart without a birth time but his global-superstar 22nd harmonic has a super-successful Jupiter Pluto conjunction which may be a pointer.

 Pele, 21 October 1940, Brazil, also had Jupiter conjunct Pluto and Saturn in his 22nd harmonic. He was a Sun Libra with a Gemini Moon; and his Mars in Libra was conjunct his North Node.

Lionel Messi, 24 June 1987 Argentina was another Sun Cancer with Mercury and Mars also in Cancer; and a Gemini Moon. His 22nd harmonic had Jupiter square Pluto.

Maradona, 30 October 1960 Argentina, was a Sun Neptune in Scorpio trine Mars in Cancer, with his Mars opposition Saturn and a Pisces Moon. His 9th harmonic has a talented Kite from Sun trine Jupiter trine Saturn, Sun opposition Pluto.

Cristiano Ronaldo, 5 February 1985, seems the odd one out with no Cancer planets and a Fixed not Mutable Moon, but he does have Pluto square his Jupiter natally – and he does have a strongly aspected superstar 22nd harmonic, though mainly Jupiterian not Pluto aspects.

Yamal is clearly under pressure at the moment but has a good deal of Jupiterian uplift from later next week and on to the end of this year. Offers will be piling up.

15 thoughts on “Yamal – high hopes on young shoulders

  1. Thank you for the post, Marjorie! I’ve followed football since the 1980’s, and more consciously since the 1990’s. Yamal gets all sorts of comparisons, most to Messi, but to me, he is unlike anyone I’ve seen. I see shades of our Jari Litmanen who I think I saw playing live the first time when he was 19 for the capacity to read the game and positioning. I see shades of Roberto Baggio for very creative solutions in 1-to-1 situations. Also, shades of very young Ronaldo (before he built muscles, and I feel Yamal will eventually do this too, he is some young). I only hope Yamal has better knees than some mentioned, who had constant issues. Then again, sport surgery, as surgery in whole, has made leaps forward in the past 25 years that are amazing.

    Being a teen sensation is tough mentally, too. But somehow I think Cancer Sun/Cancer Moon combination is great here. I have observed people with the combo a lot, two of my close friends are double Cancerians, and their ability to switch from the skills required to do their job really well to complete “zone out” is amazing.

  2. Does any angle of the start of the match touch any important planet in the chart of Spain or the UK or their respective national team managers?

  3. Thanks Marjorie. Yamal certainly plays beautiful football. Interesting to see Messi, Mars conjunct BML, Ronaldo, Mars conjunct BML, Maradona – like Messi with Mars in Cancer conjunct BML, and Yamal Mars and Ceres opposition BML. Pele has BML square Chiron and Pluto. I feel that there’s work to be done on Black Moon Lilith, and what kind of catalyst it might be. I’m not satisfied entirely with the witchy Lilith interpretations but am still exploring the whole thing. My own BML is very involved with my chart.
    Anyway, very good luck to England in the final. Spain are the better team, I am very sorry to say. But then, the best team doesn’t always win these tournaments – and I know this because I’ve been watching football since I was a child! Be magical if England did manage it. A nerve-shredding evening awaits.

    • Yes, Spain have definitely been playing better than England throughout this tournament, in fact its fair to say England have been terrible in all but the first 20mins of the first match and the 1st half of the semi-final.

      England have had appallingly bad luck over the last 60+ years on decisions, penalties & hands of God, it has always gone against them. But this time they have had some very good fortune, its been going their way.

      As a big England fan I’m clinging on to what M said above that Yamal’s jupiter uplifts him later next week (& not right now). Yamal will emerge as the star of this tournement, but maybe just maybe England will emerge the winners. I have my paws crossed.

      • Thanks Belle. Enjoy tomorrow, if that’s at all possible! Young Yamal has many years ahead, and will be happy to be in the final anyway I suspect. His Cancerian energies, like Messi’s, will hopefully ensure he’s in for the long haul as the Crab doesn’t let go easily. Much to enjoy when Spain play other teams…..Come on England.

    • @Jane, interesting observation! I think I’ll look at some other players in football, maybe sports people more widely.

      One observation I’ve made is related to Mercury: Racecar drivers whose TOB is known have a MC/Mercury connection of some sort. Ayrton Senna had Neptune/MC, and I also associate Neptune to raw talent.

  4. Lower legs including the calves and ankles…ruled by 11th House, Aquarius, Uranus (Saturn).
    Upper legs, ruled by 9th House, Jupiter, Sagittarius
    Knees, knee caps are ruled by Saturn, Capricorn and 10th House.

  5. Hi Unmystic Mom, a good reference for body parts is Rex Bills soft cover book titled
    “The Rulership Book”. In that book, for “feet, deformities of the feet” he gives the
    following rulers….12th House, Jupiter, Neptune, Pisces, (Mercury)
    If you don’t have the book, you could also GOOGLE and ask for….
    What rules the feet and other body parts in astrology..

  6. Yamal has BML at 19Scorpio…..here’s Sepharial’s interp on thatt degree…”a mind
    given to disputes and assaults, eager in contention. A formidable and untiring adversary.
    A man of sharp wit but his enemies will also be numeroug. Head-strong & quick tempered,
    he will yet bear himself bravely & honourably in strife, and his enemies will have much
    respect for him, while his friends will hold him up as a champion.

  7. Yamal has Black Moon Lilith opposite his Mars…..
    This aspect tends to give you an adventurous, masculine life. You are courageous and skilled. You are methodical with the ability to focus; you dislike being interrupted. Your work can be ahead of its time. It is possible that you could provoke opposition through arrogance and insensitivity. You have a confrontational style which aids in sports.”
    Here are the other soccer players with their aspect to BML
    Pele h BML opp his Mars with Neptune, the feet, rising; Maradona has BML conj Mars;
    Ronaldo has BML conj Mars sextile Asc-Neptune, the feet; and Messi has BML conj Mars
    opposition Neptune, rulling the feet.

    • Martha, where do you get the association between Neptune and the feet? Could it also be interpreted as legs rather than just feet?
      I know that the signs themselves are associated with body parts, but I didn’t know that planets were so associated too. Would you happen to have a list for the other planets and body parts?

  8. I hope this yound lad can fulfil his potential…. but not tomorrow Yamal, don’t be your brilliant self tomorrow against England!

  9. Thank you Marjorie. He was so impressive in the Spain vs France game. Look at that Venus at 29 degrees Leo – that degree does seem to thrust individuals from obscurity to fame rapidly and it’s currently the focal point of a Yod with transit Neptune and Pluto.

    The triumph of hope over experience perhaps, but good luck to England in the final tomorrow.

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